神秘人士拍卖歌剧女神百万珠宝(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/17 14:37 国际在线 |
Jewellery worn by the legendary late opera star Maria Callas during her glory years will go under the auctioneer's hammer in the Swiss city of Geneva on Wednesday, stirring up emotions more than 27 years after she died. The dazzling array of diamond and ruby earrings, necklaces, emeralds and a ring with an 11.7 carat diamond could fetch up to 1.2 million Swiss francs (790,000 euros, one million dollars), the auction house Sotheby's estimated. "It's very rare to have the jewels of someone who is so mythical on sale, it really is the highlight of this autumn's auctions," said spokesman Frederic Leyat. Callas received the 11 jewels as gifts from her first husband, Italian industrialist and opera lover Giovanni Battista Meneghini, during the 1950s. It is the first time that they have been put on sale. The collection was inherited by an anonymous member of the soprano's inner circle after she died in 1977, amid squabbling over her multi-million dollar estate and will involving family and friends. Sotheby's has been at pains to maintain the traditional anonymity of the seller, but the feuding that soured the fringes of the late star's glamorous and tragic life shows little sign of abating more than a quarter of century later. Newspapers have variously reported the seller to be the heirs of a Greek pianist friend of Callas, or a nurse who received an inheritance from Meneghini. Franco Zeffirelli, the film director and opera producer, and a close friend of Callas, recently denounced the sale for "shamefully exploiting Marias legacy". Zeffirelli, whose film "Callas Forever" has just been released, said in the British newspaper The Sunday Times: "I have received an invitation but I have no intention of going. I don't want to smell the jackals involved in this." The auctioneers said there was strong interest from potential bidders, but the collection shows every sign of being scattered to the four corners of the world. A ruby and diamond suite including matching necklace, earrings, and bracelet is being sold as separate lots. "The reason for making it three indvidual lots was that Maria was loved by so many people and to assume that they could all be at the level to afford the suite was a bit presumptuous," said Sotheby's Geneva director Brett O'Connor. "So we wanted everybody to have a chance to have a piece of someone who was so liked," he added. The daughter of Greek immigrants to New York, Callas -- Maria Anna Sofia Cecilia Kalogeropoulos by her real name -- was born in 1923. But her surroundings rarely proved to be stable even from childhood, and she returned to Greece at the age of 14 after her parents separated. Eight years after her operatic debut in 1941, the star married the Italian industrialist, who was much older than her. Meneghini managed her career, guiding the soprano through performances in Milan, New York, Chicago and London that drew acclaim and admiration from opera buffs. Callas later fell in love with the Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis. Their stormy and high-profile relationship led to the end of her marriage in 1959 and appeared to upset her performances on stage. Onassis ultimately shunned her devotion, marrying Jacqueline Kennedy nine years later. Callas's last public performance was in Japan in November 1974. She died died heartbroken in her Paris apartment in 1977 at the age of 53. During Wednesday evening's auctions, part of the traditional autumn jewellry sales in Geneva, a 10.2 carat, pear-shaped "fancy vivid blue" diamond from another collection will also go under the hammer. O'Connor estimated that it would fetch seven to eight million Swiss Francs. |
神秘人士拍卖歌剧女神百万珠宝(图) |
被誉为歌剧女神的著名美籍希腊女高音歌唱家玛丽亚-卡拉斯生前所拥有的价值百万美元的珠宝,在其逝世27年后,将于11月17日在瑞士日内瓦被拍卖。 据法新社11月15日报道,这些珠宝包括一对红宝石镶钻耳环、一条项链、一只11.7克拉的钻戒以及其它琳琅满目的翡翠饰品。据负责此次拍卖的日内瓦索斯比拍卖行估计,这些珠宝的总价值将达120万瑞士法郎(约合100万美元)。 索斯比拍卖行的发言人弗德里克-列亚特说:“这些珠宝是第一次被拍卖,它们将成为本次拍卖活动的大亮点,因为它们现在的主人是如此的神秘。”神秘继承者不愿揭开神秘面纱 上个世纪50年代,卡拉斯的第一任丈夫、一位爱好歌剧的意大利实业家麦乃基尼将11件珍贵的珠宝作为礼物送给了她。 1977年卡拉斯去世之后,为了继承她数百万美元的不动资产,卡拉斯的家人和朋友进行了一场激烈的明争暗斗。据说,这些珠宝最后被卡拉斯身边一位身份不详的亲友继承。 索斯比拍卖行此次也煞费苦心地严守着这位传说中的神秘继承者的身份秘密。 媒体对于这位神秘人物的真实面目也是众说纷纭。有的认为他(她)是卡拉斯生前一位希腊钢琴家朋友的后人;有的表示是一名从卡拉斯前夫麦乃基尼那里得到了珠宝继承权的保姆。 而卡拉斯生前的好友、电影导演兼歌剧制片人佛朗哥-泽菲雷里近日却公开谴责珠宝的继承者无耻地占有了卡拉斯的遗产。刚刚拍摄完电影《永远的卡拉斯》的泽菲雷里在英国的《星期日泰晤士报》上指出:“我收到了拍卖行的邀请,但我不打算去。我不愿意闻到那些争夺珠宝的豺狼虎豹的气味。” 歌剧女神辉煌与悲凄相伴的一生 卡拉斯原名茜茜莉亚-索菲亚-安娜-玛丽亚-卡罗盖洛波乌罗斯,生于1923年,她的父母早年从希腊移民到美国纽约。在她14岁父母离异后,她返回了希腊。 1941年,即卡拉斯首场歌剧演出举行8年之后,她与比她年长许多的麦乃基尼结婚。对歌剧怀有浓厚兴趣的麦乃基尼经营着卡拉斯的歌唱事业。在他的指引下,卡拉斯奔走于米兰、纽约、芝加哥和伦敦等大城市演出,得到了观众的肯定和称赞。此后,卡拉斯被誉为歌剧女神,开始了她辉煌的歌唱事业。 后来,卡拉斯与希腊船王奥纳西斯坠入爱河。他们疯狂的甚至公开的婚外情最终使卡拉斯的婚姻于1959年结束,这次婚外情同时也对她的歌唱事业造成了不良后果。而让卡拉斯心寒的是,她最终却没能成为奥纳西斯的新娘。9年后,奥纳西斯迎娶了美国第35任总统肯尼迪的遗孀杰奎琳。 1974年11月,卡拉斯在日本举行了她的最后一次公开演出。1977年,53岁的卡拉斯在她巴黎的公寓里悲伤地去世。 价值百万珠宝最终将散落人间 据索斯比拍卖行介绍,前来竞拍的人都兴致颇高,但这些珠宝中的每件首饰都将被分开拍卖,例如红宝石镶嵌钻石的首饰组合,其中的项链、耳环和手镯都将被分别出售。 拍卖行的负责人布莱特-奥康纳表示:“将这套首饰分开拍卖是因为喜欢玛丽亚-卡拉斯的人太多了,如果某一个人有能力一下买走所有的珠宝,这样似乎显得太专横了。所以,我们希望每个喜欢玛丽亚的人都有机会珍藏她的珠宝。”(蒋黎黎) |