英语辅导报大学一年级版:美国习语学习 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/27 09:08 英语辅导报 |
1. play it by ear play it by ear的意思并不是"玩耳朵".这个词的来源和音乐有关系.它原来指的是那些会弹钢琴或演奏某种乐器,但是却不认识五线谱的人.每当他们要弹奏某个曲调时,只能凭着上一回听到的记忆来弹.不过,现在这个词组已经成为日常用语了,意思是:事先没计划,走着瞧,或到时候再看着办.例如: "I haven't had a chance to prepare any notes, so all I can do is to start talking and play it by ear.""我今天没有什么准备,所以就只好讲到哪儿算哪儿了." 2. lead sb. by the nose be led by the nose是一种很不愉快的经历.它的意思就是一个人全部在别人的控制之下,就像一头牲口被人用绳子牵着鼻子走一样.例如: "Ed's wife is a strong-minded woman and leads him around by the nose." "埃德的太太是一个个性很强的女人,埃德简直就是被她牵着鼻子走." 3. rain check rain check的意思就是,你买了票,但是因为下雨而没看成球,为了补偿你的损失,就给你一张下次可以用的免费票.不过,现在这个词已经不局限在比赛、表演方面了.它已经应用于生活的各个方面.其意思是:给予第二次机会.假如一个男孩要请一个女孩子去吃晚饭,可是这女孩当天已经有了约会.她可能会说: "I'd love to go out with you, Ben. I'm sorry I'm busy tonight, but I'd like a rain check.""本,我很愿意和你出去玩.但是,非常抱歉的是我今晚很忙.我们下回去玩,好吗?" 4. in the clouds in the clouds可以解释为:心不在焉.请看下面这个例子,这是一个人在说她的朋友: "Sally is my best friend but she walked right past me today,and didn't even say hello. Her head certainly was in the clouds - it looked like her mind was a thousand miles away." "萨莉是我最好的朋友,可是,她今天从我身旁走过,连招呼都没有跟我打.她肯定在白日做梦,看起来她的心思好像在千里之外." 5. on a cloud on a cloud是很高兴的意思,高兴得走路轻飘飘的,好像腾云驾雾一样.下面这个大学生就是一个例子: "I've been on a cloud all day long --I heard this morning that I got an A on my final biochemistry exam." "我今天一天都很高兴,因为我早上听说,我生物化学期末考试得了一个甲." 6. give up the ghost give up the ghost既然是向鬼投降了,那便是随鬼而去了,其实际意思也就是"死了".例如: "My poor aunt was in bed with cancer for six months before she finally gave up the ghost." "我那可怜的老姨妈得了癌,在床上躺了半年后终于去世了." give up the ghost不一定指人,它还可以用来说别的东西,例如那些磨损很厉害无法修理的机器等: "I need money to buy a new car. My old one is twelve years old and I'm afraid it's ready to give up the ghost." "我需要钱去买一辆新车.我那辆老车已经开了十二年,恐怕是要完蛋了." 7. put on the dog put on the dog就是摆排场给别人看的意思.大概一百多年以前,一些有钱的人往往花很多钱去买一只珍稀品种的小狗来显示自己很有钱.一些阔太太们经常在接待客人的时候把一只小狗抱在腿上来炫耀自己的阔气.当时耶鲁大学的学生就创造了put on the dog这一说法来嘲笑那些暴发户.例如: "Joe Doak is sure putting on the dog since his rich aunt died and left him 10 million dollars. He's bought the biggest house in town and a Mercedes 600, and talks about buying some riding horses." "乔·多克自从他姨妈去世,留给他一千万美元遗产以后,他可真是摆阔气.他买了城里最大的一栋房子,还有一辆奔驰600型汽车.他还说要买几匹马供他骑着玩呢." (文/杨自德 英语辅导报大学一年级版03~04学年第36期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |
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