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Quick Getaway HONG KONG
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/24 17:19  thats China

  Hong Kong Museum of History

  The history of Hong Kong's transformation from a neglected corner of China to a bustling British colony to a Chinese Special Administrative Region is chronicled at this engaging museum, located at 100 Chatham Road in Kowloon. An added bonus: On Wednesdays, admission to the history museum (and most other ticket-charging museums in Hong Kong) is free. It's the perfect price for a relaxing escape from the heat and humidity.

  Act Like a Sailor

  Downtown Hong Kong consists of two main areas: Hong Kong Island (home to many of the city's skyscrapers) and Kowloon (a major shopping district), just across Victoria Harbour on the mainland. You can take the state-of-the-art subway system between Hong Kong Island's Central District and Kowloon's Tsim Sha Tsui, but we'd recommend a better (and cheaper) alternative: the Star Ferry. For an upper deck price of HK$2.20 (about 2.30 yuan), you can take a one-way, 7-minute journey across the harbor. On a clear day, the views of each side are truly amazing, and at night, there's no better place to see the neon lights of the financial district glittering in the water. Ahoy!

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