Conduct And Behavior During The Interview Process | 2004/07/19 18:43 新浪教育 |
General Principles While we have urged you to think through, preempt, write down, edit, internalize and rehearse your answers, you must not present your answers as if it were “canned?answer. You have an unique story. Using small examples to validate the key points you want the recruiter to remember. What really defines you? Get a good flow in the conversation. Engage the mind of the interviewer. Always pause before you answer the question, no matter how familiar you are with the issue. Remember that the interviewer loves to talk too! Be a good listener. Confidence Exude your confidence with a sense of purpose, backed with well grounded knowledge and strong desire to succeed. Know what you want in your career. Be clear as to why you are choosing this career. Have a general overview of your career development. Be Focused and Rational Be consistent throughout your conversation. When other opportunities are presented to you, express willingness to explore, but avoid switching gears drastically. Also ask the recruiter why he/she thinks that you might be suitable for consideration. Efficacy Have a systematic way of gathering knowledge. Have the ability to organize knowledge. Have a strong ability to analyze and interpret information. Evidence of Effort Use concrete examples to demonstrate that you have been preparing for the career. Have a good idea of what it takes to be successful in this business. Convince the recruiter that your effort is serious and continuous. Integrity Never lie about mistakes. Never give the impression that you condone “the end justify the means? Discuss your values and principles, and crystallize these through examples. Make known your approach to rectifying mistakes.You will enlarge the circle when mistakes are made. Sparkle Realize that you are unique, interesting and have empathy for others. Display a healthy sense of humor. Have the ability to laugh about yourself. Exhibit your resourcefulness. Body Language Be warm and sincere. Do not be nervous, it will be manifested in unpleasant ways. Be comfortable with yourself, do not fidget. Display confidence, composure, and show a sense of purpose. Lean forward occasionally to express keen attention. Sit upright, be mindful of your posture throughout. Maintain natural eye contact. What would You Do when Your Interview was Interrupted by Some Phone Calls Greet the interviewer with smile when he/she returns to the room. Help your interviewer by reminding him/her on where you were left off in the conversation. Never probe information from the usher or secretary about your interviewer. It will always be repeated to the interviewer. Never make a call while waiting. The only place you may visit during this time is the washroom. Be back quick, and do not lose your way or wander around. Big Turn-Offs During An Interview Embedded “self praising?when you are asked to talk about your weaknesses. Pretend that you know something when you do not. Keep giving excuses. Unable to say “I don't know.? |
面试过程中的举止和行为 |
基本原则 提倡大家在面试前反复思考,作好准备,把自己的答案写下来,修改后记牢,并自行多番演练;但同时又不能让人感觉你的答案是事先设计好的标准答案。 讲述你自己独特的经历。 用小事例来阐明你希望面试官记住的要点。 你到底有什么特点? 交谈要自然流畅。 要和面试官在思想上互相交流沟通。 就算你对面试官提出的问题已经胸有成竹,回答问题前也要稍微停顿、思考一下。 记住面试官也有交谈的欲望,所以你要做一个好的倾听者。 自信 有意识地展示你的自信,它来源于你雄厚的背景知识和强烈的成功欲望; 清楚地知道自己想在职业生涯中得到什么; 了解自己为什么选择这一行; 对自己的职业发展有长远打算。 要坚持原本意图,要理智 在整个交谈过程中,言语要前后一致; 有其他机会展示在你面前时,应该表现出探究的兴趣,但决不要对原本意图作重大改变。同时要询问面试官为什么他认为你适合其他职位。 讲求效率 收集信息要有条理性; 有组织知识信息的能力; 有较强的分析和理解信息的能力。 举出证明自己勤奋努力的事例 举出具体事例,说明你为将来的职业作好了准备; 清楚地了解在这一行业中如何才能成功; 让面试官相信你所作的努力是严肃认真和持续不断的。 诚信 决不要撒谎,隐瞒自己的过错; 决不要给别人留下不良印象,以为你可以为达到目的而不择手段; 与面试官讨论你的价值观和原则,并通过事例进行阐述; 让面试官知道你会用什么方法纠正过失; 工作中出现过失后,你会根据公司章程手续申报,并让上司和其他同事协助你作出适当的纠正处理。 你的闪光点 你是独一无二的、有趣的,而且对他人有认同感; 你很幽默; 有自我嘲笑的能力; 你信息灵通并且善于灵活利用资源。 身体语言 要热情真诚; 不要紧张,否则你会让人有不舒服的感觉; 不要坐立不安; 要表现出你的自信和镇定,并展示出你是有备而来的; 你可以间或身体前倾,表示你非常关注; 坐直,由始至终注意你的仪态; 保持自然的目光交流。 因面试官接听电话面试中断时 面试官回到房间时要对他微笑致意; 协助面试官回忆起刚才话题进行到了哪里; 决不要从接待人员或秘书那里打探有关你的面试官的消息,因为他们往往会转述给面试官听; 等待的时候决不要打电话,并事先将自己的手机转到无声状态; 等待面试官回来的这段时间内,你只可以去卫生间。要迅速回来,确记方向以免造成走错房间的尴尬局面。 面试中的大忌 当被要求陈述自身弱点的时候,却不忘自我吹嘘一番; 不懂装懂; 不停地找借口; 不会说“我不知道”。 |
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