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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/24 11:11  英语辅导报

  日常交际用语是高考《英语科考试说明》中明确规定的考点。从命题形式上来看,主要有听力、单项填空、改错等题型。日常交际用语受语言环境、说话人的身份、语气、表达时的感情色彩及情态动词用法等的影响,要求我们把上下文作为一个整体来理解,注意固定套语的用法;注意中外文化的差异;注意口语中的省略形式等。本期和下期的"口语之窗"将对高一(下)上半学期日常用语命题热点进行聚焦,以提高同学们英语的实际运用能力。在上半学期所辅导的日常用语项目中,主要易考的项目有:Seeing the doctor, Talking about festivals, Asking for permission, Giving instructions。限于篇幅,命题热点我们以简短对话的形式出现,划线处为常见命题方式,但万变不离其宗,只有同学们掌握各个话题的常见表达法,才能以不变应万变,在做题时得心应手,左右逢源!

  1.-I'm feeling tired, doctor.

  -Have a good rest and then you'll feel better.

  2. -Doctor, she is not feeling well.

  -Nothing serious, I hope.

  3.-What's the matter / wrong with you?/ What's your trouble?

  -I've had a pain in my stomach since this morning.

  4.-You look pale, John. What's wrong with you?

  -Why? I'm not myself today. (=I'm not feeling well today.)

  5. -I have got a cough and this place hurts.

  -Take it easy. Let me examine you.

  6. -How is he?

  -Nothing but a slight headache these days.

  7. -How long has this been going on?

  -Since three days ago.

  8. -You should eat less meat, more vegetables and exercise more.

  -Thank you for your advice.

  9. -Are you feeling any better?

  -Yes, much better.

  10.-What do you think of the opinion?

  -Nobody has given me a better piece of advice.

  11.-Please let me help you.

  -No, thanks. I can manage it myself.

  12.-May I call you James?

  -Of course, if you wish.

  13. -Excuse me, may I use your dictionary?

  -Yes, here you are.

  14. -Hello, may I have an appointment with the headmaster?

  -Certainly. Wait a minute, please.

  15. -Do you mind if I sit here?

  -Not at all./ Of course not. /Certainly not. / No, go ahead. /I'm sorry, it's not allowed./ I'd rather you didn't.

  16. -I wonder if I could use your bike.

  -Sure, go ahead.

  17. -Shall I help you with the suitcase?

  -It's all right, thanks.

  18. -Could I turn down the TV?

  -Yes, you can. / I'm afraid not.

  19. -Would it be possible for you to buy this book for me on your way home?

  -Sure. I'll be glad to.

  20. -Could you possibly take care of my dog while I'm away?

  -Sure. Leave it to me, please.

  21.-Look! John's fallen asleep.

  -Oh, he must have stayed up too late last night.

  22.-Is he likely to turn up at today's meeting?

  -Yes, I think so.

  23.-How is my coat?

  -I don't think the colors of thecoat and hat match.

  24.-What's he like?

  -He is very humorous.

  25.-What's the matter with you?

  -While I was cleaning the window, my finger was cut unexpectedly.

  26. -I hear you talk about your friend John so much. What does he look like?

  -Well, he's a bit tall. He's always well dressed.

  27. -How do you find the soup in my restaurant?

  -I have never had such delicious soup before.

  28. -How did you find your missing pen?

  -It writes well.

  29. -What do you think of the film?

  -It's very interesting and worth seeing again.

  30. -What does she look like?

  -She is pretty and tall as well.

  (文/衡爱明;英语辅导报高中一年级版 03~04学年第35、36期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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