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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/09/08 10:13  《英语学习》

  Myth of the New Economy 新经济神话

  付美榕 编译


  A recession marked the early years of Reagan's presidency, but conditions started to improve in 1983 and the United States entered one of the longest periods of sustained economic growth since World War II. However, an alarming percentage of this growth was based on deficit spending1. In 1988, former vice president George Bush became President. He continued many of Reagan's policies. Bush's efforts to gain control over the federal budget deficit, however, were problematic.2 The 1990s brought a new president, Bill Clinton3, a cautious, moderate Democrat, whose liberal initiatives created a myth for the American economy.

  Clinton sounded some of the same themes as his predecessors. After unsuccessfully urging Congress to enact an ambitious proposal to expand health-insurance coverage,4 Clinton declared that the era of "big government" was over in America. He pushed to strengthen market forces in some sectors, working with Congress to open local telephone service to competition.5 He also joined Republicans to reduce welfare benefits. Still, although Clinton reduced the size of the federal work force, the government continued to play a crucial role in the nation's economy. Most of the major innovations of the New Deal, and a good many of the Great Society, remained in place. And the Federal Reserve system continued to regulate the overall pace of economic activity, with a watchful eye for any signs of renewed inflation.

  The economy, meanwhile, turned in an increasingly healthy performance as the 1990s progressed. With the fall of the Soviet Union and Eastern European communism in the late 1980s, trade opportunities expanded greatly.6 Technological developments brought a wide range of sophisticated new electronic products. Innovations in telecommunications and computer networking spawned a vast computer hardware and software industry and revolutionized the way many industries operate.

  Best of all, the healthy economy has transformed the psyche of millions of Americans. The pervasive gloom at the beginning of the 1990s is gone.7 No longer are Americans afraid that the Japanese will overwhelm them with superior technology or that they will saddle their children with government debt.

  America's labor force changed markedly during the 1990s. Continuing a long-term trend, the number of farmers declined. A small portion of workers had jobs in industry, while a much greater share worked in the service sector, in jobs ranging from store clerks to financial planners. If steel and shoes were no longer American manufacturing mainstays, computers and the software that make them run were.

  The expansion that began in March 1991 has raised real gross domestic product by more than a third, minted 100,000 more people earning a million dollars a year. After peaking at $290,000 million in 1992, the federal budget deficit steadily shrank as economic growth increased tax revenues. In 1998, the government posted its first surplus in 30 years, although a huge debt ?mainly in the form of promised future Social Security payments to the baby boomers ?remained. Economists, surprised at the combination of rapid growth and continued low inflation, debated whether the United States had a "new economy" capable of sustaining a faster growth rate than seemed possible based on the experiences of the previous 40 years.8

  Finally, the American economy was more closely intertwined with the global economy than it ever had been. Clinton, like his predecessors, had continued to push for elimination of trade barriers. A North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)9 had further increased economic ties between the United States and its largest trading partners, Canada and Mexico. Asia, which had grown especially rapidly during the 1980s, joined Europe as a major supplier of finished goods and a market for American exports. Sophisticated worldwide telecommunications systems linked the world's financial markets in a way unimaginable even a few years earlier.

  While many Americans remained convinced that global economic integration benefited all nations, the growing interdependence created some dislocations as well. Workers in high-technology industries ?at which the United States excelled ?fared rather well, but competition from many foreign countries that generally had lower labor costs tended to dampen wages in traditional manufacturing industries. Then, when the economies of Japan and other newly industrialized countries in Asia faltered in the late 1990s10, shock waves rippled throughout the global financial system. American economic policy-makers found they increasingly had to weigh global economic conditions in charting a course for the domestic economy.

  Still, Americans ended the 1990s with a restored sense of confidence. By the end of 1999, the economy had grown continuously since March 1991, the longest peacetime economic expansion in history. Unemployment totaled just 4.1 percent of the labor force in November 1999, the lowest rate in nearly 30 years. And consumer prices11, which rose just 1.6 percent in 1998 (the smallest increase except for one year since 1964), climbed only somewhat faster in 1999 (2.4 percent through October). Many challenges lay ahead, but the nation had weathered the 20th century ?and the enormous changes it brought ?in good shape.

  In his last State of the Union Address12 in January 2000, President Clinton outlined the progress that had been made in the 1990s: "We begin the new century with over 20 million new jobs; the fastest economic growth in more than 30 years; the lowest unemployment rates in 30 years; the lowest poverty rates in 20 years; the lowest African American and Hispanic unemployment rates on record; the first back-to-back budget surpluses in 42 years. And next month, America will achieve the longest period of economic growth in our entire history."


  里根总统任职之初遭遇了经济衰退,但到1983年情况开始好转,美国经济步入二战以来最持久的一段增长期。然而,这一增长有惊人的一部分来源于赤字消费。1988年,前副总统乔治·布什就任总统。他继续推行里根政府的诸多政策,但在控制联邦财政赤字方面却出师不利。 90年代迎来了一位新总统,一个谨言慎行的温和派民主党人比尔·克林顿,他奉行“自由主义”经济政策, 为美国经济打造了一个神话。






  最后要说明的是,美国经济与全球经济的联系比以往更加紧密。与前几任总统一样,克林顿一直致力于消除贸易壁垒。《北美自由贸易协定》进一步扩展了美国与其最大贸易伙伴加拿大和墨西哥之间的经济联系。 80年代迅速发展起来的亚洲国家与欧洲一起,成为美国主要的制成品供应商和出口市场。发达的全球电子通讯系统把世界金融市场以几年前人们还无法想像的方式连接了起来。




  1. 里根执政八年,为降低通货膨胀、加快经济增长付出了努力,但“里根经济学”留下的“孪生赤字”(twin deficits)——巨额的财政赤字和外贸逆差,成为其后制约美国经济发展的重要因素。

  2. 布什当选总统时许诺不增加新税与促进预算平衡,但实现这一承诺困难重重。为此,布什政府不惜通过欺骗的手段,即将救济储蓄与贷款机构的费用降到最小程度,同时又建议将这笔费用置于预算之外。这种弄虚作假搞出的预算结果使布什政府失信于民。同时由于美国对日本的贸易逆差越来越大,即使在美元汇率大幅降低后仍无大的改观,因而引起美国上下的强烈不满。

  3. Bill Clinton: 比尔·克林顿。1992年,年仅42岁的克林顿在大选中击败乔治·布什,当选美国总统,并于1996年竞选连任成功,成为继林登·约翰逊(Lyndon Johnson, 1963-1969年在任)之后第一位连任总统的民主党人。

  4. 美国是唯一的一个没有全民健康保险的发达国家。许多人要承担支付大笔医疗费的风险,因此1993年克林顿总统提出一个“健康保障议案”,目的是使每一个公民享有健康保险。其计划是建立在先行医疗保险的架构上,即由政府为穷人和老年人提供医疗保险,而由雇主向其雇员提供医疗保险,但这个提案未得到国会通过。

  5. 克林顿在执政期间提出了建设信息高速公路的设想,并力劝国会于1996年通过了新的电信法。该法规定,长、短途电话公司可以互相进入对方的市场;地方贝尔电话公司在进入长途电话市场之前,必须证明自身已经向长途电话公司开放市场。该法的颁布立即掀起电信业的兼并潮。

  6. 80年代末,苏联的解体与东欧剧变使更多国家转向市场经济的国际环境。就美国而言,其贸易与合作的机会大大增加了。

  7. 1990年10月至1991年3月,美国经历了战后第八次经济危机。在此期间,海湾危机带来的战争阴云促使石油价格上涨,打击了美国企业家和消费者的信心,加剧了美国经济困难,也触发并加速了经济衰退的进程。此次危机持续的时间虽然不长,但危机过后长期的经济萧条和缓慢乏力的复苏为克林顿上台执政提供了有利契机。

  8. 20世纪90年代美国出现了一个历史上最长的经济增长期(到2000年底已持续117个月),特别是90年代后期“两高”(高经济增长率与高生产增长率)、“两低”(低失业率和低通货膨胀率)并存的经济繁荣,令人惊诧不已。传统的经济理论已经无法作出令人信服的解释。 于是,美国媒体出现了“新经济”、“新模式”等字眼。经济学家与理论界对上述现象展开激烈争论。有的学者指出,新经济就是通货膨胀和衰退已被消灭,美国经济已经进入一个“长期繁荣”的新时代。还有学者承认新经济的存在,但对经济周期终结的观点不以为然。

  9. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): 《北美自由贸易协定》。 1988年,美国和加拿大两国政府签订《美加自由贸易协定》,并于1989年建立了美加自由贸易区。在此基础上,克林顿政府促成美国、加拿大与墨西哥三国于1993年签订《北美自由贸易协定》,并于1994年1月1日正式生效。 该协定的目标是:消除贸易壁垒、实现公开竞争、增加投资机会、保护知识产权、建立执行协定和调解贸易争端的有效机制、促进区内经济合作。

  10. 1997年发生了亚洲金融危机,其影响波及全世界。

  11. consumer prices: 即consumer price index,简称CPI,消费者物价指数,是一种用来衡量基本商品和服务的花费与某一设定基准期间相比较所发生的变化的价格指数,又称为cost-of-living index(生活费用指数)。

  12. State of the Union Address: 国情咨文(美国总统每年年初向国会提交的关于政府业绩的报告)。


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