美国人认为护士最诚实汽车商不可靠 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/10 19:14 国际在线 |
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Nurses get top marks when it comes to honesty and ethics, and car salesmen are the least trusted people, according to Gallup's annual U.S. survey of professions released on Tuesday. Nurses were given a "very high" or "high rating" by 79 percent of those surveyed nationwide in telephone interviews with 1,015 adults, aged 18 or older, conducted Nov. 19-21. Grade school teachers were next highest on the chart of 21 professions at 73 percent, one point higher than pharmacists and military officers. Car salesmen brought up the rear with only 9 percent rating their honesty and ethics as high. That was one point lower than for people in advertising. Journalists did not fare much better in public approval. TV reporters (23 percent) and newspaper reporters (21) ranked below auto mechanics (26) and nursing home operators (24) on the list. The survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points, Gallup said. |
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美国人认为护士最诚实汽车商不可靠 |
美国民意测验和调查机构盖洛普公司(Gallup)日前公布的一份调查结果显示,多数美国人认为,护士是所有职业中最诚实、最有道德的职业,而汽车销售商则是一群最不可信和最不可靠的人。 据路透社12月8日报道,这项针对美国21种不同职业展开的调查是在11月19日至21日进行的,1015名18岁以上的美国成年人通过电话接受了调查。调查结果显示,79%的人认为护士这一职业的诚信度是“非常高”或“高等级”的;小学教师的诚实度紧随其后,为73%;药剂师和军官均以72%的得分并列排在第3名。 调查中,汽车销售商只被9%的人认为是诚实可靠的,排在倒数第1位;比倒数第2的广告业人士还要低一个百分点。另外值得一提的是,新闻记者这一职业在此次调查中的得分竟然也非常低,电视记者为23%,报纸记者为21%。(程瑶) |