英国众家长仍在财政上支持成年子女 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/12 16:10 国际在线 |
The Adults Who Are Still Relying on Pocket Money More than half a million parents are still giving "pocket money" to offspring in their thirties or older, according to a survey. Research found that 631,000 parents provide their grown-up children with substantial regular financial support, and for some 148,000 this continues beyond the age of 44. Mark Maguire, a spokesman for Egg, which questioned 1,000 parents, said: "We found a surprisingly large number of parents were providing substantial on-going financial help. "These are obviously not people receiving pocket money in the way children do – 50 pence to buy sweets - but it could be described as an allowance. "Sometimes it was help with rent or a mortgage, sometimes it was people living at home rent-free, with their food and bills paid for them." Many others are simply unable to afford to stand alone because of high student debt and rising housing costs. "This has shown that the social fabric is changing and parents are supporting their children for longer," Mr Maguire said. "It's an additional burden on parents who would otherwise be concentrating on their own life and retirement and using the money to enjoy themselves." Christian Jennings, of the National Family and Parenting Institute, said: "Families don't stop at 18 and have always supported each other. However, in recent years the cost of property compared with wages has risen enormously, so there's a definite trend of young people needing more help." The findings back a separate survey last year which found that a quarter of parents expected to be helping their children financially into their 40s. |
英国众家长仍在财政上支持成年子女 |
英国著名网上银行——Egg的一份最新的调查结果显示,目前仍有很多家长在财政上无微不至地照顾着自己已经成年的子女,为他们交房租、偿还贷款,或是给他们“零花钱”。 据英国《每日电讯报》11月11日报道,这份调查结果显示,目前有多于63万的英国家长仍然给予自己的子女稳定的财政支持。Egg发言人马克·马奎尔表示:“我们发现给成年子女提供财政支持的家长数量真是大得惊人。要知道,这可和孩子小的时候给他们50便士买糖果不一样,这可以算是一种定期津贴了。” 这些接受家长资助的成年人大多都有30多岁,有的年纪还更大一些。他们因无力承担日益上涨的住房费等开销不得不在财政上继续依靠自己的父母。英国家庭事务研究所的克里斯汀·詹宁斯说,近些年来,与人们的工资水平相比,物价上涨速度非常快。这就导致了一个很明显的趋势,即现在的年轻人需要更多的帮助。 对此,马奎尔表示:“这份统计结果告诉我们,社会结构发生了变化,现在家长们需要更长的时间来照顾他们的子女。而对于很多家长来说,这也是一个额外的负担。要不是这样,他们本来可以选择过更好的生活。”(王高山) |