老师的恩情我会铭记 To Teach |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/15 18:19 英语辅导报 |
To Teach by Tracey Smith Bradley To teach is to touch a life forever... To teach is to see a struggling student smile... To teach is to hear a child read a story... To teach is to know it may take a while. To teach is to give enough of yourself... To a child who needs your time and care... To teach is to share your world with others... So their knowledge will always be there. To teach is something you'll have forever... It will never cease or die... For a teacher remembers each child, each face... And holds each one dearly inside. And though at times you may get tired... And wonder it is all worth the strain... You'll remember one child who succeeded with your help... And you know that you would do it all over again. |
老师您的恩情我会永远铭记To Teach |
特蕾西-史密斯-布拉德利 作老师就要影响学生的整个人生…… 作老师就要看到苦学的学生露出微笑…… 作老师就要听孩子读故事…… 作老师就要知道教书不能一蹴而就。 作老师就要奉献自己…… 给需要你花时间呵护的孩子…… 作老师就要与他人共享你的世界…… 这样他们学到的知识就会常在。 作老师是你一生的事业…… 永不终止,永不停息…… 因为老师会记住每一个孩子,每一张面孔…… 并且把他们都珍藏于心。 尽管有时你会疲惫…… 想知道那么多辛劳是否值得…… 你会记住在你的帮助下成功的孩子…… 于是你知道你会重新开始。 [注:限于篇幅,本文有删节] (文/刘守君 译;英语通高三版2004年第9期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |
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