日本政府世博会期间免收来宾签证费 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/24 15:22 国际在线 |
Japan is to waive visa charges for visitors who also attend the six-month World Exposition, the international showcase of technology and innovation which opens next month in central Aichi prefecture. Japan said short-term, non-employment visas issued from this Friday to September 25, the last day of the World Expo, would be free if the trip included a visit to the event. The exemption "is expected to promote visits from overseas, especially from neighboring Asian countries," a foreign ministry statement said. Japan generally charges 3,000 yen (29 dollars) for a single-entry visa and 6,000 yen for a double-entry or multiple-entry visa. Japan already allows nationals of 58 countries to enter without visas and is exceptionally exempting South Korean and Taiwanese tourists to encourage them to visit the World Expo, which opens March 25. Japan hopes 15 million people will visit the World Expo, which will include displays by 122 countries with the main theme of making technology friendly to the environment. |
日本政府世博会期间免收来宾签证费 |
为期6个月的日本爱知世博会即将于3月25日开幕。日前,日本政府宣布在世博会期间将免收与会来宾的签证费。 据法新社2月23日报道,日本外务省公布的一份声明说,从本周五(25日)起到9月25日(世博会最后一天)这段时间内发行的短期、非雇工性签证将为与会来宾免费办理。而通常情况下,在日本办理一次入境签证需要花3000日元(约合29美元),办理两次入境和多次入境签证则需要花6000日元。 报道说,日本已经允许58个国家的侨民无需签证即可入境,同时还正在免除韩国和中国台湾地区游客的签证,以鼓励他们参加世博会。日本政府期望能有1500万来宾参加世博会。 本届世博会上设有122个国家的展区;展览的一个重要主题就是让科技与环境协调友好地发展。(文/孙亚萍) |