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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/22 10:22  英语辅导报


  I was an armed warrior, but now

  The youthful courtier covers my proud neck With twisted filigree of gold and silver.

  Sometimes I'm kissed by heroes, and again

  I woo to battle with my melody

  Comrades in full accord. At times the courser

  Bears me across the border, and again

  Over the floods the stallion of the sea

  Conveys me radiant with ornaments.

  Sometimes a maiden, garlanded with jewels,

  Brims full my winding bosom, and again

  Perforce I lie-hard, headless, solitary

  Upon the board. Sometimes, set off with trappings,

  In comely guise upon the wall I hang

  Where heroes drink. Again, horsed warriors

  On forays wear me, glorious apparel;

  Then, dappled with gold, I must inspire the wind

  From someone's bosom. Whilom stately men

  I summon to banquetings and wine; sometimes

  My voice resounds with freedom to the captive.

  Flight to the foe. Now find out what I'm called.


  I saw a creature in the homes of men

  Which feeds the cattle. It has many teeth.

  Its beak is useful to it. It points downwards.

  It plunders gently and goes home again,

  Wanders among the mounds and seeks out herbs.

  It always finds out those that are not firm.

  It lets the fair ones stand upon their roots,

  Firm, undisturbed in their established place,

  And brightly shine and blossom and grow tall.

  (文/刘大伟 英语辅导报大学教师版04~05学年第4期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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