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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/27 15:23  英语辅导报

  中英两种语言的结构有很大不同,词序便是其中之一。例如英语单数人称代词(singular personal pronouns)的排列顺序是:you and I; he and I; you, he and I。you常常居前;I则殿后。复数人称代词(plural personal pronouns)的位置是:we and you; you and they; we, you and they。we常常在最前;they在最后。



  现在试再举些其他词序差异的例子:①要分清敌我→We must distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.②男女老少→men and women, young and old③发展钢铁工业→develop the iron and steel industry。

  此外,中英文并列的词语有轻重之分。中文往往把重的词放在前,把分量较轻的置后;英语则恰恰相反:轻者在前,重者在后。例如:④无地和少地的农民→those peasants who have little or no land⑤救死扶伤→heal the wounded and rescue the dying ("扶"也可译为"support"或"assist")⑥使人民经济有所增长,有所补充→We must help the people to supplement and expand their economy.


  其实,不谈两种不同语言的词序,就英语本身来说,词序(word order)问题也是经常出现的错误之一,只是不如其他错误普遍罢了。

  ⒈频率副词(adverbs of frequency),如:

  ⑦a. Jim always is happy.

  b. Jim is always happy.

  ⒉倒装句(inverted constructions),如:

  ⑧a. Only by working hard you can become useful to the country.

  b. Only by working hard can you become useful to the country.

  ⑨a. Seldom I have seen such an irrational person.

  b. Seldom have I seen such an irrational person.

  ⑩a. Under no circumstances we will help those not wishing to help themselves.

  b. Under no circumstances will we help those not wishing to help themselves.

  ⒊可分开的片语动词宾语(objects of separable phrasal verbs),如:

  {11}a. Take off it now!

  b. O.K. Let me take it off straight away.



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