国际象棋大师遭遇电脑数据库尴尬 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/14 22:06 国际在线 |
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Chess Players Give 'Check' a New Meaning Jay Bonin, an international chess master who lives in New York, is one of the busiest players in the country. He takes part in face-to-face tournament matches every week and also regularly participates in games of speed chess at chessclub.com, the Internet Chess Club. He estimated that he has played more than 20,000 games online in the last three or four years. Mr. Bonin is much more active than most elite players, but he is doing what most serious players have long thought is necessary: playing frequently to stay in peak form. Now, however, because of the widespread availability of databases of games and the growing strength of chess software, such activity may actually be making it easier to beat him. Mr. Bonin said that he recently lost a tournament game to a weaker player who had not competed in years, but who had sprung a surprise move on him in one of Mr. Bonin's favorite openings. "The line he played reeked of preparation," he said. The problem for elite players is that while practice is important, so too is study and preparation - knowing the best moves and knowing what opponents like to play. There are many ways to play a chess game, particularly in the opening sequences, and some players may have studied the first 15 or 20 moves of their favorite openings, like the Kings Indian defense, the Ruy Lopez or hundreds of others that are known by shorthand names. Game databases, many of which are online, give players information about what opening strategies their opponents use. And rapidly improving chess computer programs can analyze games and make suggestions about what to play. In many cases, electronic game collections are replacing books as chess players' primary source of information. Using computers and databases during tournament matches is not allowed, and most players say that cheating is rare. But using such systems to help prepare has become ubiquitous. Gregory Shahade, an international master, said he has used databases, partly because everyone else does, too. Mr. Shahade said that he did not think that he had ever lost a game because an opponent prepared a special opening, but that he felt computers and databases have made chess more predictable and probably less fun. "It seems there is less creativity now," he said. |
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国际象棋大师遭遇电脑数据库尴尬 |
大多数国际象棋大师可能都同意,保持棋艺不败的重要方法之一就是不断练习。但是,随着电脑数据库里存储的棋谱越来越多,这一方法会让他们遭遇尴尬:他们练习得越多,就越容易被打败。 《纽约时报》1月13日报道了国际象棋大师杰·伯宁的经历。这位象棋大师可以算是全美国最忙的大师之一了。每周,他除了面对面与棋手较量之外,还定期到网上参加快棋比赛。据他估计,过去三四年中,他在网上共参加了2万多盘比赛。 但是,最近伯宁却意外输给了比他弱的一名对手。这名选手虽然几年没有比赛了,但是却在伯宁走了一个最为常见的开局后,以出人意料的一招击败了伯宁。伯宁说:“从他的布局来看,他显然是作了准备。” 目前,国际象棋大师要在两个方面深造。一方面,他们要加强与其他选手间的联系。这包括研究对手常走的路数,了解最佳的走棋步骤等。通常,象棋可以有很多方式开局,一些选手也会有自己最喜欢的开局方式。另一方面,他们要通过研究游戏数据库中存储的棋局,了解对方最常使用的开局是什么,并对比赛进行分析,以决定采取什么样的对策。 现在,很多电子棋局软件取代书籍成了棋手的第一信息来源,选手们普遍使用它为比赛作准备。目前,著名象棋网站Chessbase.com里存有300万盘棋局,每周更新一次,大多数棋局都对公众开放。其中,很多棋局都出自一些大师的手笔。 与伯宁不同,另一位国际象棋大师格雷戈里并不认为,对手精心设计一个开局就能打败他。但是在格雷戈里看来,电脑和数据库的存在使象棋变得过于规则化,这样少了很多乐趣。他认为:“现在,走棋的创意不如以前。”(文/朱红隽) |