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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/19 08:57  英语辅导报

  [表白一]我的"真面目":to+动词原形,to属代号,无实义,有时要求省略。我"为人随和",没有人称和数的变化,例如to live。否定形式在to前加not,例如not to spit in public places。

   [表白二]我的"基本个性":具有动词的特点,可以有自己的状语,如是及物动词还可带宾语,一起构成"不定式短语",例如to study English well。


   一、作宾语:我天生讨"人"喜爱,下列及物动词"爱我作宾语没商量",如want, decide, refuse, afford, hope, wish, expect, plan, remember, forget, would like等等。例如:(1) We have planned to travel to Hainan next week. (2) He never refuses to help others.

   特别点击:在复合宾语结构中常用it作形式宾语,而真正的宾语则由我来承担,例如:I find it interesting to play chess.


   1.当谓语动词是ask, tell, want, teach, show, invite, encourage, allow时,to请"上

  座",例如:(1) Lin Tao invited Jim to have dinner on Mid-autumn Day. (2) My teacher always encourages me to work hard.

   2. 当谓语动词是一"感"(feel)二"听"(hear, listen to)三"使"(make, have, let)和四"看"(see, watch, notice, look at)时,to请"让座",但变成被动语态后to不能省略,例如:We often hear her sing in English.→She is often heard to sing in English by us.

   三、作状语:我"服务热情",常在come, laugh, cry, go, run, stop等不及物动词后作状语,"各有千秋"。

   1. 说明动作的"目的"。例如:When I saw the wallet on the ground, I stopped to pick it up.

   2. 说明动作的"原因"。例如:We sang and danced to hear the good news.

   3. 说明动作的"结果"。例如:He worked hard to catch up with the others in his class.


   1. 下列句型中的"我"作状语,须牢记在心头:(1)too+adj./adv.+to do sth和adj./adv.+enough+to do sth中"我"作结果状语;(2)be+adj.+to do sth中"我"作原因状语。例如:(1)The boy is too young to go to school. (2)I'm sorry to hear that you haven't passed the exam.

   2. "我"有时修饰整个句子。例如:He started the Cousteau Society to help protect life in the sea.

   四、作定语:我"要求严格",常来修饰名词或代词作定语并"后置"。例如:(1)I have

  lots of work to do. (2) I would like something to eat.

   在逻辑上,"我"和被修饰的词是动宾关系,如果是不及物动词,则请介词先生"助一臂之力"。试比较:(1)I have a letter to write. (vt.) (2) I have no pen to write with. (vi.)

   五、疑问词和"我""齐心协力,并肩战斗",成为新时代的"开拓者",可作tell, know, show, teach, decide, learn等及物动词的宾语。

  例如:Mr. Zhou showed us how to play the computer.即可改成这些疑问词引导的定语从句Mr. Zhou showed us how we could play the computer.


  (____)1. Can you show me________an e-mail?(福州市)

   A. send B. how to send C. what to send D. to send

  (____)2. -There is a ticket on the floor, is it yours?

      -Oh, yes, it's mine.

      -Let me________for you.(湖北黄冈)

  A. to pick up it B. to pick it up

  C. pick up it D. pick it up

  (____)3. Bill's mother often tells him________spend too much time playing computer games.(河南省)

  A. not to B. to not C. don't D. doesn't

  (____)4. I'll be sorry________Kunming. I've enjoyed living here.(昆明市)

  A. to leave B. to live in C. to say in D. to visit

  (____)5. -Hi, Peter. Why are you in such a hurry?

    -________the 7:30 train.(南昌市)

  A. Catch B. To catch C. Catching D. Caught

  (____)6. If you don't feel well, you may just________.(河北省)

  A. stopped reading B. stop reading C. stopped to read D. stop to read

  (____)7. Listen! Can you hear a baby________?(山西省)

  A. cry B. to cry C. crying D. cries

  参考答案: 1-7 BDAABBC



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