《韦氏新世界儿童词典》词条:A部分(11) | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/14 14:07 前程无忧 | |
Acropolis 古希腊雅典的卫城(建有巴台农神庙) A•crop•o•lis across ① ad. 横过[The new bridge makes it easy to get across in a car. 新桥方便人们乘车过河。] ② prep. 1 越过[We swam across the rive. 我们游过河。] 2 在……的那边, 在……对面[They live across the street. 他们住在街对面。]3 遇到[I came across an old friend today. 我今天遇到一个老朋友。] a•cross ● ① ad. ② prep. acrylic n. 丙烯酸 (一种塑料,可制成像玻璃一样的薄片,用来做盒子;也可制成纤维,用以织布) a•cryl•ic ● n. (复) acrylics act ① n. 1 行为,功绩[Rescuing the cat from the roof was an act of bravery. 爬上屋顶上救下这只猫,真勇敢。]2 做某事的过程,行动[He was caught in the act of stealing. 他在偷东西时被逮住。] 3 法案[an act of Congress 国会提出的法案]4 幕(戏剧或歌剧的主要片段)[The first act takes place in palace. 第一幕发生在宫殿里。]5 装腔作势,造作[Bill’s anger was just an act. 比尔怒气冲冲,只不过是装腔作势。] ② v. 1 扮演(角色)[She acts very well. 她表演得很好。]2 表现,干事 [Don’t act like a fool. 别干傻事。] 3 装出[He acted worried. 他装出当心的样子。]4 行动,运作[Act now if you want tickets. 如果你要票的话,就得马上动起来。] -act up (非正式用法)调皮,捣蛋 act ① n. (复) acts ② v. acted, acting action n. 1 行动[An emergency calls for quick action. 遇到紧急状况,就必须立即行动。] 2 举动,所干的事[The decision to stop the program was an unpopular action. 停止执行这计划的决定不得人心。]3 作战,战斗[He was wounded in action. 他在战斗中负了伤。] ac•tion ● n. (复) actions active a. 1 能做事的,起作用的,在活动中的[an active volcano 一座活火山] 2 精力充沛的,充满活力的[She’s an active child. 她是个好动的孩子。] ac•tive ● a. activity n. 1 活动状态,活动性, 活跃,业务活动[There was not much activity in the store. 店铺里没什么生意。]2 业余活动[I take part in many activities after school. 课后我参加许多活动。] ac•tiv•i•ty ● n. (复) activities actor n. 演员(指男性或女性均可) actor ● n. (复) actors actress n. 女演员 ac•tress ● n. (复) actresses actual a. 实际的, 真实的[Sue’s actual name is Susan. 苏的实名是苏珊。] ac•tu•al ● a. actually ad. 实际上,事实上[At what time did we actually start? 我们实际上是什么时候开始的?]-见词条really的词汇选择栏。 ac•tu•al•ly ● ad.
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