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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > Brian美语第十六法则 英语的习惯用法

Brian美语第十六法则 英语的习惯用法
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/20 06:38  新浪教育

  Native English speakers use a lot of idioms『习惯用语』, that is - words used in a way which is not their obvious meaning. An English speaker may say:

  "I do not think much of apples『我不太喜欢苹果』."

  This does not mean he doesn't often think about apples. It means that he does not like apples very much!

  Another example:“He was born with a silver spoon『勺子』in his mouth『他含着银勺子出生(出生于富贵人家)』.”

  This also does not mean when he was born, there is a silver spoon right there in his mouth. It means that he was born in a very rich family.

  The same examples are everywhere!

  But don't worry. You will find that you can understand and communicate even when you have not been learning English for long!『即使开始学英语的时间不长但也能明白别人的谈话,并与人交流!』



  经典例句:Maff can use couples of idioms at the age of four. /玛夫四岁的时候就能说很多习惯用语了。

  2、He was born with a silver spoon in his month. /他出生于富贵人家。

  3、The same examples are everywhere! /同样的例子到处都是!

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