新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 点点英语四六级专栏 > 四六级听力简短对话题型归类和应试策略

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/07 19:36  点点英语




  相关词汇与表达:more, less, late, early, fast, slow, ahead of schedule, delay, postpone, decrease, bring forward, times, twice, double, a quarter, a half, the day before yesterday, by noon, half an hour


  A) $1.40 B) $4.30 C) $6.40 D) $8.60

  W: Here is a ten-dollar bill. Give me two tickets for tonight’s show, please.

  M: Sure. Two tickets and here’s a dollar forty cents change.

  Q: How much does one ticket cost?


  A) 5:10. B) 5:00. C) 4:30. D) 5:15.

  M: I wonder if Sue will be here by five o’clock.

  W: Her husband said she left home at half past four. She should be here at ten after five

  and a quarter past five at the latest.

  Q: What time did Sue leave home? (2001.6/7)



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