美国将测试大学生信息实际处理能力 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/19 17:51 国际在线 |
U.S. schools start embracing technological aptitude exams. Today, in a matter of minutes, students can identify these and thousands of other potential resources solely on the Internet - and as any teacher will attest, they are not always adept at sorting the wheat from the chaff. Now the Educational Testing Service, the nonprofit group behind the SAT, the Graduate Record Examination and other university entrance tests in the United States, has developed a test that it says can assess students' ability to critically evaluate the vast amount of material available to them. The Information and Communications Technology literacy assessment, which will be introduced at about two dozen U.S. colleges and universities this month, is intended to measure students' ability to manage exercises like sorting e-mail messages or manipulating tables and charts, and to assess how well they organize and interpret information from many sources and in myriad forms. About 10,000 undergraduates at schools like the University of California-Los Angeles, and Bronx Community College in New York are expected to take the test during the first offering period, which ends on March 31. Still, just what is meant by "information" or even "technological literacy" remains a hotly debated topic in academic circles, and there is no widespread agreement on whether such skills can be taught, much less measured in a test. What is more certain, however, is that a lucrative market is emerging for testing companies that are willing to fill the perceived need. |
美国将测试大学生信息实际处理能力 |
层出不穷的互联网信息让时下的大学生在撰写论文时方便了很多,因为他们再也不用去泡图书馆了。但是,大学生们对电子工具是否掌握得驾轻就熟?他们是如何处理浩如烟海的网上信息的呢?针对这些问题,美国一家教育机构准备在本月推出一项测试,专门测测大学生在这方面的实际运用能力。 据《纽约时报》1月17日报道,美国一家名为教育考试服务中心(ETS)的机构本月推出该中心设计的“信息通讯技术书面测试评估”。加州大学洛杉矶分校和纽约布朗克斯社区学院以及其他大学约1万名在校生将成为第1批“吃螃蟹”的人。这项测试将具体考察学生如何筛选电子邮件,如何阅读和运用表格信息,以及如何读懂和处理网上各种信息来源等等。 参与设计考试内容的罗里·洛斯认为,过去学生想查询资料,只有去图书馆,但是现在图书馆只是众多信息来源的一小部分,因此很多情况下,学生必须自己判断什么是有价值的信息。 原来教育考试服务中心推出的这项测试是针对美国在校大学生的。但现在,一些高中和商业公司也纷纷表示出对测试内容的兴趣。(文/朱红隽) |