《韦氏新世界儿童词典》词条:A部分(20) | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/15 10:04 新浪英语 | |
affirm v. 肯定, 证实[She affirmed that the danger was great. 她证实说危险很大。] af•firm ● v. affirmed, affirming affirmative a. 肯定的, 表示赞成的[an affirmative reply 肯定的回答] af•firm•a•tive ● a. afflict v. 使痛苦, 折磨[He is afflicted with a skin rash. 皮疹使他痛苦万分。] af•flict ● v. afflicted, afflicting affliction n. 困苦, 困苦的原因,痛苦,折磨 af•flic•tion ● n. (复) afflictions afford v. 1买得起[Can we afford a new car? 我们买得起新车吗?We are able to afford it. 我们买得起。] 2 负担得起,经受得住[She can’t afford to miss any more days of school. 她无法再缺课了。] af•ford ● v. afforded, affording affront n. 故意侮辱,冒犯,轻蔑 af•front ● n. (复) affronts afghan n. 阿富汗毛毯或披肩 af•ghan ● n. (复) afghans Afghanistan 阿富汗(位于西南亚的一个国家,在伊朗和巴基斯坦之间) Af•ghan•i•stan afield ad. 远离家乡,偏离正确道路[He wandered far afield. 他背井离乡,四处漂泊。] a•field ● ad. afloat ① a. 漂浮的[Several toy boats are afloat on the pond. 几只玩具船在池潭里漂。] ② ad. 漂浮 [The boat stayed afloat throughout the storm. 暴风雨期间,这艏船一直在海上漂。] a•float ① a. ② ad.
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