新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 酷热草裙舞--海角乐园夏威夷(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/09/21 10:42  空中美语


  Back in Honolulu a few days later, I realize that I’ll soon be leaving Hawaii. During my travels, I’ve learned that the first Hawaiians came here about 1,500 years ago. I decide to spend the rest of my trip learning about Hawaii’s native culture.

  I explore Honolulu’s Bishop Museum the next day. This museum has a unique collection1 of Hawaiian religious2 statues, weapons, and clothing made from feathers. A guide tells me about the hula, a Hawaiian dance that tells traditional native stories.

  Later, a Hawaiian I met on my first night in Honolulu invites me to a luau. While musicians sing and play the ukulele, I eat roasted3 pig and laugh with the locals. Then, hula dancers tell the ancient4 story of how the goddess Pele gave birth to the Hawaiian Islands.

  Packing5 my bags the next day, I think of all I’ve seen here: fire, water, sand, and smiles. As I board6 the airplane to head back to Taiwan, a Hawaiian girl waves at me. “Aloha!” she says, and I begin planning my next trip to this paradise in the Pacific.


  数日后,我回到檀香山,发现我的夏威夷之旅已接近尾声了。在这次的旅程中,我得知第一批夏威夷人约在1500年前来到这里。我决定利用剩余的时间研究夏威夷的当地文化。   隔天,我参观了檀香山的主教博物馆。这座博物馆收藏着夏威夷独特的文物,包括当地的宗教雕像、武器,以及羽毛制的服饰。一个导游为我讲解草裙舞的故事,草裙舞是一种夏威夷舞蹈,它表现的是当地土著的传统故事。   




  1.collection n. a group of valuable or interesting things (一批)珍藏文物;收藏品 Patrick started buying baseball cards many years ago, and today his collection is extremely valuable. 派屈克好几年前开始买棒球卡,现在他收藏的卡片已经价值不斐。

  2.religious adj. related to people’s beliefs about God or gods 宗教的 The priest suggested I read some of the old religious books that are kept in the church library. 神父建议我读一些教会图书馆收藏的宗教古籍。

  3.roast v. to cook sth. over a fire, or on hot coals (在火、炭上)烤 After skinning the rabbit he’d caught, Chuck roasted it over his campfire. 恰克把捕猎到的兔子剥皮后放在营火上烤。

  4.ancient adj. extremely old 远古的;古代的 Every year, millions of tourists travel to Greece in order to see the many ancient buildings there. 每年有好几百万的游客到希腊旅游,参观当地众多的古代建筑。

  5.pack v. to put sth. into a bag or suitcase 打点(行李);收拾(东西) When

  When I reached my hotel in London, I realized that I’d forgotten to pack my toothbrush. 当我抵达伦敦下榻的饭店时,才发现我忘记将牙刷收到行李中。

  6.board v. to get on an airplane, train, ship, or bus 登上(飞机、车辆、轮船等交通工具) Margaret kissed Charles goodbye, boarded the bus, and disappeared into the night. 玛格丽特向查尔斯吻别,上了公车,然后消失在夜色中。

  More Information

  1.luau n. 夏威夷烤猪野宴,常在海滩上举办,席间伴有歌舞表演

  2.ukulele n. 尤克里里琴(夏威夷当地一种形似吉他的小型四弦琴)



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