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高中英语辅导:Giving advice (提忠告)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/24 11:03  英语辅导报


  Useful Expressions

  1. -I think you'd better buy the book. It includes a lot of useful words and phrases.我想你最好买下这本书。它里面含有许多有用的单词和词组。 

   -All right. I'll take it.好的,我买下来。

  2. -Oh, there is something wrong with my bike.哦,我的自行车坏了。

   -Your bike is rather old. Why not buy a new one?你的车子太旧了。为何不买辆新的?

  3. -I want to learn how to use the computer. What should I learn first?我想学学电脑。我应该先学什么?

   -Well, I will teach you to open files, save files and copy files.嗯,我来教你怎样打开文件,保存文件和复制文件。

  4. -My weight has gone up again.我又胖了。

   -Why don't you go on a diet?你为何不节食呢?

  5. -I've tried diets before but they've never worked.我以前试过节食,但从不起作用。

   -Perhaps you should exercise more. Why don't you go to an exercise class?也许你该多锻炼。为什么不去健美班呢?

  6. -I don't think it's a good idea not to eat breakfast. A good breakfast is of great importance to your health.我认为不吃早饭不是好主意。好的早餐对健康很重要。

  -Thanks for your advice. I'll try my best to do that in future.谢谢你的忠告。我今后会尽力去做的。

  7. -My English teacher is always speaking English in class! I can't understand sometimes.我的英语老师上课老是讲英语!我有时听不懂。

   -I think she's right. I advise you to speak English in your English class too. It's a good chance to put your English to practical use.我认为她是对的。我建议你英语课上也说英语。这是练习英语的好机会。

  8. -I don't feel like sitting at


   -I suggest a walk to the gym where we can play ping-pong and meet some of our friends.我建议去体育馆,我们可以打乒乓球,再见见几个朋友。

  9. -What do we have for supper?我们晚饭吃什么?

   -How about having Chinese food for a change?换换口味吃中餐怎么样?

  10. -I make a phone call to my aunt in America once a week.我每周打一次电话给美国的姑姑。

  -Why not send e-mails through the Internet? It's

  cheap and convenient.为何不发伊妹儿呢?它便宜且方便。

  11. -I advise you not to spend most of your spare time online chatting with friends all over the country.我劝你不要把大部分业余时间都用于在上网和朋友聊天上。

   -Thank you. I'll take your advice.谢谢你。我接受你的忠告。

  12. -I would suggest you give up smoking. It's bad not only for yourself but for others.我建议你把烟戒掉。它不但对你自己有害,而且还对他人不利。

  -Thank you for your kindness. I'll try to give it up.谢谢你的好意。我会设法戒掉的。

  13. -It's Sunday today. Would you be interested in doing something outdoors?今天是星期天。你对户外活动感兴趣吗?

   -Great! I've been expecting that.太棒了!我正盼着呢!

  (文/衡爱明;英语辅导报高中一年级版 03~04学年第38期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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