《怪物史莱克II》精彩片段在线欣赏 | ||||||||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/19 15:14 国际在线 | ||||||||
和上一集以及所有童话一样,这部《怪物史莱克2》也是这样开始的:很久很久以前,史莱克和他拯救的费奥娜公主结婚了。夫妻俩甩下超级电灯泡加扩音机的驴子,去渡他们幸福浪漫的蜜月。小两口卿卿我我,甚是甜蜜。当他们返回沼泽地,收到一封来自“遥远国”的邀请函。费奥娜的父母哈沃尔德国王和莉莲王后想请分别许久的女儿和从末谋面的乘龙快婿回娘家看看。于是这对怪物夫妻乘坐马车浩浩荡荡地赶往“遥远国”,当然还得带上他们最丢不起的驴子。 “遥远国”举国欢庆的时刻到了,成千上万的国民开始到处张灯结彩、敲锣打鼓。电视台也将盛况空前地直播这场“世纪回归”。正当人群兴高采烈地准备迎接美丽的公主和帅气的驸马爷时,居然从马车上走出一对怪物来…… 国王和王后万万没想到美若天仙的掌上明珠也变成了胖乎乎的恐龙,姑爷更是打着灯笼也找不到的丑角。受到惊吓的二老发现灾难才刚刚开始…… 国王很早和仙女教母谈好了条件,要让费奥娜嫁给她的儿子白马王子。白马王子出马,本应该是马到成功的,但是没想到半路杀出个程咬金抢先一步屠龙救美了。于是国王决定雇佣大名鼎鼎的怪物杀手穿靴子的猫,希望他能把他们的绊脚石给除掉…… Right after their honeymoon the newly wed couple goes to Princess Fiona's parents for dinner. When a Fairy God Mother discovers Fiona and Shrek are married she reminds the king about a deal they agreed on years ago that Fiona should have married Prince Charming (her son). The king then hires a cat named Puss-in-Boots (a sword fighting cat and ogre slayer) to kill Shrek... 《怪物史莱克II》电影剧照 影片片段欣赏:
Shrek: It's so good to be home! Just you and me and... Donkey: Two can be as bad as one... Shrek: Donkey? Donkey: Shrek! Fiona! Aren't you two a sight for sore eyes! Give us a hug, Shrek, you old love machine. And look at you, Mrs. Shrek. How 'bout a side of sugar for steed(马,战马)? Shrek: Donkey, what are you doing here? Donkey: I was just taking care of your love nest(爱巢) for you. Shrek: Oh, you mean like...sorting the mail and watering the plants? Donkey: Yeah, and feeding the fish! Shrek: I don't have any fish. Donkey: You do now. I call that one Shrek and the other Fiona. That shrek is a rascally devil. Get your... Shrek: Oh, well, look at the time. I guess you'd better be going. Donkey: Wait a minute. Don't you want to tell me about your trip? Or how about a game of Parchessi? Fiona: Actually, Donkey? Shouldn't you be getting home to Dragon? Donkey: Oh, yeah, that. I don't know. She's been all moody and stuff lately. So I thought I'd move in with you guys. Fiona: Well, you know we're always happy to see you, Donkey. Shrek: But Fiona and I are married now. We need a little time, you know, to be together. Just with each other. Alone. Donkey: Say no more, say no more. You don't have to worry about a thing. I will always be here to make sure nobody bothers you. Shrek: Donkey! Donkey: Yes, roomie? Shrek: You're bothering me. Donkey: Oh, OK. All right, cool. I guess...Me and Pinocchio(皮诺曹)was going to try to catch a tournament, anyway, so...Maybe I'll see y'all Sunday for a barbecue or something. Shrek: He'll be fine. Now, where were we? Oh. I think I remember. Donkey! Donkey: I know, I know! Alone! I'm going! I'm going. Hey, what do you want me to tell these other guys. | ||||||||