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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > Brian美语第二十一法则 口语会取得进步的人的特征

The Good Language Learner
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/28 08:29  新浪教育

  Struggle hard to communicate, to get your message across『传达清楚』;

  Are willing to make mistakes, even to appear foolish;

  Monitor your own speech and the speech of others, checking for mistakes and deviations『偏差』from intended meaning『预先想表达的意思』;



  1、get across:阐述,表达清楚

  经典例句:I tried to get my idea across, but he just cant understand. /我试着解释我的想法,但他就是听不懂。


  经典例句:Regardless of whether these predictions come true, the fact is his analysis has no deviation. /不管这些预言能否成为现实,事实是,他的分析没有误差。

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