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苏拉缺席 火箭队急需补充组织后卫
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/25 19:20  国际在线

  The Rockets are more than the pile of basketball rubble they were the first time they were without Bob Sura.

  That much has become obvious.

  As much as news of Sura's injuring his back again rattled nerves at the Toyota Center offices, he leaves the team he helped pull together in far better shape than it was when he first suited up. And when we say shape, that means Rod Strickland notwithstanding, of course.

  Before Sura injected energy and production, sparking a 25-game stretch that had people thinking big before the All-Star break, things were much worse and prospects more dire.

  Defense and rebounding were optional. Yao Ming was less effective. Tracy McGrady was unsure if he loved Rockets coach Jeff Van Gundy or despised him. Jim Jackson became expendable. And turnovers could always be counted on like most Rockets crowds in the fourth quarter.

  Sura is out for what is being called an unspecified amount of time, which never is good, especially when the head coach says "this is no tweak."

  But unlike a balsa-wood model, the Rockets won't fall apart just because some glue is gone. Sura didn't mean that much to the club, and too many things are going right.

  The Rockets have a much better feel for what they are and want to be. They've found a beautiful addition in David Wesley. They have maybe the two best players at their respective positions in the Western Conference playing better together, comfortable in their on- and off-court relationships and the confidence they have in one another.

  With or without Sura, the Rockets have a much better grasp of the little things playoff contenders must have.

  "(Sura's) greatest attributes were his penetration for us and his rebounding and his passion," Van Gundy said before the game. "Certain guys have a nose for the ball. You've got guys who shy away at the point of impact, and you've got guys who run through the ball and don't mind taking a hit."

  Sura has made a career out of taking his share of hits and scrapes. Clearly, the Rockets won't crumble in his absence. But rest assured, they're going to take more hits like this one hits that hurt unless they find help.

苏拉缺席 火箭队急需补充组织后卫






  在赛前,范甘迪曾这样评价苏拉:“苏拉最突出的特点就是他的突破、冲抢前场篮板以及他的激情。”当然,火箭队不会因为苏拉的缺席而无法进入季后赛,但可以确定的是,他们会遭遇到类似和超音速比赛这样的挫折,如果他们不想这样,就必须寻求解决之道。 (文/黄晓芳)


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