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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/11 10:00  寄托天下


  accordian adj. 折叠的 n 手风琴

  accordion: fold

  crease: folding= hole: perforating

  ace n.. 极小量;佼佼者

  ace: amount

  inkling: knowledge= modicum: quantity

  actionable adj. 可引起诉讼的

  actionable: indict

  despicable: contempt= reprehensible: censure

  ado n. 纷乱;小题大做;麻烦

  ado对calm welter对orderly arrangement

  aerosol n. 浮质 a suspension of fine solid or liquid particles in gas

  mist: aerosol 种属关系

  banner: flag= incantation: utterance

  calcium: mineral= sugar: carbohydrate

  afflatus n. 灵感,神的启示

  afflatus: inspiration

  anathema: curse= theocracy: state


  ajar: open= doze: sleep 微开:开= 小睡:睡

  aleatory adj. dependent on chance, luck, or an uncertain outcome 对 inevitable

  alimony n. 赡养费;生活费

  alimony: livelihood

  tuition: instruction= fare: transportation

  almanac n. 年鉴;历书

  almanacal: annual= journal: daily

  anneal vt. to heat and then cool (as steel or glass) usually for softening and making less brittle; strengthen, toughen


  annular adj. shaped like or forming a ring 环状的,轮状的

  annular: ring

  auctorial adj. of or relating to an author 作者的

  arboreal: trees= sidereal: stars fluvial: river= sidereal: star

  bathos n. insincere or grossly sentimental pathos; an anticlimax; banality,

  triteness 假慈悲; 突降法;陈腐,平庸

  bathos: pity

  sanctimonious: devoted= unctuous: earnest 都是假对真

  belay vt. to make fast 使固定


  bluff n. 峭壁; adj. 直率的,豪爽的

  cliff; rough and blunt but not unkind in manner

  bluff对courtly/suave palter对candor


  表胁迫: intimidate, bludgeon, bluster, browbeat, bully, bullyrag, cow, dragoon, hector, bulldoze

  charm n. an object worn or cherished to ward off evil or attract good

  fortune 驱邪符

  amulet: evil= helmet: injury

  cheap shot n. 暗算,卑劣行为 对sportsmanship 正大光明,运动家风范

  clergy n 集合名词 神职人员

  retainer: retinue= witch: coven

  derail vt. to cause to run off the rails; to obstruct the progress of:

  frustrate 使停顿,使出轨


  dicker vi. To bargain; barter 讨价还价

  debate: issue= bargain: price

  discountenance vt. to put out of countenance; disconcert 使羞愧,使困窘

  embolden对discountenance 或placate对discountenance

  dun vt. to make persistent demands upon for payment 不断索求,尤指讨债

  dun: demand

  badger: bother= belabor: mention

  fib n. a trivial or childish lie 无伤大雅的谎言,小谎

  miff: quarrel= foible: flaw

  flimflam n. deception, fraud, deceptive nonsense 欺骗;胡言乱语

  aspersion: discredit= canard: deceive

  credulous: cozen= tractable: control

  nonsensical: drivel= pompous: bombast

  flurry n. a sudden gust of wind; a brief light snowfall; a period of commotion or excitement; a sudden occurrence of many things at once; barrage

  shower: rain= flurry: wind

  fogy/fogey n. a person with old-fashioned ideas 守旧者,老古板

  bigot: advice= conservative: change

  gag n. an official check or restraint on debate or free speech 言论限制

  censorship: communication= preservative: decay

  quarantine: contagion= embargo: commerce

  heraldry 纹章 同义词: blazon, armory, escutcheon

  alliterate: remove= blazon: efface

  hymeneal adj. of or relating to a wedding or marriage 婚姻的

  hymeneal: wedding/ marriage

  impassible adj. incapable of suffering or of experiencing pain;

  inaccessible to injury; incapable of feeling: impassive 不觉疼痛的,无法伤害


  impassible: injure

  acme: surpass= impossibility: execute

  imprimatur n. official approval; sanction 出版许可,官方的认可,批准

  imprimatur: approval

  imprimatur/cachet 对 buck

  jalopy n. a dilapidated old automobile 破旧车

  jalopy: automobile= rags: clothing

  mansion: residence= limousine: automobile

  jangle vi. to make a harsh, metallic sound 发出刺耳声

  jangle: harsh

  mutter: indistinct= drone: monotonous

  jetty n. 防波堤,码头

  jetty: harbor

  levee: river= cordon: crowd

  jitney 小公共汽车

  jitney: bus 种属

  keepsake n. 赠品,纪念品

  keepsake: commemorate

  blandishment: coax= medal: honor

  lenitive adj. capable of easing pain or discomfort 止痛的,有缓和作用的 与lenient同源

  analgesic: pain= anesthetic: sensation

  oleaginous adj. 油质的,油嘴滑舌的,善于恭维的

  对 gruff 语言生硬的

  patchy adj. irregular in appearance, makeup, or quality; spotty 杂凑的,不调和的

  对 even

  rank adj. luxuriantly or excessively vigorous in growth; highly fertile 繁茂的,生长速度极快的,极其肥沃的

  rank: vigorous 程度

  rapine n. to seize wrongfully or by force 抢夺,掠夺

  pirate: take= forge: copy 非法:正常

  ready-made adj. 现成的,做好的,陈腐的,无创意的

  对handmade 手工制作的 / custom-made

  red-letter adj. of special significance

  对 negligible

  sag vi. to droop, sink, or settle from pressure or loss of tautness 松弛,下垂


  scarify vt. to lacerate the feelings of 苛责,伤害 同义词: lambaste,blister, castigate, excoriate, flay, lash, scathe, scorch, scourge, slash


  skulk vi. to move in a stealthy or furtive manner; to hide or conceal sth (as oneself) often out of cowardice or fear or with sinister intent 偷偷摸摸行动;潜伏

  lurk: concealment= purloin: appropriation

  slop vi. to be spilled or splashed; soft mud, slush 洒;溅出,溢出 n. 泥浆,半融雪

  soil: mud= snow: slush

  socialite n. a socially prominent person 社交名流

  socialite: prominent 正面特征

  splutter n. a confused noise ( as of hasty speaking); a splashing or sputtering sound

  hiss: sibilant= drone: monotonous

  squeamish adj. easily nauseated, queasy; excessively fastidious or scrupulous 容易晕船的;过于拘谨的 squeamish: scrupulous 程度

  squirm vi. to twist about like a worm, fidget (由于局促不安或疼痛)扭动身子squirm: embarrassment 动作表示含义

  squirt vi. to come forth in a sudden rapid usually narrow stream 喷,射

  squirt对 trickle

  stanchion n. an upright pole, or support 直立的柱子

  stanchion: upright 正面特征

  stave n. a narrow strip of wood; a rung; a stanza 狭板,横档,诗节

  易考部分与整体关系 stave: ladder/chair 或 stave: poem

  swaddle vt. envelop, swathe; restrain, restrict 把人包起,束缚

  swaddle对bare/ denude/ expose/ strip/ uncover/ unwrap

  thrash vt. to defeat utterly; to vanquish; to move or stir about violently击溃,彻底打败

  thrash: defeat 程度

  fold: crumple= defeat: overwhelm

  tokenism n. the policy of making only a perfunctory effort or symbolic gesture toward the accomplishment of a goal ( as to desegregate) 表面文章,装点门面

  tokenism: perfunctory/ symbolic

  tuft n. a growing bunch of grasses or close-set plants 一簇,一丛

  tuft: grass/ hair/ tree= bunch: grape

  tumble vi. to fall suddenly and helplessly; to suffer a sudden downfall; to decline suddenly and sharply ( as in price): drop 突然跌倒

  tumble: fall= swoop: move

  uncalled-for adj. not called for or needed; unnecessary 不必要的,多余的;无缘无故的

  对 required

  verboten adj. forbidden; prohibited

  对allowed/ authorized/ licensed/ approved/ endorsed/ sanctioned

  virtual adj. existing or resulting in essence or effect though not in actual fact, form, or name


  wand n. a thin supple rod, twig, or stick; a slender rod carried as a symbol of office in a procession; a scepter 嫩枝,指挥棒;权杖

  wand: cudgel/ club 细棍:粗棒

  warren n. 养兔场,兔群 flock羊群 flight飞鸟群 herd 牛群,象群 ,斑马群等

  drove 牛群,羊群,鹅群 pack 狼群 gang 野牛群,狼群 gaggle鹅群 bevy 鸟群

  school/ shoal 鱼 群 swarm 昆虫群

  waybill n. a document prepared by the carrier of a shipment of goods that contains details of the shipment, route, and charges 运货单

  inventory: merchandise= manifest: cargo

  wayward adj. following one’s own capricious, wanton., or depraved

  inclinations 任性的

  对 complaisant, good-natured 柔顺的

  aerie/ eyrie n. the nest of a bird on a cliff or a mountaintop; an elevated often secluded dwelling, structure, or position 猛禽的巢;高处的房屋

  eyrie: nest 种属关系 arbor: shelter= hedgerow: fence

  bash vt. to strike violently; to hit 重打,猛击

  bash: strike 强调暴力 violence

  rend: tear= rush: hurry

  beachcomber n. 海滩搜索者 beachcomber: search

  proctor: supervise= prodigal: squander 正特

  beachhead n. 滩头阵地,立足点 beachhead: foothold 名词同义

  compendium: summary= anthology: collection

  bearing n. relevant relationship or interconnection; the manner in which one bears or comports oneself 关系; 举止,风度 immaterial: bearing 缺乏关系

  immaterial: relevance= circuitous: directness

  bum n. a tramp; a vagrant; a lazy or shiftless person 游手好闲的人,流浪汉

  wandering对 move purposely hie对dawdle

  cob n. 雄天鹅 gander 雄鹅 drone 雄蜂 buck 雄鹿 colt 雄性小马 tom 雄猫

  cote n. a shed or coop for small domestic animals and especially pigeons

  corral: horse= coop: chicken

  flume n. an inclined channel for conveying water ( as for power); a ravine or gorge with a stream running through it 水槽;小溪流过的山涧

  aqueduct: water= pipeline: gas= vessel: blood

  impasto n. the thick application of a pigment to a canvas or panel in painting; also: the body of pigment so applied 厚涂颜料的绘画法 impasto:thick chiaroscuro: contrast= filigree: delicacy

  inflect vt. to vary ( a word) by inflection: decline, conjugate; to change

  or vary the pitch of ( as the voice) 变音,转调

  inflect: pitch= transfigure: appearance

  pounce vi. to spring or swoop with intent to seize sb or sth; to seize sth swiftly and eagerly 猛扑,突然袭击,急切的抓住某物

  pounce: seize 目的关系

  shorthand n.速记法 shorthand:writing

  gait: walk= mnemonic: remember

  trough n. a long shallow often v-shaped receptacle for the drinking water or feed of domestic animals 食槽,波形谷

  trough: receptacle= chevron: badge v形槽:v形臂章

  tumescent adj. somewhat swollen 略有些肿的

  tumescent: swollen= pebble: rock


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