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Sizzling Salves
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/26 20:27  thats China

  Chinese medicine's fuss-free tips for a healthy summer

  By Vanessa Mulquiney

  Summer is the season of wearing little, eating little and playing hard is it? According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) doctors, our warm weather habits may be the very reason why we find ourselves stuck in bed with a cold when we should be playing in the sun.

  Fortunately, Dr. Song, Associate Professor at the China Academy of TCM in Beijing, says by adopting a lifestyle similar to the Chinese, we can all look forward to a healthy, sniffle-free summer.

  "In TCM, it's believed that health care should be practiced throughout the year according to each season, be it winter or summer," says Dr. Song, who advises that we should have a consistant routine everyday. He suggests rising earlier and going to bed later in summer; and whenever possible taking a short afternoon siesta to recharge.

  Follow these age-old TCM summertime tips to ensure your summer is wonderful, not woeful.

  Think Mellow

  The temperature outside is not the only thing to rise in summer. According to TCM, summer's element is fire - a time when people are more likely to experience mood swings when acclimatizing to the warmer weather. Dr. Song says that we should keep our emotions in check and work to balance the mind and spirit through regular exercise and a healthy dose of fresh fruit and veggies.

  Get Out There

  Although summer is a time when energy levels are sky-high, it's very easy to over do it. "It's important not to exercise to the point of exhaustion," says Dr. Song. Instead of a sweaty two-hour long workout, Dr. Song recommends light, easy-paced exercises like taijiquan or early morning walks. Fast-paced outdoor activities like jogging and hiking should be enjoyed in the early morning and evening to avoid the heat. Remember to drink plenty of fluids and avoid outdoor exercise when the temperature is at its hottest: 11am-3pm.

  Rest Well

  While TCM experts maintain that a healthy sex life is just as important as a healthy diet; so too is conserving energy. It is believed that too much fun under the covers, coupled with the summer heat only adds to exhaustion. This leads onto a yin/yang imbalance in the body - a big TCM no-no. "We should not tire the body through strenuous exercise; this includes sex," says Dr. Song.

  Eat Wise

  " The easiest way to achieve a yin/yang balance is through the food we eat," says Dr. Song. He suggests taking a break from hot and spicy dishes this summer, as these will only add heat to the body and are difficult to digest. Opt for lighter meals, such as fish or chicken, and take advantage of the vegetables in season.

  While the urge to have a fourth bowl of ice cream is hard to resist, you may be doing more harm to your body than simply adding an extra knot to your belt. "By constantly consuming cold beverages and ice cream, you are impairing the body's yang which leaves you vulnerable to summer colds," says Dr. Song.

  Instead of shocking your body with cold-type foods, let refrigerated watermelon sit at room temperature before consuming, go easy on iced drinks and fill up on green beans, cucumber, tofu and bananas; which are all classified as cooling foods in TCM.

  Dress Smart

  Before you swap your winter woolens for a skimpy singlet, make sure its singlet weather first. Doctors advise that the type of clothing we wear during the season also plays a part in our overall health. "People often wear too little during summer. They spend long periods of time in cold, air-conditioned rooms; and then go out in the heat - its no surprise that people get ill," says Dr. Song. Don't let your summer be ruined by catching a cold: Add a light layer of clothing when having a late night out and avoid sitting directly in front of cold air-conditioning. Carry a light sweater with you to work in case of a change in temperature and when at home, try to keep the air-conditioning on a low setting.

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