必要的语音指导 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/29 20:13 新浪教育 |
单元音和双元音 hard glass glance harsh command drama pardon car castle Exercise: One smart fellow, he felt smart; Two smart fellows, they felt smart; Three smart fellows, they all felt smart. 正规发音法: 这个音跟汉语中的感叹词“啊”十分相似。不过发音时一定要保持音调平稳,而且时间稍长,因为这是一个长元音。用 3个指头的宽度来衡量你嘴的大小。我们发音的时候讲究太极拳的“刚柔并济”, “刚”是指嘴要张大,用气来发音;“柔”是张大嘴以后用气软软地把它说出来。 love luck up thus come gun dozen none other cousin Exercise: If you’re keen on stunning kites and cunning stunts, buy a cunning stunning stunt kite. 正规发音法: 此音基本口型和[]一致。但发音利落短促,嘴型稍微小,微微合拢。大家一定要注意爆破。 indeed easy eat ease even leave receive sea see agree beat lean ski complete breeze belief Exercise: Real weird rear wheels. 正规发音法: 跟汉语的“一”发音一致,但要托得稍长,因为英语中的长元音一定要发得饱满。 give bit little rich limit visit big six sink wish kick minute fit delay fill Exercise: Give me the gift of a grip top sock: a drip-drape, ship-shape, tip-top sock. 正规发音法: 这个音在发音时间上要比[]短,但嘴型稍微大一点,舌头中部抬高。 shoe ruler food glue fruit gloom goose June pool choose move droop spoon cool blue Exercise: If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews? 正规发音法: 发音和汉语中“乌”一样,用你的腹腔发音长长地把它拖出来。 book look good butcher sugar woman bush bullet foot woolen should push would could pudding Exercise: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 正规发音法: []和[]发音长度不同,在发音的口型上也有区别。发[]音时,嘴唇会向前突出,而发[]时,嘴唇没有那么突出,嘴两边的肌肉也不是很紧张,好像是从嗓子里冒出来又迅速缩了回去。 bird word hurt church turn worth worm early search shirt dirty learn nervous world serve worse Exercise: Her whole right hand really hurts. 正规发音法: []音和我们汉语中“鹅”发音一致,但要读平调,而且读音稍长。在美语中,此音后由于经常加[]音,因此会出现类似汉语中北京方言中的儿化音。在发这个音的时候,同学们一定要注意卷舌。 again admire center never ever danger upon along river super cover collar labor among Exercise: On a lazy laser raiser lies a laser ray eraser. 正规发音法: []的发音诀窍就在于它是一个短促的元音,而且在绝大多数英语单词中,它只会出现在非重读音节中,在重读音节中出现的是[]。在美语中,当我们发这个音的时候,基本不卷舌。 bake take lake make wait shade stable state baby nation cake pay lazy explain game save fable Exercise: Pail of ale aiding ailing Al’s travails. 正规发音法: []和汉语中的“诶”发音一致。同时注意要发长音。同学们发这个音的时候嘴型一定要饱满。比如说:“say”这个单词,有好多同学容易发成“see”。 I fly bike tired like mike write by nice bright light night try ice divide knife arrive flight Exercise: Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night. 正规发音法: []的发音和汉语中的“爱”相似,但发音要长一些,而且注意口型要有一个由大向小滑动的过程,也就是说,发[]时声音要更圆润。 Soul hope boat hold comb snow note coach old know suppose window gold golden blow soap Exercise: Supposed to be pistachio, supposed to be pistachio, supposed to be pistachio 正规发音法: []音和汉语中的“欧”字发音相同,而且也是长音。发这个音的时候,你的下腭微微前倾。英美式的发音不同。 Mouse mouth lousy house arouse now out down tower flower thousand cow shout clown Exercise: How much ground would a groundhog hog, if a groundhog could hog ground? A groundhog would hog all the ground he could hog, if a groundhog could hog ground. 正规发音法: []音和汉语中“傲”音相似,发长音。而且[]其实是由两个元音构成的。发音时,开始嘴张得比较大,然后再逐渐由[]滑到[]。 Bed net egg check pen dead correction heaven yellow next forget better hell pet friend pleasure Exercise: Seventy seven benevolent elephants 正规发音法: []是短音,发音时,一定要把舌的前部抬起,牙床和嘴唇不要张得太大,有一个指头的距离就够了,发音时既不像发[]那样扁,也不能像发[]那么大。而且短音要发得急促,利落。 cat bag catch matter absent thank marry fancy carry handle land gather capital stamp ham Exercise: John, where Peter had had“had had”, had had “had”;“had had” had had his master’s approval. 正规发音法: []这个音一定要尽量把嘴张得大一些,舌尖微微翘起,含在嘴的中间。发音的口型跟[]类似,但嘴唇更为夸张。嘴张开之后一定要保持住口型,双唇不要动,这样才能发音准确。它的嘴型跟[]的大小一样。 board talk lord law portrait author story daughter always forward roar crawl walk saw fall Exercise: I saw Esau kissing Kate. I saw Esau, he saw me, and she saw I saw Esau. 正规发音法: []英式发音类似于汉语的“噢”,而美式发音更趋向与“啊”的音。嘴型比较大,音调也拖得比较长。发音圆润。但发音时口型保持不变。 shop watch swallow coffee doctor job knowledge body copy possible hospital opera what policy Exercise: Chop shops stock chops. 正规发音法: []发音短促,清脆。口型固定,双唇没有变化。 boy choice voice joy loyal enjoy coin destroy avoid annoy soil oyster toy spoil Exercise: A noisy noise annoys an oyster. 正规发音法: []是双元音,发音时,只要从[]滑到[]就可以了。注意滑动时有一个收缩的过程。同学千万别忘了气息的配合。 [ ] hair there wear ware chair various repair affair declare mayor scarcely square compare dare there Exercise: The bear dare not to wear the mayor’s untrue hair. 正规发音法: 这个音类似于中文的“埃尔”,即从[]滑到[]。滑动时一定要连贯。[]的发音跟中文里的“饿”差不多,但是发音时嘴部肌肉比较放松,轻松咬字。 idea ear here beer tear sheer clear sincere realize real year experience period cheer Exercise: Willy’s real rear wheel 正规发音法: []也是一个双元音,它的口型是从小到大,从闭到开的过程。发音的重点在[],前面的模糊代过就好了。 tour moor rural jury tourist sure doer poor Exercise: The tour guide is curious about the poor jury. 正规发音法: []同样是双元音。由单元音[]自然滑到[]就好了,注意气息爆破。 辅音 pig person peace parents pupil pie park pot pipe step stop port operate computer peter pick Exercise: A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place where a plaice is pleased to be placed. 正规发音法: []和普通话中的声母“p”发音有点相似,但它是一个清辅音,不振动声带。好多同学总是会发这个音的时候振动声带。同学们一定要注意这个问题。 bob business busy bus body baby bother boring butter book above bark bread betty mobile web Exercise: A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood. 正规发音法: []和普通话中的声母“b”发音相似。要有气息爆破。 test task teacher terrific too to tie kite insult tell turn time cat peter take waste student Exercise: A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail. 正规发音法: []和普通话中的声母“t”的发音有相似之处,但它也是清辅音,一定不能振动声带,带有爆破。 desk doctor deep depth dirt dark deceive dog side head hand good food decide dorm friend lead Exercise: The doctor’s dog is under the dirty desk. 正规发音法: []和普通话中的声母“d”一致。注意在发位于词尾的[]时千万不要在后面加一个[]。 kite desk quit key work sink kind cost brick account luck look cloth kid kitchen kill Exercise: Knife and a fork, bottle and a cork, that is the way you spell New York. 正规发音法: []和普通话的声母“k”的发音部位是一样的。但普通话的声母是一个浊音,发音时声带振动,英语中是个清音。 give guard jug eggs big dog guide gold recognize angry league again gun bag exam begin Exercise: Give me the gift of a grip top sock. 正规发音法: []用气息快速发普通话中的“哥”的前半部分。注意不要在[]后面加上元音[],发音要轻。 city sky student sister lose mouse sweet success sit seat soft safe pass salt rest course Exercise: Sam’s shop stocks short spotted socks. 正规发音法: []和普通话的声母“s”相似,发音时好像我们自行车胎漏气。 zero zoo zest zeal buzz zip news lazy rise zone pause example zone drowse doze has Exercise: Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy wuzzy wasn't fuzzy. Was he? 正规发音法: []发音时声带要振动,摆好发“滋”的口型。然后顺畅地滑到下一个音标就好了。 English sugar shell show rash wash Asian fresh fashion social shine dish show sharp machine rela Exercise: I wish you were a fish in my dish. 正规发音法: []发“师”不振动声带且拖长便可。但一定要配合气息爆破,这样听起来就非常清晰、标准。 occasion division television measure seizure treasure garage invasion unusual vision Exercise: Casual clothes are provisional for leisurely trips across Asia. 正规发音法: []从不振动的清辅音[]慢慢滑到振动的[],它们之间由不振动到振动的接触点就是这个音的正确发音。但是要注意发音时舌头一定要一直保持在那个位置不动。发音时,能够强烈感觉到声带在振动。 China child cheap torch picture chat chalk cheer each question nature exchange kitchen beech Exercise: Out in the pasture the nature watcher watches the catcher. 正规发音法: []和普通话中声母“ch”相似,但嘴型要稍大,带有气息爆破,声带不振动。 jeep edge June jewel language George age gem gorge major region bridge urge badge magic Exercise: Jake’s jeep is on the bridge. 正规发音法: []和汉语中“织”相似,但这里用气息爆破,发它的前半部分。 minute mother mum mud sample mute march warm more semester team firm film tomb home Exercise: My mother is making me crazy. 正规发音法: []好多同学这个鼻音发不好,但英语中就是要靠舌头和鼻音把英文的有声艺术塑造完美。那么当同学们发这个音的时候,只需上唇和下唇合拢,用鼻音轻轻发音便可。像“home”这个词,好多同学把词中的[]拖得太长就不好听了。 note near nasty main round nib train learn lean nail fond hand person understand nation mine bone Exercise: The owner of the inside inn was inside his inside inn with his inside outside his inside inn. 正规发音法: []轻轻地把上唇和下唇张开,有一个指头的宽度就可以,用鼻子轻轻发音便可。 English thing anything something everything sing song ping pang king ring hang anger long monkey Exercise: The kings always sing the songs including everything. 正规发音法: []发音时,舌头的中部顶在上腭的后部,嘴张开,鼻音。同学们一定要注意它是完全靠鼻子发出来的。像“going”这个词,“go”是嘴发的,“ing”是鼻子发的。 large love luck line lobster look bell jingle help milk smile smell letter field little fill spoil child Exercise: Double bubble gum bubbles double. 正规发音法: []有两种变体。以[]开头时,发汉语中的声母“l”;结尾时,轻轻把舌尖翘起,用舌尖顶住上腭和前门牙接触的地方。但同学们要注意你的舌头在上升的时候弧度一定要小,速度要快,千万不要有颤音。大弧度的发音就不准确了。 hope high hind happy hospital husband hate hang hat harmony holiday hole hook behavior hut Exercise: Hope you can help the red-hatted Harry. 正规发音法: []跟普通话中的声母“h”相似,但我们发这个音的时候气流一定要非常强。 far father floor fate fond four knife beef fun lift tough cough laugh fewer of enough Exercise: A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, “Let us fly!” Said the fly, “Let us flee!” So they flew through a flaw in the flue. 正规发音法: []英文中有两个音发音时一定要用上牙齿咬住下嘴唇,一个是[],一个是[]。[]是一个清辅音,配合微微咬唇发不振动声带的“富”。 what when work walk where wild week wear why wait world wheat whip week Wednesday Exercise: I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won’t wish the wish you wish to wish. 正规发音法: []发音的时候,你的嘴唇没有任何的束缚,一定要加重爆破,用强烈的气息发“五”的前半部分就可以了。注意上齿不要咬下唇。 victor voice avoid advise volume vest view carve ever five believe love lovely leave vote visit Exercise: Rudder valve reversals 正规发音法: []发音时上牙咬住下唇,让气流从齿间通过。发音时,能感到下唇在振动。这个音是我们好多同学比较困惑的一个难发的音,那么好多同学的误区就是把[]发成了[]。同学们可以感觉到你们发[v]这个音的时候你的脸部肌肉收缩得很紧。 mouth month thank theft thunder north theme cloth birth fifth Thursday thumb Exercise: I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought I thought. 正规发音法: []上下牙咬住舌尖,从舌头中间送气即可。同学们发这个音的秘诀是在发[]音的时候立刻用上齿和下齿咬舌尖,而导致[]音的继续进行。同学们要注意的是在你咬舌头的时候感觉你的舌头走向是向外的。 this that there the than then thus breathe clothing father southern soothe further with Exercise: There those thousand thinkers were thinking; where did those other three thieves go through? 正规发音法: 上下牙咬住舌尖,从舌头中间送气即可。发这个音的秘诀是在发[]音的时候立刻用上齿和下齿咬舌尖,而导致[]音的继续进行。同学们要注意的是在你咬舌头的时候感觉你的舌头走向是向外的。 roll rather rat rose very republic red press rain rude grass afraid rare practice crime wrote Exercise: Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry. 正规发音法: 这个音在英文中,对连读很有影响,所以同学们一定要把它掌握好。我们有的同学从基础学英语的时候,老师就教错了。这个音是通过鼻音振动而发出来的,用鼻音发“弱”的前半部分。 year young yean yet yellow Exercise: A young man has not had his lunch yet. 正规发音法: 发这个音的时候,嘴摆出发“业”的口型。然后自然滑到下一个音标上去。加上气息爆破。 |
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