海啸孤儿处境艰难 面临被贩卖危险 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/07 10:09 国际在线 |
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Police guards were today posted at tsunami refugee camps in Indonesia to prevent orphaned children from being kidnapped by ruthless trafficking gangs. Little Azis cries for his mama in his hospital bed. Nurses at the Aceh Sepekat Foundation hospital in Northern Sumatra try to coax information from him but mama is all he will say. They think he may be three, but can't be sure. A commando's wife found him lying naked in a field seven hours after the ocean returned to its bed, leaving a trail of broken and bloated bodies 150 miles long down the western coast of Aceh, Indonesia. Slinging his limp body over her shoulder, she continued her frantic search for her own missing children before sending him 200 miles away to be treated here, where at least he would have a chance of survival. He is too young to tell what he has seen, how the waters rose up and took his family but spared him. He is one of 35,000 children in Aceh province who were orphaned or separated from their parents by the earthquake and tsunami. A generation severed from their families, their homes, their culture, and left to the mercy of fate. If nobody comes forward to adopt him in the next few days, he will be sent to one of the many orphanages being hastily thrown up south of the Aceh border to give food and shelter to the most pitiful cases. Dr Khairul, who treated Azis for infected cuts, said: "It is terrible. He is a lovely boy but he has no family. Nobody in the world." In the next bed, eight-year-old Iwan Syahrizal stares blankly at the ceiling. His face and legs were slashed as the monstrous waves scooped him up from a field where he was playing football with friends. He says: "I saw the sea come but we were not on the beach. "It came in fast and I tried to run but it got me and I was rolling, olling, rolling. I don't know what happened but suddenly I was in some bushes and the water was rushing in front of me." A villager picked him up and brought him over the border as she fled. He lost his mother, father and five brothers and sisters that day. But he is one of the lucky ones, in a dead zone where luck is judged by razor-thin margins. He was reunited with his surviving brother, 17-year-old Fikar. He was in Medan when the disaster struck. He said: "When I heard what had happened I knew I had to go back to find out what had become of my family. "It was very hard to get home and when I did I was told they had all died. Then I heard my brother Iwan might have been taken to Medan. I came here and looked everywhere. "When I found him I cried, 'Thank God, I have one brother who is alive'. "But we have nothing. My family and home is gone. I have to take care of him but I don't know how." Even he cannot get this traumatised little boy to take his food. "He has seen so much. I cannot even imagine. Now we are on our own." Every day, hundreds more bewildered children are carried off buses and flights from Aceh and left to chance. Sinta Faridiba, seven, lost her whole family and is at a holding centre in Medan waiting to learn her fate. At least 20 children are known to have been sold to childless couples before there is even a chance to find out if any relatives survived the tsunami. |
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海啸孤儿处境艰难 面临被贩卖危险 |
在海啸袭击过后,印尼很多难民营中出现了警察和保卫人员。他们的任务是保护那些在海啸中不幸成为孤儿的孩子,避免他们被残忍的人贩子绑架和倒卖。 在这家医院中,护士们正在想尽各种办法哄一个名叫阿齐兹的孩子,希望他能够说出一些家人的信息。但是,小阿齐兹嘴里只是不停地在喊“妈妈”。护士们猜测阿齐兹可能有3岁,但是并不确定。 当海啸引发的潮水退去7个小时后,一位妇女在印尼亚齐西部沿岸的一片空地上发现了全身赤裸的阿齐兹。当时,阿齐兹附近躺着数具不完整、被泡得发胀的尸体。这名妇女当时正在寻找她自己的孩子。发现阿齐兹后,她将这个孩子背在身上,送到了200英里之外的这家医院接受治疗。 阿齐兹还太小,无法说出海啸发生时他看到了什么,也无法说明海浪是如何卷走了他的家人。当时,全家只有他幸免遇难。然而,阿齐兹只是海啸和地震过后,亚齐省留下的3.5万名孤儿或者与家人失去联系的孩子们中的一个。如果在接下来的几天内无人认领阿齐兹,他将被送到位于亚齐省南部的一所孤儿院里,靠孤儿院的救济度过他接下来的童年。 海尔医生负责为阿齐兹治疗感染的伤口。他说:“这真是太可怕了。他是一个可爱的男孩,但是却失去了家人。他在这个世界上没有别的亲人了。” 与阿齐兹临床的,是一名8岁的男孩,名叫伊万。记者采访时,他面无表情地看着病房的天花板,面部和四肢上伤痕累累。海啸发生时,伊万正在一片空地上和小朋友一起踢足球,海浪将他高高地抛起。他说:“我看到了海浪扑过来,但是我想我们并不在海滩上。大浪移动得很快,我开始奔跑,却被浪卷住了。我一直被浪抛来抛去,根本不知道发生了什么。” 当地的一个村民将伊万救起。在那一天,伊万失去了他的父母和5个兄弟姐妹。后来,伊万幸运地和自己的哥哥——17岁的菲卡尔重逢了。灾难发生时,菲卡尔就在棉兰市。他说:“当我听说发生了海啸后,我知道我必须回家去看看家人都怎么样了。我很费劲才回到了家,却听说我的家人全都死了。后来,我得知弟弟伊万可能还活着,并被带到了棉兰。于是,我便来到这里到处找他。当我找到弟弟的时候,我哭着说‘感谢上帝,我还有一个弟弟活着’。不过,我们什么都没有了,家人、房子都不见了。我必须要照顾弟弟,但是我却不知道该怎么做……伊万看到了太多东西,我根本无法想象。现在,我们必须要靠自己谋生了。” 每天,都有数百名无家可归的孤儿被公共汽车或者飞机从亚齐送到棉兰市。在这里,他们只能听天由命了。7岁的辛塔失去了所有的家人,现在正暂时住在一个收留所中,等待着命运的安排。 另据报道,很多人贩子正伺机将这些孤儿卖给那些没有孩子的夫妇。目前,至少有20名儿童已经被卖给了那些想要孩子的夫妇。还有更多的孩子被人从难民营中带走,这些人都自称是他们的亲戚。通常,人贩子的目标是那些婴儿,或者15岁以下的孩子。 对于受灾严重的印尼亚齐省来说,还有成千上万的尸体被埋在瓦砾之下,这使政府根本无法全力保护这3.5万名可怜的孩子。(任燕) |