一组表示“摇动”、“抖动”的动词辨析 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/30 13:28 英语辅导报 |
shake, tremble, quake, quiver, shiver, shudder, quaver 七个词均可作"摇动"、"抖动" 解,但抖动程度各不相同。 1. shake 最常用且含义广泛.可表示各种剧烈而不规则地、短促而迅速地上下或左右"摇动" 、"抖动".例如:全身因疟疾而颤抖,房屋因地震而晃动。如: He shook his fist in rage. 他愤怒地挥舞着拳头。 Branches were shaking in the wind. 树枝随风摇摆。 The explosion shook the building. 爆炸使大楼晃动。 shake 的引申义为"动摇"、"震惊"。如: My courage began to shake. 我的勇气开始减弱了。 We were shaken by the news. 那消息使我们震惊。 2. tremble系一般用语,侧重表示人或动物由于害怕、愤怒、寒冷或疲劳等强烈刺激而身体轻微、快速地"抖动"或"震动"。如: Her hands were trembling with eagerness as she opened the letter. 由于急着要看信,拆信时,她的手都发抖了。 Her voice trembled with excitement. 她激动得声音发抖了。 tremble 的引申义为"激动"、"忧虑"、"担心"等。如: Don't get out in that storm-I tremble for your safety. 别在暴风雨中外出--我为你的安全担忧。 I tremble to think what has happened to him. 想到发生在他身上的事我就感到焦虑不安。 3. quake 系较正式用语,可与tremble 换用。但抖动得比tremble更剧烈,感情也更激烈。可以指内心的震动,也可以指外部事件使人或物剧烈震动。如: His name was a terror that made the dead quake in their graves. 他的名字令人恐惧,死者在墓穴中听到亦会战栗。 The ground quaked beneath them as the artillery barrage began. 当大炮齐射时,地面都会剧烈地震动。 His heart quaked with panic at the news. 这个消息令他心惊肉跳。 4. quiver 表示快速而微弱的震动,如乐器之弦的振动。与tremble相比,不那么强调害怕、生气等感情,但强调情绪的紧张,而且多用于表示物的抖动。如: Her lips quivered too much for speech. 她的双唇抖得十分厉害以致说不出话来。 The dog's nostrils quivered at the scent. 嗅得那味儿,狗的鼻翼微微抖动着。 5. shiver 尤其用于表示由寒冷引起身体微微的快速而短时的抖动,也表示由不详的预感、凶兆或模糊的恐惧感等心理原因引起的颤抖。如: He was beginning to shiver as the intense cold pervaded the room. 整个房间冰冷彻骨,他开始冷得发抖了。 A sudden gust of cold wind made me shiver all over. 一阵突如其来的冷风吹得我浑身直哆嗦。 The girl shivered inwardly at the thought of having to explain to her mother why she had stayed out so late. 一想到得向母亲解释为何这么晚才回家,女孩不由得打了个寒颤。 6. shudder侧重表示比tremble, shiver 更剧烈的抖动,因恐怖、厌恶等引起的短时、剧烈的全身抖动,也可表示物体"突然震动"。如: She shuddered with horror. 她因恐惧而发抖。 The ship shuddered as she struck the rocks. 船撞到礁石时剧烈地震动了一下。 He shuddered breathlessly in the doorway until his pursuer had raced past. 他在门道里吓得喘不过气来,直到追捕者飞跑而过,他才缓过气来。 7. quaver 侧重表示由于干扰所引起的振幅不规则的振动,尤其是由于虚弱或情感引起的声音颤抖。如: He spoke with a reedy, quavering voice. 他用尖细而颤抖的声音说话。 The gentle breeze set the flames of the lamps quavering. 微风吹得灯火微微跳动。 He quavered forth a quaint old ditty. 他用颤抖的嗓音哼了一首稀奇古怪的古老小调。 (文/高合顺 英语辅导报大学一年级版03~04学年第46期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |
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