伦敦大理石拱门将再次被迁移(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/01 14:14 国际在线 |
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After long being marooned on one of London's busiest roundabouts, Marble Arch may be moved piece by piece to a more dignified location. The 180-year-old arch, which can be reached only by braving a warren of dingy subways often inhabited by beggars, could be transplanted about 100 yards away southwest towards Speakers' Corner. Transport for London (TfL), keen to improve pedestrian access between Oxford Street and Hyde Park, believes that the arch should again serve as a grand entrance to Central London's largest green space. It was designed by John Nash in the style of Rome's Constantine Arch and built in 1827 as the chief entrance to Buckingham Palace. It proved too narrow for ceremonial processions and was moved in 1851 to its present location. For the next century it served as the northeastern entrance to the park. But early last century the 45ft-high monument was surrounded by roads which gradually became more choked as Park Lane was converted into a six-lane highway. The confluence of Bayswater Road, Edgware Road, Oxford Street and Park Lane is one of London's busiest gyratories, used by almost 6,000 vehicles an hour at peak times. Peter Hendy, TfL's director of surface transport, said: "The present layout at Marble Arch is brutal for anyone trying to walk from Oxford Street to Hyde Park. "The arch is isolated on an island which serves no real purpose. It's a fine monument and it ought to be in a place where it can be seen and admired. It could be moved closer to Speaker's Corner and return to being the entrance to the park. " Mr Hendy said that it could become a landmark to help tourists to locate Speaker's Corner. "It would be an interesting conjunction between an arch built for royalty and a place of public oratory open to everyone." Moving the arch is one of the options being considered by a working group which includes TfL, Westminster Council, the Royal Parks and the Grosvenor and Portman estates. |
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伦敦大理石拱门将再次被迁移(图) |
英国伦敦市著名的大理石拱门(Marble Arch)由于其所处的位置,现已成了伦敦最繁华的街道交叉点。因此,它有可能会被转移到更能适合它的地方去。 据《泰晤士报》2月28日报道,伦敦大理石拱门可能会被移到海德公园“演讲者之角”西南方向100码(合91.44米)远的地方。目前,伦敦交通局、威斯敏斯区政府、英国皇家公园和格罗夫纳-波特曼房地产公司正在一起致力于这项迁移计划。 报道说,伦敦大理石高45英尺(约合13.7米),拱门迄今已经有180年的历史了,是约翰·纳什在1827年仿照罗马康斯坦丁拱门设计建造的。当时,它是作为白金汉宫的主要入口。但是人们后来发现,这个门太窄了,不适合白金汉宫所举行的各种仪式和活动。于是在1851年,它被移到了现在的位置——海德公园东北入口处。 但是,从20世纪早期开始,大理石拱门逐渐被各条道路包围,贝斯沃特路、埃季瓦厄路、牛津大街和公园路都在大理石拱门这里交汇;由于公园路变为了一条6车道的公路,这一区域成为伦敦最繁忙的地段,在交通高峰期,平均每小时就约有6000辆机动车通过。这样一来,大理石拱门就逐渐被隔绝在了一个交通环岛上;只有穿过地铁通道才能到达拱门。 伦敦交通部水陆运输部门官员彼得·亨迪说:“由于大理石拱门的存在,人们现在从牛津大街走到海德公园变成了一件危险的事情。” 现在,乞丐们常常会住在拱门下面。亨迪说:“拱门被隔绝在环岛上,它变成了多余和没有意义的东西。但实际上,它是一座精美的纪念碑,应该被放在人们能欣赏和景仰它的地方。” 亨迪说,如果大理石拱门被移到“演讲者之角”西南边的话,游人们就会很容易找到“演讲者之角”,拱门就成了一个地标。伦敦交通部局热切地希望有更多步行游客会到牛津大街与海德公园来散步。它相信,大理石拱门将成为伦敦中央地区面积最大的绿地——海德公园的一个宏伟入口。 (文/孙亚萍) |