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Quick Getaway HONG KONG
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/24 17:19  thats China

  Eat, Eat, Eat

  This isn't the time for a diet: Any trip to Hong Kong is sure to involve a culinary smorgasbord that is well worth a slight waistline adjustment. Local favorites like dim sum are obvious can't-miss treats, but check out the Western restaurants as well. You can find all kinds of delicious things not always easily available in the mainland: just-baked bagels, gooey burritos, fresh deli meats, tangy hummus, mouth-watering cheesesteaks... We could go on and on, but it wouldn't be fair to our taste buds.

  Walk on the Wild(life) Side

  In a city with tons of hustle and bustle, finding a quiet spot can be a real treat. The Hong Kong Zoological & Botanical Gardens, a short walk from the top of the mid-levels escalator, provide a quiet respite from the rest of the city. See animals such as orangutans, giant turtles and raccoons (oh, my?) in the park's small zoo or enjoy a serene park bench surrounded by flowers and fountains.

  Think Big

  Most of Hong Kong's sights and sounds are on the busy main island and Kowloon, but a short boat ride (from the docks on either side of Victoria Harbour) makes it easy to venture into Hong Kong's undiscovered side. Lantau Island - which already houses the airport and the future site of Disneyland Hong Kong - is home to the Tiantan Buddha, a 22-meter-tall bronze statue on the grounds of the Po Lin Monastery. Lantau also has hiking trails and beaches - a nature-lover's alternative to the big city of Hong Kong.

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