教学参考:雅思写作Task2考试指导和解析 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/01 16:15 英语辅导报 |
③ 反义引入法 所谓"反义引入法"是指首先提出相反的观点,然后笔锋一转,通过反驳对立的观点来确立自己的观点(主题句)。 "反义引入法"的特点是有破有立--既驳斥了相反的论点,又强调了自己的结论,给读者留下深刻的印象。 请看下文: Teachers always say that love is time-consuming and tears students away from learning their main task. They suggest that students should give up love.(给出相反观点,联系题目信息)However, I do not agree with this opinion.(反驳相反观点,过渡)I believe that love is good for students.(给出文章的主题句) ④ 描述法 采用这种方法开头的时候,往往是先采用一些修辞手段对一些现象进行描述,把要讨论的事物反映出来,然后给出主题句。在描述过程中,需要带有一定的倾向性,产生"先入为主"的效果,增强说服力。 采用这种开头写法使文章显得文采飞扬,生动感人。但是,这对作者的语言功底却有一定的要求。 下面的例子中作者用一系列排比句作为开头。 Have you ever attended TV activities with your family? Have you ever experienced watching TV happily with your parents? Have you ever excitedly find that you would like to talk with some strangers for you like the same TV stars. (排比句,表达感人,联系题目信息的同时带有一定的倾向性)If you have the experience above mentioned,(过渡句,承上启下)you may agree with my opinion that TV does make people?謘s relationship closer than before.(自然而然得出结论) ⑤ 故事引入法 作者可以通过简述一个故事或者个人的一段经历来得出一个结论。在进行故事或者经历的叙述时也必须带有倾向性。 这种开头方法最大的优点是使文章显得自然,有情有理,容易使读者产生共鸣,对读者的说服力极大。需要注意的是故事的叙述必须简洁,不能过于冗长。 请看下面例子: Every time when I hear from my family, especially from my brothers or sisters, I feel quite happy and warm. I come from a large family with three boys and four girls.(简述个人经历,在描述中已经表明了个人观点)According to my experience,(过渡句,承上启下)I believe that there are much more advantages growing in a large family than that with only one child.(得出结论,水到渠成) ⑥ 引语法 通过引述一句支持或反对你的观点的话来作为一篇文章的开头。引语可以是谚语、警句或名人名言,甚至是富有哲理的凡人俗语皆可。切记,无论是引用任何引语,都要做到言简意赅、一语中的。举例略。 ⑦ 问题法 就文章要讨论的主题,提出有争议的问题,从而引出作者的对该问题的看法。采用此法开头可以使读者的注意力马上就集中到焦点问题上来,突出了重点。举例略。 必须指出的是,以上介绍的几种文章开头的写作方法是一些基本的技巧。在实际应用中还应该灵活运用。有时候可以考虑把几种方法混合在一起,也许可以获得最佳的写作效果。 (2)文章主体(Body) 文章的主体部分要对开头段提出的论点进行详细论述。在这一部分需要提出一些分论点,从若干角度支持中心论点。因此,分论点之间的关系是平行的。根据不同的分论点,文章的主体部分可以分为若干段。考生在提出分论点的时候应注意量的控制。因为,分论点过少会使文章显得过于单薄,论证不够充分;而分论点过多则会显得松散无序。因此,很多人喜欢分成三段式来写。此外,分论点应该与中心论点保持统一,这样才能做到论证充分、有力。 每个分论点就是每段的主题句(topic sentence)。建议在每一段的第一句话,就提出分论点,这样会显得观点鲜明,并且有助于考生组织材料进行下面的论述。 当然,分论点下面还可以有更细的论点,如二级分论点、三级分论点等。这就要视具体情况而定。 在雅思考试中,常见的论证方法有以下五种。 ① 分类论证 即根据事物的特点,把事物的各方面合乎逻辑地进行分类,由此组成段落,进行论证。 例:主题句:We can see many kinds of pets nowadays. Dogs, cats, snakes, rabbits, etc. More and more people would like to raise pets. Why, you may wonder, is it good for us to raise pets? In my point of view, raising pets benefits city dwellers greatly. 分论点1: For old men, pets are their dear babies and grandbabies. 分论点2: For the youth, pets mean followers. 分论点3: For children, pets are their good friends and teachers. 上述三个论点是平行的关系。将人群划分为三类,分别论证,使论证显得既全面又充分。 ② 举例论证 通过举例从不同角度来论述中心论点。 例:中心句:TV can do great harm to us. 分论点1:TV does harm to our eyes. 分论点2:TV prevents us from going close to the nature. 分论点3:TV develops the sense of loneliness and idleness. 上述三个论点是平行的关系,是电视所带来危害的三个具体表现。这样论证的效果针对性强,易于读者接受。 ③ 比较论证与对照论证 即把要讨论的事物与相关的事物作一个比较或对照。比较的内容既可以是相同点也可以是不同点,可以进行整体比较也可以进行局部比较。而对照论证则主要是针对不同点进行比较。 通过比较与对照,使所讨论的主题更加突出。举例略。 ④ 因果论证 即根据因果关系,采用逻辑推理的方法进行论证。请看下例: ...studying abroad does facilitate their accumulation of life experience. Living abroad, students not only have to get used to living independently but also have to adapt to another kind of social culture, thus they become quite independent. Gaining such special experience, they become stronger and more active than their classmates who have never gone abroad, which will make great contribution to their success in the future. 上文是一个因果论证的例子。"living abroad"造成的结果是"living independently"和"have to adapt to another kind of social culture"。正因为如此,学生才会变得"quite independent"。这种"special experience"是出国留学生变得"stronger and more active"的原因。 上述论证方法在雅思考试中运用较多。希望考生能够灵活运用,取得令人满意的成绩。 ⑤ 正反论证 即从正、反两个方面进行论证,论证充分、说理透彻。 例:主题句:It's high time for us to control population. 分论点1:Surplus population will lead disasters.(反面论证,说明人口过剩的危害) 分论点2:Population control will make great contribution to the development of our society.(正面论证,说明人口控制的好处) (3)结尾(conclusion) 作为应试作文,结论部分应该做到简洁、明了,起到画龙点睛的作用。另外,在结论部分,一般也不提倡再推出新的观点。而应该把重点放在"点题"上,既维持了文章的完整性又强调了重点。常见的结尾方法有: ① 重申 这种方法较为简单,对中心论点进行再次强调也有助于突出重点。采用这种方法一般是对主题句进行转述、释义(paraphrase)。切忌照抄开头部分内容。 ② 总结 这种方法的优点是能够全面概括全文,使文章显得整体感很强,并能够给读者留下一个总体的更深刻的印象。这种方法一般是总结论据,强调主要观点和关键词。 ③ 修辞结尾 采用反问、设问或者感叹等修辞方法结尾,使文章显得更有文采,同时也达到强调的作用。 例:In a word, traditional technology is still playing a vital role in our modern world. How can anyone of us dare to say that it is out of date? ④ 引申 这是一种启发性结尾。在文章结尾部分提出几个发人深省的问题,引导读者深入思考文章的内在涵义,使文章的境界得到升华。 ⑤ 建议性结尾 在结尾提出解决方案,使文章显得更为合理。 如果题目要求提出解决方案,则不妨将建议写得充实一些;如果题目不要求提出解决方案,则应注意将建议尽量写得简短一些。 ⑥ 让步结尾 轻描淡写地提一下相反的论点,通过对比再次强调中心论点。这种写法使得中心论点显得较为突出,使文章说服力更强。但是需要注意的是对于相反论点的描述不能过多,否则会冲淡主题。 ⑦ 展望未来 采用这种方法结尾,一般会在最后对未来可能出现的好情况或糟糕情况做一下概括,强调中心论点并留给读者较多的回味余地。 当然,上述几种议论文的结尾方式仅供参考,考生可以在熟练掌握其中几种结尾方式的基础上,灵活运用。 2.语言 要使一篇文章精彩,需要从多方面着手,其中之一就是语言要精彩。对于考生来讲,如果要想在短期内在语言写作方面取得突破,需要注意以下几个方面: (1)注意语言的连贯性和逻辑性 人们在称赞一篇好文章时,往往会说它"行文流畅"。而要想做到"流畅"就必须采用连词或者起连接性作用的短语。此类表达方法可以用来表示附加、顺序、因果、对比、肯定、条件、定义、举例、总结、承接、强调、时间、选择和概括等。现列表说明如下:
(3)突出重点 写文章好比绘画。好的绘画作品往往是浓淡适宜,好文章的语言描述也有轻重缓急。在表达强烈感情的时候,我们需借助一些强调句式。如采用强调句型:it is /was + 被强调部分+ that...; 采用比较级句型中的"the more..., the more... ";采用强调副词,如:at all, just,on earth,very,under no circumstance(决不)等;还可以利用平行结构;并采用复合句、倒装句和一些用词变化和句型、句式变化等。 3.如何打开写作思路 在写task 1的时候,考生往往知道要写什么,但是不知怎样才能写得好。而在写task 2的时候,考生常常觉得无话可说。因此,打开思路就显得非常重要。几种常见打开思路的写法有:"随意写作(free writing)" 法、"自由联想"法、"列单词"法、"提问题"法以及其他一些不太常见的方法。限于篇幅,仅举"提问题"法一例来说明如何打开写作思路。 有时候就某个话题,当我们不知从何说起时,不妨问自己一系列问题。这些问题都可以用"W-word"来引导。例如对于以计算机为话题的写作题,我们可以这样提问自己: 1. What do you know about the history of computer? 2. Why do people like computer? 3. How long do you use your computer every day? 4. What are your favorite computer games? 5. How to maintain computer? 6. How seriously has computer affected our life and work? 7. Why can we say that computer has ruined our independence, cut us from natural environment? 8. Who should be responsible for selecting the right programs from Internet for children? 就以上看似毫无联系的问题,通过有关的写作手法,尤其是连接词语把以上问题的回答有机组合起来就可成为一篇不错的文章。 四、全真考题解析 通过前面的讲述,我们对雅思Task2的写作有了一个基本的认识。下面我们就结合某年的雅思写作真题,来分析其中一位考生的写作情况,希望能使准备参加雅思考试的考生对Task2的写作有个更为全面、感性的认识和体会。 例文:You should spend no more than 40 minutes on this task. We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in business, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? You should write at least 250 words. 下面是一位考生的习作: With the development of present-day(错误搭配) society, more and more computers are used in a lot of fields. Whether people depend on computers is a good thing or people should be more suspicious of their benefits is now widely controversial. As far as I am concerned, computer is a good thing. There have (语法错误)three reasons as follows. My first reason is that computer is very convenient. Everyday, you need not have to go out, you can know what happen in the world and look at some your favorite things in Internet, and talk to your friends no matter how far they live. And very low telephone fees on computer will provide you a good chance to communicate with relatives or friends. Secondly, computer can develop our intelligence. For example, playing a game with this advanced machine, we must try our best to deal with it. So we have thought a lot and, we also learn a lot from it. In order to control it, we have to study more knowledge. However, some people maintain computer is a time-waster.(句式有错)They claim that people often forget doing things they should do while playing with computer. In my opinion, people should arrange their time on computer goods, and then they can find they have done the work well and in the other side(连接语有误) they spend useful time on computer. Computer are (系动词用错)becoming increasingly(词性错误) in our society, they are used in business and hospital and even to fly planes. In future, they will be developed more and more advanced and used in more and more fields, such as in agriculture, in industry, also in out-space. (举例连接过于随便) 评语: 1. 结构 文章分成三部分,在论述部分分成三段。结构基本合理且清晰。 2.内容 总体上说,这篇文章有偏离主体之嫌。因为原题中一共有两个问题。第一个问题是"What things will they be used for in the future?",作者在文章的最后一段回答了。而第二个问题中有两个选择项"Is this dependence on computers a good thing?"或者"Should we be more suspicious of their benefits?"。显然,作者只是回答了第一个选择项,却忽略了回答对计算机的依赖是否是好事这个问题。该文回答的问题确切地说是"How do you think about computers?"或者"What kinds of influence does computers have?"。 (1)开头: 基本上阐明了作者的观点,但是所阐明的观点似乎有些答非所问。 (2)主要内容: 论证部分论述得不是很充分,所举的例子也不够典型。在文章的第四段中,作者想表达"因使用电脑而浪费时间是由于人们使用不当而造成的",但是没有明确说明。在写议论文的时候最重要的一点就是观点明确。答非所问或者立场不明确的作文几乎不可能得到高分。 (3)结尾: 结尾部分回答了题目中的部分问题。但是直到最后,作者也没有明确回答题目中的全部问题。 由以上分析,不难看出,文章的作者是没有仔细审题,或者说对原题的理解是不够深入。 3.语言 文章的语言方面有一些明显的语法和句法错误(已在文中标出),但是基本上可以满足表达的需要。 总之,一篇高质量的作文应该正面、明确地回答题目中所有的问题。同时允许有一定的发挥,但不能偏离主题。 附注:雅思Task 2 中常考的一些典型议论文论点: Question 1: When you choose the future career, what factors you will consider? 1. pursue a sense of success 2. a career which may realize one's potentials or exhibit one's talents and intelligence 3. high income 4. the feature of jobs: being creative, contributive 5. base on one's interest and ability 6. intend to choose a popular job 7. other people's advice 8. have more opportunity to one's development Question 2: With the development of society, customs and habits have changed greatly. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? State your opinion. Arguments (正方) 1. We should adjust our minds to new, different ideas and keep our mind with the world trend. 2. The new customs are the development of the old one that is not quite perfect. 3. It reflects the development of our modern society. Counter-arguments(反方) 1. The changes of customs means the lose of our own unique national identities which reflect our brilliant history and rich culture. 2. It is the cream of national culture. 3. We should absorb the essential and beneficial materials of our long-cherished customs and habits while adjusting ourselves to modern time. 4. New customs and habits may sometimes cause some serious problems. 5. If we forget our customs and habits, we will risk becoming slaves of modern machines. 6. Traditional customs and habits are the root of a nation, and they stand for a culture. (文/季绍斌;英语辅导报大学教师版2003-2004学年第37、38、39、40期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。 |
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