新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 黑马英语高考专项训练 > 实战演练 Passage 41-45

实战演练 Passage 41-45
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/15 14:25  新浪教育

  Passage 41

  BAGHDAD(Reuters)—Iraq urged Arabs on Monday to seek martyrdom by attacking U.S. forces in Kuwait, saying the Americans were preparing to occupy Iraq.

  “We in Iraq and in the entire (Arab) nation believe that every faithful Arab has the right, duty, and the honor to deal with these forces in Kuwait,” a spokesman for the assembly told the state Iraqi News Agency (INA).

  INA said the spokesman was replying to the comments by al-Attiya, Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), in which he turned down an apology by President Saddam Hussein to the Kuwaiti people for the 1990 invasion.

  Saddam apologized Saturday for his 1990-1991 invasion of the country, but scolded Kuwaiti rules for conspiring with Washington against the Baghdad government.

  Kuwait turned down the apology and said Saddam’s message mounted to “incitement for terrorism”.

  The Iraqi spokesman said: “Does Attiya not know that the U.S. forces occupy Kuwait, start out from there to destroy the Iraqi and kill the Iraqis, and that the US army forces plan to occupy Iraq?”

  The GCC is made up of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman.

  UAE Information Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zaid al-Nahayan said Saddam’s speech had cost Baghdad what support it had left in the Arab world.

  “I believe the speech cost the Iraqi leadership any pity it had left and further proved the weakness of Iraq’s political and media credibility at a time when Iraq needs to try its best to get rid of the threat of a face off,” Sheikh Abdullah told the official Kuwait News Agency.

  Iraq invaded Kuwait on Aug 2,1990.U.S.-led united forces drove the Iraqi army from the oil-rich state in February 1991.

  Thousands of U.S. troops have been sent to Kuwait since the 1991 Gulf War. However, these forces have been attacked several times in recent weeks. At least one U.S. soldier has died.

  1. It can be inferred that Iraq is _________.

  A. seeking support in the Arab world B. trying to make Arabs die for the Iraqis

  C. sincerely apologizing to Kuwait D. attacking U.S. forces in Kuwait

  2. Which of the following are members of the Gulf Cooperation Council?

  A. Iraq and Kuwait. B. Kuwait and Egypt.

  C. Kuwait and America. D. All Arabian countries.

  3. After Iraq apologized, it was generally thought in GCC that ____.

  A. Iraq would win more support from the Arab countries

  B. it was too late for Iraq to do so

  C. Iraq would lose support from Arabian countries though they all supported it at the time being

  D. Iraq would lose all the support that it had from Arab countries

  4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

  A. Iraq was quite weak in politics.

  B. Iraq was trying to avoid a war with the U.S..

  C. The Gulf War lasted for a whole year.

  D. America won support from all the Arab countries.



  1. A 推理判断题。从第一、第二段得此答案。

  2. C 细节题。从短文The GCC is made up of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman.得此答案。

  3. D 细节题。从短文UAE Information Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zaid al-Nahayan said Saddam’s speech had cost Baghdad what support it had left in the Arab world.得此答案。

  4. B 推理题。萨达姆向科威特道歉,其目的在于避免与美国的战争。

  Passage 42

  Ideas about education are changing in the United States. Education today is not just a high school diploma (文凭) or a college degree. Many adults are not interested in going to college. They are interested in other kinds of learning. For them, learning does not end with a diploma. Continuing education gives these adults the opportunity to increase their knowledge about their own field or to learn about a new field. It also gives them a chance to improve their skills or to learn new ones.

  Secretaries, mechanics, and barbers can take classes to improve their work skills. Nurses can take classes to increase their knowledge of nursing. If they know more or learn more, then they can get a better job or earn more money. Continuing education classes give some adults the chance to learn new skills. There is usually a large variety of classes to choose from: typing, foreign cooking, photography, auto repair, furniture repair, or swimming. These are only some of the classes available.

  Some adults take classes for fun or because the class will be useful for them. For example, hey can choose a class in almost any language: Arabic Spanish, or English as a second language. There are classes in first aid or classes in sewing. There are also many other types of classes to choose from.

  Other adults take continuing education classes to improve their own lives because they want to feel better about themselves. Overweight people can find exercise classes or classes in nutrition (营养). Others can learn how to be good parents, or how to get along with other people.

  There are many opportunities for adults to continue their learning. Almost any community college or public school system has a continuing education program. There are classes in schools, community buildings, or churches .Most classes are in the evening, so working people can attend. The classes are usually small, and they are expensive.

  Thousands of people register (登记) for continuing education classes each year. They receive no diploma or certificate (证书),and no grade for most of the classes they attend. For them ,learning is something they do because they want to.

  1. The main idea of paragraph 1 is _____.

  A. ideas about education are changing in the United States

  B. adults are not interested in going to college

  C. education does not end with a diploma

  D. education gives adults an opportunity to increase their knowledge

  2. Some adults take classes to improve their work skills in order to ____.

  A. enrich their everyday life B. get a better job or earn more money

  C. make more friends D. kill their spare time

  3. “There is a large variety of classes to choose from: typing, foreign cooking, photography, auto repair, furniture repair, or swimming. ”Here the word “variety” means ______.

  A. choice B. change C. addition D. field

  4. Other adults take continuing education classes to improve their own lives because they want to feel better about themselves. This suggests ___.

  A. these adults cannot find joy from their daily life

  B. these adults don’t have good jobs

  C. these adults have some problems with themselves

  D. these adults want to learn to be good parents



  1. A此题为段意判断题。文章的首句为主旨句,接下来作者对此进行解释。

  2. B细节题。文章第一段最后一句给出此答案。

  3. A 此题为词义辨析题。通过上下文我们可以得知,人们可以在typing, foreign cooking等等里面任意选自己喜欢的一项,因此variety 在这里指人们的选项。

  4. C推测本句的意思必须联系上下文,而不可以单看本句的字面意思。下两句讲的是overweight people如何锻炼及吸取营养,如何作一个好父母,及如何与人们相处。由此我们可以推测出答案C。

  Passage 43

  Many teachers believe that the responsibility (责任) for learning lies with the students. If a long reading assignment (布置的作业) is given, teachers expect students to be familiar with the information in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or give an examination.( Courses are not designed only for students to pass exams.) The ideal (完美的) student is considered to be one who is motivated (目的明确的) to learn for the sake of learning, not the one interested only in getting high grades. Grade-conscious (清醒的) students may be frustrated (受挫) with teachers who do not believe it is necessary to grade every assignment. Sometimes homework is returned with short written comments but not with a grade. Even if a grade is not given, the student is responsible for learning the material assigned.

  When research is assigned, the professor in the United States expects the students to take the initiative (积极性) and complete the assignment with less guidance. It is the student’s responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain how a university library works, but they expect students ,particularly graduate students, to be able to use all the reference materials in the library.

  Professors will help students who need it, but prefer that their students not be over-dependent on them. In the United States, professors have other duties besides teaching. Often they are responsible for management within their department. In addition (此外), they may be required to publish articles and books. Therefore the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is limited. If a student has problems with classroom work ,the student should either approach (接近) a professor during office hours or make an appointment.

  1. “Courses are not designed merely for students to pass exams. ”This means “_____.”

  A. teachers want students to fail exams

  B. teachers care only about exam grades

  C. teachers believe that passing exams is not the only purpose of a course

  D. teachers design courses for lectures only

  2. Professors in the United States usually expect____.

  A. the students to know all the answers

  B. the students to take the initiative and be independent

  C. the students never to ask for their advice

  D. the students to work together and help each other

  3. The main idea of this passage is that____.

  A. students should learn independently

  B. students should learn under close guidance of their professors

  C. students should learn how to work together

  D. students should not learn mainly for high grades

  4. If a student has a problem with classroom work, he or she should___.

  A. make an appointment with the professor a week before

  B. approach a professor after class

  C. turn to the professor for help in his office

  D. go to the professor’s home

  5. What is considered to be a good student?

  A. One who aims at getting good scores.

  B. One who is planning to get a degree.

  C. One who can memorize (记忆) knowledge.

  D. One who has the motivation to learn.



  1. C下一句便是对这一句的解释。The ideal student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of learning, not the one interested only in getting high grades.即“人们认为,一个完美的学生, 其学习动机是为了学习,而不是仅仅对得高分感兴趣。”

  2. B细节题。第二段第一句When research is assigned, the professor in the United States expects the students to take the initiative and complete the assignment with less guidance得此答案。其中less guidance可以理解为independence。

  3. A在此D干扰性最大,全文首先指出, 一个完美的学生不应该以考试得高分为学习目的,而应该为学习而学习。接下来作者提出,一个只知道分数的学生如果遇到一个不把分数看重的老师,他会受挫。这似乎提醒我们作者在讲学习的目的,然而这只是作者为以后讲述学生应该积极、独立学习作铺垫,接下来文章第二、三段讲了如何引导学生积极、主动地学习,因此A为最佳答案。

  4. C从第三段最后一句得此答案。在此A,B均有较大干扰性。A后的时间状语不对;从原文的during office hours看B后的after class不对。

  5. D细节题。从The ideal student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn...得此答案。

  Passage 44

  When people have enough vitamins B, their appetite (食欲) is good and their nerves are calm. Vitamins B in the diet come from some meats and vegetables, Milk, cottage cheese, and whole grains.

  When a grain is processed (加工), it loses vitamins. For example, there is a big difference between brown and white rice. When rice is processed, the brown outside is lost. The brown outside of rice has important vitamins B than processed rice.

  Vitamin C keeps the cells of the body together. It helps skin tissue (组织) recover (恢复) from cuts and burns. Vitamin C in the diet comes from tomatoes, citrus (柑橘) fruits like lemons and oranges, and some vegetables such as cabbage and green peppers.

  Vitamin D is called “sunshine” Vitamin. When people sit outside, ultraviolet rays (紫外线) from the sun change fat in their skin to vitamin D. Vitamin D is also in cod liver oil (鱼肝油) and the yellow of eggs. It is sometimes added to milk. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium(钙). It helps build strong bones, and it prevents a disease in children that is called rickets (软骨病). When children have this disease, their bones bend because they do not become hard. Rickets is seldom found in sunny, tropical countries. Rickets is more common in countries that have long winters with little sunshine, in cities that have pollution that keeps the sun out, and in towns surrounded by mountains that keep the sun out.

  1. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that____.

  A. unprocessed grains contain more B vitamins

  B.B vitamins harm digestion(消化)

  C. milk contains more B vitamins than meat

  D. white rice has lost all its B vitamins

  2. We can infer from the third paragraph that____.

  A. vitamin D quickens the growth of children

  B. vitamin D is only found in the sunshine

  C. people living near the North Pole(北极)often have health problems caused by the lack of vitamin D

  D. milk contains much vitamin D

  3. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

  A. The outside of rice also contains certain vitamins.

  B. Vitamin C can come from sunshine and some kinds of vegetables.

  C. Children can have the disease of rickets because of the lack of vitamin C.

  D. It is vitamin D that is the direct source of hard bones.

  4. We know from the passage that people from hot areas

  are unlikely to suffer from the lack of____.

  A.B vitamins B. brown or white rice C. vitamin D D. city pollution



  1. A推理题。从 When a grain is processed, it loses vitamins以及下面举的例子我们可以看出,食品在加工过程中很多维生素都丢失了。

  2. C推理题。通读全文,我们知道,维生素D又称作“阳光维生素”,它是人吸收紫外线和一些食物中获得。从Rickets is more common in countries that have long winters with little sunshine我们可以得出, 生活在北极附近的人们会因为缺少阳光而得健康疾病。

  3. A从第一段The brown outside of rice has important vitamins B than processed rice 得此答案。D有较大干扰性,通读全文我们知道,使骨骼健壮的是钙,而不是维生素D。

  4. C细节题 。从最后一段得此答案。

  Passage 45

  More ice melted from the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet this year than ever before recorded, report scientists from the University of Colorado. The same team found that the extent of Arctic sea ice reached the lowest level in the satellite record in 2002, offering further proof that climate change is already changing the Arctic.

  Researchers from the University of Colorado(UC)say that the speeding up melting appears to be linked to changes in Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation patterns. The study also found temperatures during the summer of 2002 were warmer than usual over much of the Arctic Ocean.

  “It is likely that sea ice extent will continue to decline over the 21st century as the climate warms,” Researchers added. “With these trends, we may see a 20 percent reduction in the yearly average sea ice by 2050, and by then there might be no ice at all during the summer months.”

  The report was released on Saturday at the yearly fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union, just one week after an announcement by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) that sea ice is melting about nine percent faster than earlier research had showed, and could disappear entirely by the end of this century.

  “This trend of disappearing arctic sea ice is one example of the environmental damage that can be linked to carbon dioxide emissions,” said Morgan, “When we have the means to reduce CO2 emissions and prevent further damage, we should do our best. National leaders must act now to improve energy efficiency and increase the use of renewable energy sources, like wind and solar, before it’s too late.”

  CU scientists judge that a change in the Greenland climate toward warmer conditions would lead to an increase in the rate of sea level rise, which will bring disasters to the human beings.

  1. It can be inferred that ____.

  A. scientists have found that Arctic sea ice is lower than before

  B. scientists have studied the pictures of the Arctic sent by satellites

  C. scientists began to do research on Arctic sea ice in year 2002

  D. warm temperature has hardly any effect on the extent of Arctic sea ice now but soon will

  2. Scientists fear that _____.

  A. there will be no ice left at all in the Arctic Ocean at the end of the 21st century

  B. disasters will happen if Arctic sea ice continues to melt faster than before

  C. the temperature in Greenland will be too warm for animals and human beings to live on

  D. people still think Arctic sea ice is melting slowly

  3. It is thought that ____.

  A. carbon dioxide emissions are one of the causes of the environmental damage

  B. carbon dioxide emissions are an example of the environmental damage

  C. most environmental problems are caused by carbon dioxide emissions

  D. people can still have the change to solve the above environmental problem



  1. B 推理判断题。从第一段The same team found that the extent of Arctic sea ice reached the lowest level in the satellite record in 2002, offering further proof that climate change is already changing the Arctic.得此答案。

  2. B 细节题。从最后一段得此答案。

  3. A 细节题。从“This trend of disappearing arctic sea ice is one example of the environmental damage that can be linked to carbon dioxide emissions,得此答案。

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