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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/30 12:35  英语辅导报


  It was very fine when I got up on last Sunday morning. 1.________

  So I decided to go for a walk and took some photos in the 2.________

  beautiful country. After breakfast, I carried my camera with 3.________

  me and set off. Everything went smooth. I enjoyed my trip 4.________

  so much that I didn’t realize the weather had been turned 5.________

  bad. I began to run and it was too late. I was caught 6.________

  at the rain and was wet through. I kept on running until 7.________

  I get to a bus stop. I stood there waiting a long time for the 8.________

  bus, shivering in cold. Shortly after I got home, I had 9.________

  high fever, which made me stay in bed for a whole week! 10.________


  My mother was born in a small town in Italian. She was three 1. ________

  when her parents settle in the USA in 1926. They lived in 2. ________

  Chicago, that my grandfather’s work was making ice cream. 3. ________

  At 16, my mother graduated a high school, went on to a 4. ________

  secretarial school , and finally worked as secretary for a 5. ________

  railroad company. She was beautiful. When a local photographer 6. ________

  used some of her picture in his monthly window display, 7. ________

  she was very happily. One of her favorite photos showed her 8. ________

  sitting by Lake Michigan. My mother was used 9. ________

  to say what she was the most beautiful in the town. 10. ________


  (I) 1. 去掉on。名词被this, that, next, last等修饰后,其前面一般不用介词。 2. took→take。take与go是并列关系。 3. 本行无错。 4. smooth→smoothly。副词作状语,修饰went。 5.去掉been。turned在此处是系动词,不用被动语态。 6. and→but。此处表转折关系。7. at→in。表达“被雨淋了”时,常用短语be caught in the rain, 介词常用in。8. get→got。根据上下文,此处应该用动词的一般过去时态。9. in→with。shivering with cold意为“冻得浑身发抖”,介词with表示原因,意为“由于”。 10. high前加a。have a high fever是固定短语,意为“发高烧”。

  (II) 1. Italian→Italy。此处应该用名词,表示国家“意大利”。2. settle→settled。由上下文可知,此处应该用动词的一般过去时态。 3. that→where。where引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Chicago,where在定语从句中作状语,相当于in which。

  4. graduated后加from。graduate是不及物动词,表达“毕业于某学校”时,graduate后应该用介词from。 5. secretary前加a。secretary是可数名词,其前面应该有冠词a。 6. 本行无错。7. picture→pictures。some of后的名词应该用复数形式,另外,下文也有提示,橱窗里陈列的照片不止一张。8. happily→happy。这里应该用形容词作表语。 9. 去掉was。本句使用的是“used to + 动词原形”,表达“过去常常……”。10. what→that。that引导宾语从句,that只起连接作用,that本身无词义。


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