The Real Spiderman 货真价实的蜘蛛人 | 2005/02/03 15:34 《Speak 2 Me》 |
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Alain Robert takes high risks as a way of life 阿兰-罗伯特视冒险为一种生活方式 What do you call a man who scales the world’s highest buildings equipped with only climbing shoes and a bag of chalk powder? Urban climber Alain Robert has earned the nickname ‘Spiderman’ for his barehanded climbs up 50 of the world’s tallest towers. The 42-year-old Frenchman got his start when he forgot the keys to his parents’ apartment. Rather than wait for them, the 12-year-old climbed the exterior walls to the eighth floor. Since then he has scaled Kuala Lumpur’s Petronas Towers, Tokyo’s Shinjuku Tower, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and the Empire State Building in New York. Robert has listed Shanghai’s Jin Mao Tower, the third tallest building in the world, as his next goal. “After conquering two of the highest buildings in the world, The Sears and the Petronas Towers, I want to climb the landmark Jin Mao Tower,” he says. “In fact, it’ll be very easy because of its shape and architecture.” What’s after that? Just down the street to the 230-meter-tall International Ocean and Finance Building. Robert never asks permission to perform his daring feats and is used to being arrested by the police at the top of the towers he scales. “Fortunately, the courts usually let me go,” he says, “but I prefer staying in prisons to hospitals.” He should know -- in 1982 he fell 15 metres when a rope came undone and fractured so many bones that the doctors predicted he would never climb again. Six months later, the superhuman Robert proved them wrong by breaking yet another urban climbing record. “I was not willing to give up because I was born to take risks – that is my way of life,” he says. “Modern people are only willing to believe in their computers, while I believe in myself.” |
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The Real Spiderman 货真价实的蜘蛛人 |
你会怎么称呼一个只配备攀岩鞋和一袋粉笔灰就去攀登世界最高楼的人?城市攀登阿兰-罗伯特以徒手攀上50座世界最高楼赢得“蜘蛛人”这个别名。 这位42岁的法国人起步的时候是他忘了带他父母的公寓钥匙。他没有等他的父母,12岁的他从外墙爬上8楼。从那以后,他爬过吉隆坡的双子星大楼、东京的新宿塔、巴黎的艾菲尔铁塔,还有纽约的帝国大厦。罗伯特已将全世界第三大高楼,上海的金茂大厦列为他的下一个目标。 “在征服了世界上最高的两栋建筑西尔斯大楼和双子星大楼之后,我想去爬地标金茂大厦。”他这样说,“事实上,由于它的形状和建筑结构,这会是一件很简单的事。”接下来的目标是什么呢?是同一条街上230米高的港汇大楼。 罗伯特从未请求别人准许他表演他的大胆特技,而且他也习惯在他攀登的大楼顶端被警察逮捕。“幸运的是,法庭通常会放我走。”他这样说,“但是与其进医院,我倒喜欢住在监狱里。”他应该知道──他于1982年在一条绳索松脱时跌落15米,摔断了太多骨头,以至于医生预言他再也无法攀爬了。 6个月之后,超人罗伯特以打破另一项城市攀登纪录证明他们是错的。“我当时不想放弃,因为我生来就要冒险──那就是我的生活方式。”他这样说,“现代人只愿意相信他们的计算机,而我相信我自己。” |