翻译练习:这一夜他东冲西闯 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/04 22:10 北外网院 |
Hither and thither he dived that night: now working at the pumps, and now hurrying through the smoke and flame, but never ceasing to engage himself wherever noise and men were thickest. Up and down the ladders, upon the roofs of buildings, over floors that quaked and trembled with his weight, under the lee of falling bricks and stones, in every part of that great fire was he; but he bore a charmed life, and had neither scratch nor bruise, nor weariness nor thought, till morning dawned again, and only smoke and blackened ruins remained. |
翻译练习:这一夜他东冲西闯 |
参考译文:这一夜,他东冲西闯,一会儿用救火泵抽水,一会儿在浓烟烈火中奔忙,从不让自己脱离声音和人群最稠密的地方。他跑上跑下,爬梯子,上房顶,穿楼层,不顾在他的重压下颤颤悠悠的地板,冒着掉落下来的砖石,在大火蔓延的每一个地方都有他的身影。然而,他真是生了一副鬼神庇护的命,身上没有落下一丝擦伤,也没有碰着压着,没有感到疲倦,脑子里空空如也,一直于到又一个黎明到来,火场上只剩下缕缕烟雾和黑乎乎的废墟 |