学习英语100句:Sentence81-100 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/12 19:13 新浪教育 |
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语音讲解: 81.他生气的走了。. He left angrily. 82.那傻男孩子不加考虑地接受了他们所有的称赞. The silly boy lapped up all their praise 83.过了几年之后,杰克回来看过我们. After a lapse of several years Jack came back to see us 84.吸烟让我放松. Smoke relaxes me. 85.玛莉离开了他的工作,主要是因为感到厌倦了. Mary left her job largely because she was bored. 86.杰克只是闹着玩才那样做的;他并没有想伤害别人. Jack did it for a joke , he didn’t mean any harm 87.他是一个内向的人。 He is a man of a few words. 88.玛莉勇敢地以笑来对付她的痛苦 Mary bravely laughed off her pain. 89.杰克非常慷慨。 Jack is very generous. 90.法律和秩序是一个安宁的社会所必需的. Law and order is necessary for a peaceful society 91.我整个上午全都懒散地混过去了. I spent the morning just lazing 92.玛莉说了一些客气话是为开口要钱作准备. Mary was leading up to a request for money with his kind words. 93.那个政客向报界泄露了这个消息 The politician leaked the news to the newspapers. 94.那堵墙倾斜得很厉害,可能会倒. That wall leans so much it might fall over. 95.她妈妈向前探过身子去听玛莉在说什么. Her mom leaned forward/over to hear what Mary was saying. 96.大多数青年对摇滚乐有偏好. Most young people are hooked on the rock and roll. 97..我今天谁也不想见,特别是不想见他. I don’t want to see anyone today, least of all him! 98.这东西不怎么好吃,但至少很便宜. The food wasn’t good, but at least it was cheap. 99.我希望他们马上离开,我想睡觉了. I hope they’ll leave soon. I want to go to bed. 100.我现在处理不了这件事,留着明天再办吧. I’ll leave it until tomorrow. |
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