组图:游弋在爱尔兰水域的鱼类精灵 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/25 19:04 国际在线 |
In clown stripes and swirls, a foot-long (30-centimeter-long) cuckoo wrasse (Labrus mixtus), common in Irish waters, hovers over a vivid sea floor off Valentia Island. All cuckoos are born female; some become males later in life, usually after experiencing motherhood for several years first. A single male will dominate his habitat. When he dies, a top-ranking female will transform to take his place. 这种30厘米长,身上带有条纹的cuckoo wrasse鱼在爱尔兰水域很常见。所有的cuckoo wrasse鱼刚生下来时都是雌性的,后来其中的一些雌鱼在当了几年母亲后,会转变成雄鱼。雄鱼会在它的领地里起支配作用,但等它死了之后,就会有一只雌鱼转变为雄鱼来接替它的位置。
Some biologists thought that the finger-long red blenny (Parablennius ruber, also called a Portuguese blenny) lived exclusively in Portuguese waters. Turns out the little fish's home range is quite a bit bigger. Photographer Brian Skerry spied this one peeking from a crevice near Ireland's southwest coast. "We found they were common off Valentia Island," he says. 有些生物学家认为这种手指长的红色鳚鱼(red blenny)只生活在葡萄牙海域。但事实证明,这种小鱼的生活范围要比人们想像的宽阔得多。摄影师布莱恩·史盖瑞就在爱尔兰西南海岸附近的岩石裂缝中,捕捉到了这种小鱼的身影。
Churning up silt some 80 feet (24 meters) down, the rare burrowing fireworks anemone (Pachycerianthus multiplicatus), with up to 200 tentacles, has been recorded in just a handful of spots off the west coast of Scotland and Ireland. Local marine biologist Nick Pfeiffer led photographer Brian Skerry out to see the soccer-ball-size animals in a protected bay in Connemara. "Knowing how scarce they are," says Skerry," it was like making a new discovery when we came upon them." 在苏格兰和爱尔兰西部沿海,拥有200多只触须的珍稀海葵让人们感受到了这种难得一见的美丽。(文/王高山) |