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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > Brian美语第二十法则 口语永远不会获得进步的人的特征

The Not-So-Good Learner
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/27 15:42  新浪教育

  Don't try to say anything that you don't know how to say;

  Avoid making mistakes so as not to appear foolish『显得愚蠢』;

  Pay little attention to your own speech or the speech of others;

  Rely too much on grammar;

  Don't try to guess at meanings;

  Don't practice.


  1、Don't try to say anything that you don't know how to say. /对于自己不知道该如何表达的事情,永远都不试着去说。

  2、Rely too much on grammar:太依赖语法。

  3、Don't try to guess at meanings. /不去猜测(句子的或单词的)含义。

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