印度犀牛宝宝和它的小象玩偶(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/17 11:30 国际在线 |
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Nuzzling his toy elephant, an orphaned Indian rhinoceros made his public debut at California's San Diego Wild Animal Park yesterday. Born January 7, the calf is the latest of 46 born at the facility since 1978. Because his mother died of complications of childbirth, zoo workers are rearing him by hand in the park's nursery. Listed as endangered by the World Conservation Union, the Indian rhinoceros was once at home across a large swath of Southeast Asia. Hunters still seek the rhino's horn, and developers and farmers have overtaken much of the animal's natural habitat. As a result, only about 2,000 remain in the wild, confined to isolated pockets of India and Nepal. |
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印度犀牛宝宝和它的小象玩偶(图) |
这只犀牛宝宝生活在美国加利福尼亚州的圣地亚哥野生动物园里。2005年1月7日,小犀牛的妈妈生下它后,死于产后并发症,这只小犀牛就成了孤儿。它由动物园的工作人员抚养长大。照片上,犀牛宝宝正在用鼻子爱抚着自己的伙伴——一只小象玩偶。 印度犀牛被国际自然与自然资源保护联合会(IUCN)列在濒危物种红皮书中。由于偷猎行为屡禁不止以及印度犀牛的自然栖息地遭到人为破坏,目前世界上野生印度犀牛的数量大约只有2000只,它们生活区域也被限制在印度北部的阿萨姆邦和邻国尼泊尔的一些地区。(文/王高山) |