新型甲烷室有望减轻全球气候变暖 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/04 11:25 国际在线 |
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Research to reduce sheeps' production of methane - one of the most potent greenhouse gases - received a boost recently with the installation of four new methane chambers at CSIRO Livestock Industries' facilities in Perth. Shaped like cubicles, the see-through chambers enable researchers to accurately measure the continuous volume of methane produced by sheep over a 24-hour period. They have been operating efficiently for more than four months in a trial to measure the response of sheep to products designed to reduce methane gas emissions. Anti-methanogen project leader, Dr Andre Denis Wright, says the new chambers are a significant improvement on the previous method of measuring sheep emissions - tanks attached to the animal's backs - and will complement the cattle respiration chambers at the CSIRO's facilities in Rockhampton, Queensland. "The chambers have an open-air system that allows uninterrupted, real-time measurements, making it considerably more accurate and more time and cost efficient," Dr Wright says. "The sheep can also see each other and the researchers while in the cubicles, making them less stressed, so they behave naturally and their feed consumption is not affected." Designed and developed by CSIRO Livestock Industries, the new chambers will be available for use for other research projects both within and outside CSIRO. "Given that livestock account for 12 per cent of Australia's man-made greenhouse gases, it is important that we develop strategies to mitigate methane emissions," Dr Wright says. "CSIRO will be addressing this via other projects to examine plant and feed additives, as well as strategies to manipulate methane-producing microbes in the guts of livestock animals." |
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新型甲烷室有望减轻全球气候变暖 |
澳大利亚作为一个农业大国在农业生产以及家畜饲养方面具有得天独厚的优势。然而,牛羊成群给这个国家带来的也并非全都是好事。因为农业发展的需要,澳大利亚成为受家畜排放出的大量甲烷气体困扰最为严重的国家之一。该国科学家正致力于减少家畜排放甲烷气体的研究工作,日前他们在这一研究领域取得了最新进展。 据美国“每日科学”网站2月2日报道,为了解决家畜排放出大量甲烷气体的问题,一种新型的“甲烷室”(Methane Chambers)在澳大利亚应运而生。它有望帮助澳大利亚本国从牛羊排放的大量甲烷气体中解脱出来,同时也可以减轻温室效应引起的全球变暖现象。 澳大利亚联邦科学和工业研究组织(CSIRO)家畜产业部的科学家们一直致力于减少家畜排放甲烷气体的研究。近日,他们的工作有了最新进展。随着4个“甲烷室”的建立,减少家畜排放甲烷气体的研究工作进入了一个新的阶段。 这4个“甲烷室”就像4间透明的小卧室,研究者可以通过它们准确地测出家畜在24小时里连续排放出的甲烷量。目前,这些“甲烷室”已经在一项旨在减少甲烷气体排放的试验中,有效运转了4个多月。 这项研究的负责人安德列-丹尼斯·赖特博士表示,这种新型的“甲烷室”较之于以前在家畜身后附上一个大桶来测量甲烷排放量的方法,无疑是一个明显的进步。他说:“在这里,家畜(羊)可以看到自己的同类和研究人员,这样它们的压力才会更小,行动才会更自然。家畜的进食也不会因此而受到影响。” 赖特博士还表示,这种“甲烷室”具备的户外系统可以让研究者不受间断地随时记录下家畜排放的甲烷量,同时这种方法也更精确,效率也更高。 报道说,这种新型的“甲烷室”还将被更广泛地用在其它研究项目中。以前曾有研究显示,牛、羊等动物会排放出甲烷气体,而甲烷与其他物质燃烧后所产生的废气则会加重温室效应,对地球的大气环境构成威胁。目前世界上共有大约10.5亿头牛和13亿只羊,它们所排放的甲烷占全世界甲烷排放量的五分之一。 2002年的一份统计资料显示,在澳大利亚的温室气体中,甲烷占14%,而在新西兰,这一比例竟然高达50%。尽管其它国家的温室气体主要来自工业和汽车排放,但是这两国的温室效应却应归咎于成千上万头牛羊排放的甲烷。澳大利亚有关部门说,该国每年由牛羊排放的甲烷有6000万吨。 对此,赖特博士也表示:“牛羊等家畜排放的甲烷气占澳大利亚人造温室气体的12%之多,所以致力于减少甲烷排放量的研究工作非常重要。”(王高山) |