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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/30 13:28  英语辅导报


  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter in reply to a friend's inquiry about applying for admission to your college or university. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:

  1. 建议报考的专业及理由

  2. 报考该专业的基本条件

  3. 应当如何备考

  A Letter in Reply to a Friend

  December 27th, 2003



  此题要求考生在30分钟内给自己的朋友写一封回信,信中需要回答朋友询问有关报考你所在学院或大学专业的问题;同时给出了三条中文提纲,要求考生根据这三条提纲写出至少120词的书信.所以此题是书信作文与情景作文(亦称提示作文)的结合,这是近几年常见的作文命题形式之一,如:A Letter to a Schoolmate(2001年6月CET-4);A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus(2002年1月CET-4).写这种命题形式的作文,既要注意书信作文的写作格式,如:称呼(salutation)、信主体(body)、结尾客套语(complimentary close)和署名(signature),又要注意情景作文的写作风格.首先要弄清中文提纲中所包含的信息以及不同信息之间的内在联系,然后根据这些格式、信息、所给题目以及中文提纲,确定出文章的主题,构思出文章的框架,拟定出各段的主题句和推展句,最后落笔成文,一气呵成。




  根据作文主题、内容和性质的不同,段落推展可采用不同的方法,如:例证法(examples)、比较对比法(comparison and contrast)、叙述法(narration)、描写法(description)、因果法(cause and result)、分类法(classification)、顺序展开法(order exploring)以及综合法(comprehensive methods).下面我们具体探讨此题当中每一段的推展方法,推展时要注意段落的三个特征:完整性(completeness)、统一性(unity)和连贯性(coherence).

  第一段需要根据第一条中文提纲来推展,这条提纲要求提出建议,所以主题句可依据建议来引出,同时还需要注意书信的文体:Further to your last letter inquiring about applying for admission to my university, I am writing to suggest that you apply for the specialty of computer science. 然后给出这样建议的理由,可以采用因果法来展开段落,具体如下:Why do I offer you such a suggestion? One reason is that computer is developing very fast in China, so you can easily find a well-paid job after graduation. Another reason is that computer course is useful as well as interesting, so you can learn a lot from it. Perhaps the main reason is that our university has both advanced computers and experienced teachers. Therefore, you can certainly receive a better education in computer science.

  第二段需要根据第二条中文提纲来推展,这条提纲要求说明报考该专业的基本条件,所以首先引出主题句,并要注意对第一段的承接:However, it is required that you possess some fundamental qualifications for applying for this specialty. 然后列举出一些基本条件,可以采用顺序展开法来推展段落,注意使用以下列举符号:first, second, third; firstly, secondly, thirdly等,具体如下:First, you have finished your college education and got a bachelor's degree. Second, you have extensive theoretical knowledge and excellent practical ability in computer. Third, you are healthy and determined to make great achievements in computer science.

  第三段需要根据第三条中文提纲来推展,这条提纲要求提出备考该专业的具体实施办法,首先引出该段的主题句:As your best friend, I am obliged to remind you that you must also make some necessary preparations for the entrance examination. 然后我们可以采用综合法来展开段落,具体如下:For one thing, you should learn a lot about the latest information and requirements of the entrance examination. For another, you have to review important examination materials carefully and try your best to achieve better scores. To tell you the truth, you'd better come to meet your intended tutor in person and talk with him or her about your future intentions.

  第四段应根据书信文体来表达对朋友的美好祝愿,如:I am looking forward to hearing your good news!或者:Best wishes!


  (文/陈辉 英语辅导报大学一年级版03~04学年第40期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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