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实战演练 Passage 41-45
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/08 09:26  新浪教育

  Passage 41


  People used to say, “The hand that rocks the cradle (摇篮) rules the world.” and “Behind every successful man there is a woman.”

  Both these 1 mean the same thing. Men rule the world , 2 their wives rule them.

  3 of the American women like making their husbands and 4 successful, but some of them want 5 for themselves. They want 6 jobs. When they work, they want to be better 7 .They want to be as 8 as men .

  The American women’s liberation movement was started by women who don’t want to stand 9 successful men. They want to stand 10 men, with 11 chance for success. They don’t want to be told that 12 jobs or offices are 13 to them. They 14 to work side by side with men who do the same work for a 15 pay.

  A liberated woman must be 16 of being a woman and have confidence (信心) in 17. If somebody says to her “You have come a long 18”. She will 19 and answer, “Not nearly as far as I’m going to 20, baby.”

  This movement is quite new, and many American women agree. But it has already made some important changes in women’s lives─in men’s lives, too.

  1. A. terms B. ideas C. sayings D. phrases

  2. A. and B. because C. so D. but

  3. A. Each B. Most C. None D. Few

  4. A. sons B. children C. daughters D. friends

  5. A. much B. more C. less D. little

  6. A. easy B. good C. light D. difficult

  7. A. tended B. watched C. workers D. paid

  8. A. rich B. free C. successful D. good

  9. A. behind B. before C. above D. with

  10. A. over B. beside C. below D. before

  11. A. more B. the same C. better D. good

  12. A. all B. either C. no D. certain

  13. A. closed B. open C. offered D. limiting

  14. A. hope B. refuse C. like D. have

  15. A. good B. lower C. bad D. better

  16. A. sorry B. dreaming C. proud D. tired

  17. A. others B. pay C. herself D. work

  18. A. way B. time C. trip D. delay

  19. A. think B. smile C. nod D. regret

  20. A. come B. start C. arrive D. go


  通读全文, 本文讲述了美国的妇女解放运动的问题:妇女不仅要求与男子同工同酬,她们更要与男人一样成功。妇女的解放不仅改变了妇女,也改变了男人。

  1. C term 术语;idea 观念;phrase短语;saying 俗语。 前面的两句应该是俗语。

  2. D “尽管男人统治着世界,然而女人统治着男人。”前后为转折关系。

  3. B 与下句but some of them want 5 ( more) for themselves作对比,大部分妇女仍喜欢做幕后英雄。

  4. A 在家庭中支持男人成功,即支持丈夫和儿子成功。

  5. B有的妇女对自己要求的更多。空前的but 对此答案有较为重要的作用。

  6. B 联系下一句When they work, they want to be better 7 (paid)我们可以推断,妇女要求与男人干同样好的工作。

  7. D be (well) paid 得到很好报酬。 在此A有一定的干扰性,tend意思是“照料、照顾”。 我们可以想一想,如果女人要求获得比男人更好的照顾的话,她们是在要求与男人平等吗?

  8. C 整个这一段讲述女人不甘落在男人后面, 她们要与男子获得同样的工作、报酬、成功机会。

  9. A 从第一段Behind every successful man there is a woman我们可以得此答案。

  10. B 这两空的介词的使用表明女人的立场。 Stand behind successful men站在成功男人的后面,成为他们的附属品。stand beside men与男人并肩站着,谁也不比谁差到哪里去。

  11. B with the same chance for success 是对stand beside men的补充。

  12. D “她们不想有人告诉她们某些工作是她们不能做的。”certain在这里的意思是“某些”。

  13. A are closed to them意思是“她们不能去干”。

  14. B 此空若不联系下一空便很难选出。联系上下文我们可以推断出现在仍存在男女同工不同酬的现象。妇女并非想获得比男子更高的报酬,因此这空选hope,下一空选bad 或lower是错误的。这句话的意思是“她们不愿意(refuse)与男子干同样的工作,男子获得的报酬却比她们高。”

  15. D a better pay后省略了than them (women)。

  16. C “一个解放的妇女必须以作为妇女为骄傲……。”

  17. C 对自己充满信心。

  18. A You have come a long way的意思是You have made great progress in your position. 即“你们的地位已经提得够高了。”

  19. B smile一词说明妇女已经看到了自己地位的提高。C,D均有较大干扰性。nod表示“赞同”, 与后面妇女的答语相矛盾。regret表示“惋惜”,这样不能表示妇女已经看到自己的地位已经提高,从答语后的baby一词我们也可以看到妇女对自己的前途是乐观的,因此D不合题意。

  20. D 这句话的意思是“与我们要达到的还差得远呢。”not nearly在这里的意思是“远非”。在此A 有一定的干扰性。从上一段You have come a long 18 (way) 我们可以看出, come在这里表示“已经达到的”,go表示“即将达到的”。

  Passage 42


  We often see dogs always put their tongues out in summer. But 1 the dogs didn't do so. Long long ago, the dog was very bad. He 2 did a good deed.

  One summer day the dog 3 into a forest. 4 he saw the forest was beautiful and clean, a 5 idea came to him. Then he brought 6 dirty things to the forest and put 7 everywhere . What he did was 8 by a monkey who hid 9 a big tree. He didn’t tell anyone 10 the dog did for 11 did not know why the dog did so.

  Several days 12, it got hotter and hotter, and the dirty things became rotten. The air smelt 13 . Many animals fell ill. All the other animals became angry and tried 14 who had done it and punish him. The monkey knew 15 bad the dog was. So he 16 the other animals the truth. They caught up with the dog and 17 him eat all the dirty things and 18 the forest clean.

  After that the dog 19 honest. To remember this, he puts his tongue out in 20 .

  1. A. later B. finally C. at first D. then

  2. A. never B. often C. always D. suddenly

  3. A.entered B. arrived C. went D. reached

  4. A. Suddenly B. So C. When D. So that

  5. A. good B. bad C. wonderful D. common

  6. A. much B. a little C. a lot of D. few

  7. A. it B. them C. that D. those

  8. A. watched B. seen C. looked D. caught

  9. A. behind B. before C. around D. beside

  10. A. why B. what C. when D. how

  11. A. he B. him C. whom D. which

  12. A. before B. ago C. long D. later

  13. A. splendid B. nice C. terrible D. clean

  14. A. not to tell B. to find out C. not telling D. finding out

  15. A. very B. how C. such D. terrible

  16. A. asked for B. told C. asked D. answered

  17. A. wanted B. forced C. got D. made

  18. A. keep B. make C. let D. have

  19. A. pretended to be B. became C. didn't seem to be D. wasn't

  20. A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn D. Winter



  1. C 从空后的didn't及下文的Long long ago可得此答案。

  2. A 从上句的the dog was very bad得此答案。

  3. C 能与into搭配的只有went。

  4. C “当它看到……”。when 在这里引导了时间状语从句。

  5. B 从前文the dog was very bad及后文它做的事看, 狗有了一个很坏的主意。

  6. C much和a little都是修饰不可数名词;few 表示否定意义。在这里作者想通过这个事例说明狗的坏, 因此狗弄去了很多dirty things。

  7. B them指前文的dirty things。在此D有一定的干扰性。those指属于这一类的,并非指前面提到的那些东西。

  8. B A有一定干扰性,watched意思是“观察”, 在这里作者是说狗所做的这一切正好被猴子看到,因此用was seen。

  9. A 因为是“藏(hid)”,因此此空用behind。

  10. B what在这里引导宾语从句,作did的宾语。

  11. A “因为它(猴子)不知道它(狗)为什么要这样做。 ”空前的for表示原因。

  12. D Several days later指狗将dirty things弄得到处都是的几天以后。

  13.C 因为it got hotter and hotter 又加上the dirty things became rotten,因此The air smelt terrible。

  14.B “动物们想弄清楚是谁干的。”try在此意为“想, 企图”,因此后面跟不定式。find out 意思是“(通过调查、研究后)搞清楚,弄明白”。

  15. B how引导宾语从句。how修饰bad,表示程度。

  16. B 它(猴子)告诉了其它动物真相。

  17. D 后跟不定式作宾补,可以省略to的只有made。

  18. B make the forest clean指“让它打扫森林”。 keep意思是“保持”,因此A不合题意。

  19. B 这是讲述这件事前后狗的变化。“这之后它变得诚实了。”

  20. B 从短文首句可得此答案。最后一句为首尾照应。

  Passage 43


  About once a month I have to go to Degford for my work. One day I went into a hotel there to have something to 1 . The waiter 2 my coat and put it in a small room.

  About an hour later I was 3 to go. The waiter 4 me my coat. 5 something fell out of the pocket onto the floor. It was a small white box. Then I took a good look at the 6 .“Oh, you’ve brought someone 7 coat,” I said to the waiter. “It looks very much like mine, 8 it is quite new, and this isn’t my box, either.”

  “Oh, then I 9 someone has taken your coat and left this,” said the waiter. “This kind of thing 10 sometimes.”

  I opened the box. There was a beautiful gold ring in it. So I went 11 to the police station.

  “ 12 lost a ring?” I asked.

  “Yes,” said a policeman. “A young man who came in this morning lost a ring. He lost it in London.”

  He 13 the young man. A few minutes later, the man arrived.

  “Yes, this is my ring,” he said. “How can I 14 you, sir? You see, I paid a lot of money for this ring and 15 I lost it on the train!”

  After I told him the 16 of the coat, he said, “You haven't been on the train. I haven’t been in the hotel, So how did my ring 17 in the coat?”

  “Did 18 sit or stand next to you on the train? ”asked the policeman.

  “Yes,” said the young man. “But I don’t remember his face.”

  “You may remember this coat,” said the policeman. “Was it like this one?”

  “Yes, it was,” said the young man.“But my friend here 19 the thief.”

  The policeman laughed. “ 20 ,” he said. “The thief on the train stole your ring, and like our friend here, he went into the hotel to get some food. Only he didn’t take the right coat away with him.”

  1. A. do B. buy C. eat D. deal with

  2. A. took B. found C. liked D. watched

  3. A. anxious B. glad C. invited D. ready

  4. A. showed B. returned C. brought D. dressed

  5. A. Luckily B. Suddenly C. Obviously D. At once

  6. A. ring B. box C. coat D. pocket

  7. A. lost B. missed C. new D. else's

  8. A. but B. and C. instead D. for

  9. A. know B. wonder C. suppose D. find

  10. A. appears B. happens C. meets D. changes

  11. A. around B. about C. ahead D. along

  12. A. Who B. Has she C. Has anyone D. Have you

  13. A. wrote to B. remembered C. telephoned D. knew

  14. A. return B. thank C. find D. help

  15. A. then B. so C. yet D. however

  16. A. model B. price C. story D. size

  17. A. come B. put C. set D. get

  18. A. he B. the thief C. the waiter D. anyone

  19. A. discovered B. isn’t C. has caught D. doesn’t know

  20. A. I’m afraid not B. Yes C. No D.Surely


  通读全文,本文是记叙文。全文叙述了 “I”去宾馆吃饭,别人错拿了“我”的衣服,结果是把在伦敦从火车上偷来的戒指留给了“我”。

  1. C 从后文and like our friend here, he went into the hotel to get some food.得知“我”去宾馆吃饭。

  2. A 从空后and put it in a small room 得知the waiter 接过了我的大衣。

  3. D be ready to go意思是“打算走”。

  4. C 与第二空的took相对。“我”来时the waiter接过了my coat,现在又给“我”拿来了(brought)。

  5. B Suddenly 一词表示出乎意料。

  6. C B有较大干扰性,从下一句 “Oh, you’ve brought someone 7 (else’s) coat,” 得知“我”当时看了一下the coat。

  7. D “噢,你拿了别人的衣服。”

  8. A 前后为转折关系。

  9. C 看到这种情况, the waiter作出推测 。

  10. B “这种事情有时会在这里发生”。A有较大干扰性, appear指本已存的事情表露出来,因此不合题意。

  11. D went along to the police station到警察局去。

  12. C 从后面回答 “Yes,” said a policeman. “A young man who came in this morning lost a ring.”得此答案。

  13. C从A few minutes later, the man arrived 得知the policeman 给那人打了电话。

  14. B 因为“我”为他拿回了戒指,因此那人要感谢“我”。

  15. C and yet表示转折,however也可以表示转折, 但不与and连用。

  16. C the story of the coat 指“我”拿到这件衣服的前后经过。

  17. D“我的戒指是怎样到了那件衣服里的。”

  18. D anyone在这里指偷了戒指的人。

  19. B the young man 错把这件大衣当成是“我”的。 但他又不相信“我”是偷他戒指的人。

  20.C the policeman 同意他的观点─ But my friend here 19 (isn’t) the thief。B,D有一定的干扰性,若回答yes或surely则承认了“我”是小偷。

  Passage 44


  One bright summer day, a number of little boys and girls were out walking with their teacher. They walked two by two, singing happily.

  In their walk they came to a 1 over the river, and they turned to go across it. They had just reached the middle 2 there came a great shout behind them. The teacher told them to stop, and she 3 and listened. When she 4 the cry “Mad dog! ”she knew 5 was happening. Before she could do 6 , she saw the dog running to the bridge.

  “Children,” said the teacher, “keep 7 the wall of the bridge. Don’t 8 or cry.” Then she went and stood before the boys and girls 9 the dog would meet her first.

  The animal came, his mouth widely open. The animal ran up 10 , and seemed to be going by, but when he had just passed the 11 , he made a snap (猛咬) at 12 of the little girls. At this moment, the teacher saw a man running up with a gun to 13 the dog. The children must be kept 14 until the man could come up. So she ran to the dog, and put her right hand into the animal’s 15 . When the man came near enough, he shot the animal 16 .

  The dog had bitten her so 17 that the brave lady died soon after the doctors came. She had given 18 her own life to save the lives of the children. When people 19 it, they loved her for her bravery. They said, “The 20 of this brave lady should never be forgotten.”

  1. A. garden B. temple C. village D. bridge

  2. A. suddenly B. where C. when D. and

  3. A. stayed B. stood C. sat D. turned

  4. A. considered B. heard C. noticed D. found

  5. A. that B. anything C. what D. whether

  6. A. something B. things C. nothing D. everything

  7. A. close to B. off C. away from D. out of

  8. A. talk B. laugh C. move D. run

  9. A. as B. so that C. as if D. so

  10. A. quickly B. carefully C. silently D. slowly

  11. A. girls B. boys C. bridge D. teacher

  12. A. none B. one C. each D. no one

  13. A. beat B. shoot C. strike D. rive

  14. A. happy B. safe C. alive D. silent

  15. A. ears B. lips C. mouth D. breast

  16. A. over B. away C. dead D. down

  17. A. deeply B. seriously C. painfully D. quickly

  18. A. out B. off C. up D. onto

  19. A. thought of B. nderstood C. heard of D. forgot

  20. A. idea B. hope C. deed D. news



  1. D 从空后的over the river得此答案。从后文的she saw the dog running to the bridge也可得此答案。

  2.C “他们刚刚走到中间,就在这时从身后传来了喊叫声”when在此引导时间状语从句。

  3. D 因为喊声came behind them. 因此the teacher turned and listened.

  4. B 她听到了 “Mad dog!”的喊叫声。

  5. C what 引导主语从句,在从句中作主语。

  6. A “还没有来得及采取措施,她就看到狗朝桥这儿跑来”。before...can...意思是“还没来得及……就……”。 do something在此意为do something to deal with the matter。

  7. A Keep close to the wall of the bridge 意思是“贴近桥栏。”老师让学生们这样做的目的是为了给疯狗让开路。

  8. C 老师让他们贴在桥栏上,不要动,也不要喊叫。

  9. B 她站孩子们中间,为的是狗先与她相遇。so that在这里引导目的状语从句。

  10. A quickly一词道出了疯狗的疯狂和凶猛。

  11. D其它三个答案均有较大干扰性。这时狗刚刚跑过来,因此C不合题意;从下句狗咬向一个女孩,A不合题意;男生和女生分别站在桥的两侧,狗如果从男生们身旁跑过去,自然也就跑过了女生,因此B不合题意。在此从位置上我们可以推断出,老师在学生们的中间,狗刚刚跑过老师,冲向女生们。

  12. B 狗咬向的只能是一个人。

  13.B 因为那个男人手里拿的是枪, 因此他自然想打死(shoot)这只狗。

  14. B必须保证孩子们的安全。

  15. C 从介词into得此答案。从后文得知,老师为救学生被狗咬死,因此她把自己的手放入了狗的口中。

  16. C shoot...dead意思是“(用枪、箭等)把……打死”。

  17. B so...that在这里引导结果状语从句, “疯狗咬得她太严重了,医生来到不久她就死了。”

  18. C “为了挽救孩子们的生命,老师献出了自己的生命。”give up 放弃。

  19. C hear of 听说。

  20. C“这位老师的事迹永远也不会被人忘记。”

  Passage 45


  It was a holiday weekend. The police officers were sitting in a hot room 1 instructions (指示) from their captain. One of these officers 2 Ed Williams. He and ten other officers were on special 3 because they knew that over the weekend two weeks 4 over 400 people had died from accidents 5 by drivers. Over 4,000 people had received serious injuries(伤), all caused by drunken drivers. The 6 would try their best to prevent 7 accidents before they happened .

  Joe Forest was 8 himself at a family party, It was getting late and Joe told his sister that he was 9 . Joe’s sister asked him to stay and wait a few hours 10 he drove. “Don’t worry. I’m going to be fine. I’m going to drive slowly. I only had a few 11,”Joe said.

  Officer Williams was at his post 12 the passing cars. A green car was coming, 13 from left to right. Officer Williams stopped the 14 and told Joe to get out . He asked Joe to walk 15 the white line. Joe couldn’t do it. Joe also failed the breath test. Officer Williams told Joe that he must appear in court the next week and he 16 drive his car home. Joe called his sister to come and drive him 17 .

  That was Joe’s first offense (违法). He appeared in court and received a $ 400 fine (罚款). He was not18 to drive for sixty days. Other drivers were 19 , for Joe hadn’t killed them. But what about the future, was Joe going to stop 20 ?

  1. A. giving B. receiving C. accepting D. learning

  2. A. knew B. saw C. were D. was

  3. A. duty B. advice C. visit D. time

  4. A. passed B. were enough C. later D. earlier

  5. A. met B. caused C. killed D. discovered

  6. A. captains B. drivers C. passengers D. officers

  7. A. these B. such C. the above D. more

  8. A. enjoying B. helping C. drinking D. eating

  9. A. tired B. drunken C. leaving D. back

  10. A. before B. when C. unless D. while

  11. A. glasses B. minutes C. drinks D. miles to go

  12. A. watching B. waiting for C. serving D. searching

  13. A. waving B. looking C. broken D. driven

  14. A. the man B. the car C. driving D. working

  15. A. beside B. in C. onto D. along

  16. A. had to B. mustn’t C. must D. didn’t have to

  17. A. out B. away C. at once D. home

  18. A. allowed B. promised C. able D. willing

  19. A. glad B. unlucky C. lucky D. astonished

  20. A .enjoying himself B. breaking the law

  C. drinking and driving D. drinking at his sister’s


  通读全文,本文是记叙文,全文叙述了因为出现了一次恶性事故,the police officers对交通事故高度重视,他们在周末执行了一项特殊任务,检查过路司机,虽然拦截了像Joe Forest这样的司机,然而前景仍不容乐观。

  1. B 从空后的from their captain得此答案。

  2. D Ed Williams 是这位长官的名字。

  3. A 今天是周末,本来是休息的日子,可是他们仍在上班,他们有特殊的任务,因此说on special duty。从后文得知,他们的special duty是在路上观察过往车辆。

  4. D earlier在此相当于before。

  5. B “由司机引起的事故”。cause意思是“引起、 导致”。后文的..., all caused by drunken drivers 也可提示此答案。

  6. D 现在这些officers 在商议办法阻止这类事情再次发生。

  7. B C有一定干扰性,the above accidents 指已经发生的事情,事情已经发生便不可防止。 因此不合题意。 Such things指与上文提到的类似的事情。

  8. A Joe Forest在一个家庭聚会上过的很开心。

  9. C 从后文Joe's sister asked him to stay我们得知,Joe要离开聚会。

  10. A 他妹妹让他等几个小时,然后再开车回家。before 在此意为“然后”。

  11. C从后文Joe also failed the breath test 我们得知,Joe喝了酒(drinks),但Joe认为自己喝得不多(only a few drinks)。

  12. A Officer Williams正在岗上(at his post) 观察过往车辆。

  13. A waving一词说明了当时the car的不正常的运行状态。

  14. B 从后文told Joe to get out看,Williams 停住了这辆车。

  15. D Williams让Forest沿白色的直线走, 显然是看他是否喝醉了。

  16. B 看到Forest 喝酒到了如此地步, Williams 不让Forest把车开回家。

  17. D Forest自己不能开车回家,他叫来他妹妹开车送他回家。

  18. A 罚款和六十天禁止开车是对Forest的惩罚。

  19. C 从后文for Joe hadn't killed them看, 其他司机都庆幸自己没有被Joe送了命。A有一定干扰性,作者在此是说,Joe这样驾车太危险了,坐他车的那些司机没有送了命已经够幸运的了。


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