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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/19 08:53  英语辅导报

  1. Miss Zhao is one of the most popular teachers in the school. (L.10)

  [聚焦句型] one of + the + 形容词最高级 + 复数名词意为 "(在众多当中)最……之一"

  [解读句型] 本句型用于"最……的有若干个"这种情况,是形容词最高级中常见的句型。例如:

  I should say that this is one of the most popular sports in Great Britain.我觉得这是在英国最流行的运动项目之一。


  I believe Einstein is among the greatest scientists.= I believe Einstein is one of the greatest scientists.我相信爱因斯坦是最伟大的科学家之一。

  2. He found it very difficult to get to sleep ... (L.14)

  [聚焦句型] 主语+ 谓语 + it + 宾补 +真正宾语(不定式、动名词、从句)

  [解读句型] 在本句型中,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后边的不定式、动名词或从句。

  不定式也可用否定形式,宾补可以是形容词,也可以是名词。能用于这种句型的动词通常是find, think, make, feel, consider等。例如:

  I make it a rule to get up at six every morning. 我规定我自己每天早上六点起床。

  I think it no good telling him the truth. 我认为把真相告诉他没有好处。

  The director made it clear that the plan is impossible.主任讲得很明白,那计划不可能实现。

  [考例] I don't think ________ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work. (MET '90 )

  A. this B. that C. its D. it (Key:D)

  3. He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door. (L.14)

  [聚焦句型] ...,when... 表示"……突然……"

  [解读句型] when 在本句型里连接两个并列分句。when的前边有个逗号,也可不用。when = and at that moment 或and then (这时候,那时……)。较多情况是:在when前的分句通常用过去进行时,when后面的分句用一般过去时。它往往表示一个突然出现的动作打断或干扰了另一个将要或正在进行着的动作。 例如:

  I was just going out when it began to rain.我刚走出去就下起雨来。

  I was cooking when she knocked at the door. 我正在做饭,突然听到她的敲门声。

  4. "Let's move that bag , or there may be an accident, " said Li Lei. (L.18)

  [聚焦句型] 祈使句 + or + 结果分句,表示"如果……,否则就会……"(祈使句+ and + 结果分句表示"如果……,就会……")

  [解读句型] 在此句型中, 前部分的祈使句表示"条件",等于"if you...", 后部分用and 或or连接的句子表示结果。and表示条件与结果并存,or表示条件与结果不两立。例如:

  Give me time, and I'll do it well.给我时间,我就会做好它。

  Hurry up or you'll be late. (= If you do not hurry up, you'll be late.) 赶快,要不然你就迟到了。

  [考例]________it with me and I'll see what I can do. (NMET '98)

  A. When left B. Leaving

  C. If you leave D. Leave(Key:D)

  5. He did not see the bag until it was too late. (L.18)

  [聚焦句型] not ...until...表示"直到……才……" 主句 + till/ until + 状语/状语从句表示"直到……为止"

  [解读句型] 1) until / till 既可作介词,也可作连词。作介词时,后边跟时间点,充当时间状语。作连词时,后接时间状语从句。例如:

  I waited for him until five o'clock.(介词) 我等他一直到五点钟。

  We will wait until he comes back.(连词) 我们将一直等到他回来。

  2)从句或短语用了 until / till后,主句里的谓语动词如果是终止性动词( 如:leave, begin, come, go, finish等),则动词一定要用否定形式。例如:

  She didn't come until yesterday. 她直到昨天才回来。(不可说:She came back until yesterday.)


  She listened to the radio until her father came back.她一直听收音机到她父亲回来。(即:父亲回来她就不听收音机了。)

  She didn't listen to the radio until her father came back. 直到父亲回来她才听收音机。(即:父亲回来才开始听收音机。)

  3)在以"Not until..."开始的从句或短语后,主句的语序要倒装。

  [考例] 1)Not until all the fish died in the river ________ how serious the pollution was.[NMET '95]

  A. did the villagers realize

  B. the villagers did realized

  C. the villagers did realize

  D. didn't the villagers realize (Key:A)

  2)Not until I began to work________how much time I had wasted. [MET '90]

  A. didn't I realize B. did I realize

  C. I didn't realize D. I realized(Key:B)

  6. But you'd better not talk. (L.18)

  [聚焦句型] had better do sth. 表示"最好做某事"

  [解读句型] had better (常简略为'd better)是一固定词组,had better"最好",用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或表示一种愿望。had better后面必须跟动词原形。主语不论是第几人称,句子不论是什么时态,都要用had better的形式。had better可指现在、将来,也可用于进行。例如:

  You had better start tomorrow.你最好明天动身。

  We had better be starting back now.我们最好现在就动身回去。

  had better的否定式是将否定副词not直接放在had better的后面。例如:

  You had better not miss the last bus. 你最好不要错过末班公共汽车。

  had better在表示对别人劝告、建议时,不宜用于与陌生人、长辈及上级的交谈中。对长辈说话时,最好不用had better。比较有礼貌的说法是:It might be better for you ...或It would be better for you...。例如:

  It might be better for you to help me,Grandpa. 爷爷,您最好能帮我一下。

  [考例]It's freezing outside. You________ put on your overcoat. (MET '87)

  A. had better to B. had better

  C. would better D. would better to(Key:B)

  7. As quickly as she could, Miss Zhao got a medicine box. (L.18)

  [聚焦句型] (主语+谓语) + as + 形容词(副词)+ as one can(could ) 表示"尽可能地……(尽量地……)"

  [解读句型] as ... as one could(can) = as ... as possible; possible或can(could) 都是用来加强形容词或副词的程度。例如:

  Please come as soon as possible.= Please come as soon as you can. 请你尽快来。

  Please read it as clearly as possible (as you can ). 请尽可能读清楚些。

  Please speak to her in English as much as possible every day. 请你每天尽量多地跟她说英语。

  8. With the medicine box under her arm, Miss Zhao hurried off to look after the man. (L.18)

  [聚焦句型] with + 复合宾语

  [解读句型] "with + 复合宾语"即"with+ 宾语+ 宾语补足语"的结构。能够充当with介词的宾语,通常是名词和代词,而构成宾语补足语通常有七种形式。这7种形式分别是:介词短语、副词、不定式、现在分词、过去分词、形容词和名词。例如:

  She saw a river with red flowers and green grass on both sides. 她看到一条河,河岸两边长满了红花绿草。

  "with + 复合宾语"结构在句中主要作状语,它可以表示伴随情况、行为方式、原因、条件、时间、结果、程度等。例如:

  With the old man leading, the two started toward the mountain. 在老人的带领下,二人朝山走去。(表示伴随情况)

  The room with the window half open is my bedroom. 窗半开的那个房间是我的寝室。

  [考例] The murderer was brought in , with his hands ________ behind his back. [MET '91]

  A. being tiedB. having tied C. to be tied D. tied(Key:D)

  9. Are you sure you've lost it? (L.22)

  [聚焦句型] be sure + that clause表示"确信……"

  be sure of /about 意为"确信……;对……有把握"

  be sure to do意为"一定会"

  [解读句型] sure可用certain来代替。如:

  We are sure (certain) of victory. 我们一定会胜利。

  I am sure (certain) that he will come. 我肯定他会来。

  这两个词的用法有两点必须注意: 1) certain和sure后接不定式与后跟of接动名词意思不同。后跟of接动名词表示句子主语"相信";后接不定式表示别人"相信"句子主语。例如:

  He is sure of winning. 他自信会胜。

  He is sure to win. (我们相信)他肯定会胜。

  [误] It is certain of raining.

  [正] It is certain to rain.


  It is certain that he will come. (通用).

  It is sure that he will come. (少用)

  [考例] No one can be sure________in a million years. (MET '91 )

  A. what man will look like

  B. what will man look like

  C. man will look like what

  D. what look will man like (Key:A)

  10. So, she's been at this school since September? (L.33)

  [聚焦句型] 主句(现在完成时) + since clause(过去时)

  It's (has been)...+ since clause表示"自从……以来……已经……"

  [解读句型]上面两个句型用于表示从过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,而且还可能继续下去。这种用法,主句的谓语只能用于延续性动词 (stay, work, live...),不能用于非延续性动词(leave, close, see, hear, take, bring)。since可作介词,跟时间的"点",如:since two o'clock;而for跟时间的"段",如 for two days; since也可作为连词,引导时间状语从句。从句中的谓语动词大多用过去时。例如:


  [误] The meeting has begun for half an hour.

  [正] Half an hour has passed since the meeting began.

  [正] It is (has been) half an hour since the meeting began.

  [正] The meeting began half an hour ago.

  注意:在since 从句中,如果动词为延续性动词过去时,句意一般为否定含义。例如:

  Two years has passed since I smoked.我戒烟已经两年了。(不能译成:自从我吸烟以来已两年了。)

  [考例]-What was the party like?

  -Wonderful. It's years ________ I enjoyed myself so much. (NMET '93 )

  A. after B. before C. when D. since




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