全球实现根除麻风病仍然任重道远 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/01 15:42 国际在线 |
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Leprosy, which has blighted mankind for thousands of years, is still far from being eradicated, afflicting half a million people every year even though the disease is completely curable. In the 21st century, parts of Africa and south Asia as well as Brazil in Latin America still count annually thousands of cases of leprosy which if there is a delay in diagnosis can leave victims permanently scarred and often horribly disfigured. Figures revealed on Sunday's world leprosy day showed that in 2003 there were about 515,000 cases, of which 12 percent were children, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). But organisations working to combat leprosy, say that those figures hide the grim reality of about 600,000 to 700,000 new cases a year. According to the medical organisations of the Order of Malta, some 2,000 people a day are afflicted by leprosy, which eats away at the skin, mucuous membranes and nerves and was once considered so highly contagious that sufferers were shunned and banished to leper colonies where they were left to their fate. The WHO had pledged to work to eradicate leprosy in the year 2000, and then re-launched its target for 2005. But it acknowleged that at the end of 2003, leprosy remained a public health issue in 15 African countries including Madagascar, Tanzania, Mozambique, as well as India and Nepal, and Brazil where one in 10,000 people suffered from the disease. "We shouldn't talk about eradicating the disease, as that word just creates confusion", it's more that the WHO wants to eliminate leprosy "as a public health problem," said Pierre Bobin, head of the French Association of Leprosy Research. Non-governmental organisations working on the ground insist at last 60 countries have registered cases of the disease. The first visible signs of the disease are the appearance of stains on the skin. But contrary to urban myth, leprosy is not that contagious, being passed on by nasal secretions. Ninety percent of people who come into contact with the bacterium do not develop the disease. |
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全球实现根除麻风病仍然任重道远 |
麻风病折磨了人们数千年,直到现在它仍然远未根除。尽管这种疾病可以完全治愈,但是每年仍然有大约50万人会受到这种疾病的折磨,根除麻风病这一目标真可谓是任重道远。 据法新社1月30日报道,1月30日是“世界防治麻风病日”,世界卫生组织(WHO)当天公布的数据显示,2003年全球共有麻风病例51.5万例,其中12%的患者是儿童。但据该组织估计,全球每年新发病例的实际数字应在60万例至70万例,而且,麻风病的主要发病区集中在非洲的部分地区、南亚以及拉丁美洲的巴西。 2003年末,麻风病在一些国家仍然是威胁到大众健康的重要问题。这些国家包括坦桑尼亚、莫桑比克和马达加斯加、印度、尼泊尔和巴西等。 报道说,麻风病是由麻风杆菌引起的一种慢性传染病,主要侵犯皮肤和神经,如果不治疗或治疗不及时则会对皮肤、神经、四肢和眼等部位造成永久性的损害。(文/王高山) |