新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > GRE > 托福和GRE机考的全球在线报名服务

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/18 15:58  寄托天下



  该在线报名项目由Thomson Prometric(R)公司负责设计和组织实施。Thomson Prometric(R)公司是由美国教育考试服务中心指定的开展全球机考工作的公司。该服务是上个月开始的,可为全球各地的学生提供快速、简易的托福和GRE机考报名方法。预计美国和加拿大地区的学生最快可于六月份享受在线报名服务。


  考生可以在线选定、修改参加考试的时间或者取消某次考试,也可以在网上看到或打印出他们报名的各种确认信息。考生可用英语、韩语、法语、德语、西班牙语和中文浏览考试的各种说明。在日本和韩国,Thomson Prometric公司可提供在线报名服务。报名时需要一个信用卡(VISA,MasterCard,或 American Express)。报名表提交后考生会收到一封带有身份确认号码的确认信,表明美国教育考试服务中心已收到他们的报名信息。

  美国教育考试服务中心高等教育项目服务处副主任Steve Koffler评论说:“随着计算机在全球的日益普及,改用在线报名是我们为方便广大考生、改进服务的顺理成章的工作步骤。作为世界领先的高等教育入学考试的提供者,我们一直致力于更好地为全球教育界服务。”

  Thomson Prometric 公司全球业务部的高级副总裁Alison Indrisano这样说:“我们很高兴能够一直为美国教育考试服务中心提供考试服务,并为参加托福和GRE的考生提供方便,这是两个覆盖面遍及全球的考试。我们达成了这样的共识,即在全球开展的托福和GRE考试为广大考生实现他们的职业及个人目标提供了可能。”





  关于Thomson Prometric公司

  Thomson Prometric公司(网址:www.prometric.com )是全球领先的服务于学术界、专业人员、政府部门、公司和IT市场的考试和评估服务提供商。它使用26种语言、通过互联网或遍及全球134个国家的测试中心为其300个客户提供标准化考试服务。

  ETS and Thomson Prometric Launch International Online Registration For Computer-Based TOEFL and GRE General Tests

  PRINCETON, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 10, 2004—

  In an effort to increase access and improve service to international students, Educational Testing Service(R) (ETS) is now offering online registration for the computer-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (R) (TOEFL) and Graduate Record Examinations(R) (GRE) General Tests.

  The online registration process is designed and operated by Thomson Prometric(R), the company that ETS uses for its worldwide computer-based testing. The service began last month and provides a quick and easy way for international students to register for the computer-based TOEFL and GRE General Tests. Online registration for U.S. and Canadian students taking these exams is anticipated to be available in June.

  The TOEFL and GRE online registration sites offer test takers a drop-down list of countries. User-friendly menus help test takers quickly identify the test center location of their choice.

  Test takers can schedule, reschedule or cancel a test as well as view and print a confirmation with all their appointment details. Instructions are provided in English, Korean, French, German, Spanish and Chinese. In Japan and Korea, Thomson Prometric offers online registration in Japanese and Korean. A credit card (VISA, MasterCard, or American Express) is required to register. Once the registration is submitted, a confirmation page with a session ID is displayed confirming ETS received the registration.

  "With computer use and availability so widespread around the world, moving to online registration was the next logical step in our efforts to increase access and improve service to students," says Steve Koffler, Vice President of Higher Education programs at ETS. "As the world's leading provider of tests used for admission to higher education, we are constantly striving to better serve the international education community."

  "We're pleased to continue offering ETS testing services that increase its access to and convenience for GRE and TOEFL test takers - testing services with such an expansive global reach," said Alison Indrisano, Senior Vice President of Global Operations at Thomson Prometric. "It's our joint vision that these global testing services enable GRE and TOEFL test takers to realize their professional and personal goals."

  The TOEFL and GRE programs recommend test takers use the online registration service well in advance of deadlines, in the morning or early afternoon (Eastern Standard Time), or on weekends when there is less online traffic.

  Access to ETS's online registration process can be reached at


  About ETS

  Founded in 1947, ETS is the world's largest private, nonprofit educational testing and measurement organization and a leader in education research. ETS products and services measure knowledge and skills, promote learning and performance, and support education and professional development. ETS is located on the Web at www.ets.org.

  About Thomson Prometric

  Thomson Prometric ( www.prometric.com ) is the global leader in technology-enabled testing and assessment services for academic, professional, government, corporate and information technology markets. Thomson Prometric delivers standardized tests for 300 clients, in 26 languages, over the Web or through a global network of testing centers in 134 countries.

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