新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > 2003年全国大学生英语竞赛初赛试题

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/24 16:05  英语辅导报

  Situational Dialogues解析②

  65.Woman:Have you finished the packaging?


  Woman:Good. Because the truck will be coming soon, this is a rush job.

  A. Don't hurry me or I'll break the glass.

  B. Almost. I just have to wrap the glass and put it into boxes.

  C. No,I haven't. Why didn't you help me with it?

  D. Yes,I have. What else can I do for you?

  66.Customs Officer:__________

  Mrs. Johnson:No,nothing at all.

  Customs Officer:No perfume,alcohol or cigarettes?

  Mrs. Johnson:Well,I have 200 cigarettes;that's all.

  A. Do you have anything in the bag, ma'am?

  B. Do you have anything to declare, ma'am?

  C. Do you want to buy something, ma'am?

  D. Is there anything I can do for you, ma'am?

  67.Linda:Hello. I'd like to send this package,please.


  Linda:First class. How long will that take?

  Clerk:About three days.

  A. How would you like to send it?

  B. Which class are you in?

  C. Where do you want to send it to?

  D. Which class is it in?

  68.Assistant:Can I help you?

  Colin:Yes,it's about this sports shirt. I washed it the other day. The colour ran and it shrank.

  Assistant:Oh dear,I see. __________

  Colin:I'm afraid not.

  Assistant:I'm sorry,but I'm not allowed to change anything without a receipt.

  A. Did you buy it here?

  B. Would you want to change it?

  C. Do you have the receipt?

  D. Could you tell me who sold it to you?

  69.James:Could I have my bill, please? Can I pay by credit card or eurocheque?


  James:I'll pay by credit card,then.

  Receptionist:That's fine. I hope you enjoyed your

  stay here.

  A. Here's your bill.

  B. Sorry,we don't take credit card.

  C. You can pay by eurocheque.

  D. Yes,we take both.

  70.Husband:When is our anniversary?


  Husband:No,it's just that I bought these flowers for you and I was hoping today was the day.

  A. Hmm...I can't remember either. Why?

  B. Hey,are these flowers for me?

  C. Who cares? Do you want to give me a surprise?

  D. Are you joking? Have you really forgotten again?

  (文/李树德 朱秀娥;英语辅导报大学教师版2003-2004学年第37期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。

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