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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/02 10:07  英语辅导报

  Part III Vocabulary (20 minutes)

  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

  31. This is not an economical way to get more water; ________, it is very expensive.

  A) or else

  B) in short

  C) on the contrary

  D) on the other hand

  32. First published in 1927, the charts remain an ________ source for researchers.

  A) intelligent B) indispensable

  C) inevitable D) identical

  33. You should try to ________ your ambition and be more realistic.

  A) restrain B) retain

  C) reserve D) replace

  34. There is a ________ of impatience in the tone of his voice.

  A) dot B) hint C) notion D) phrase

  35. Deserts and high mountains have always been a ________ to the movement of people from place to place.

  A) jam B) barrier

  C) fence D) prevention

  36. Joe is not good at sports, but when it ________ mathematics, he is the best in the class.

  A) comes up to B) comes around to

  C) comes to D) comes on to

  37. Please ________ dictionaries when you are not sure of word spelling or meaning.

  A) search B) seek

  C) inquire D) consult

  38. Critics believe that the control of television by mass advertising has ________ the quality of the programs.

  A) affected B) effected

  C) lessened D) declined

  39. She keeps a supply of candles in the house in case of power________.

  A) drop B) lack C) failure D) absence

  40. For more than 20 years, we've been supporting educational programs that ________ from kindergartens to colleges.

  A) spread B) shift

  C) move D) range

  41. I was so ________ in today's history lesson. I didn't understand a thing.

  A) confused B) neglected

  C) amused D) amazed

  42. I must congratulate you ________ the excellent design of the new bridge.

  A) with B) at C) on D) of

  43. Now that spring is here, you can ________ these fur coats till you need them again next winter.

  A) put over B) put off

  C) put down D) put away

  44. I went along thinking of nothing only looking at things around me ________.

  A) in brief B) in doubt

  C) in harmony D) in particular

  45. In order to make things convenient for the people, the department is planning to set up some ________ shops in the residential area.

  A) flowing B) mobile

  C) drifting D) unstable

  46. The lecture which lasted about three hours was so ________ that the audience couldn't help yawning.

  A) tedious B) clumsy

  C) bored D) tired

  47. It ________ you to at least 50% off the regular price of either frames or lenses when you buy both.

  A) credits B) entitles

  C) presents D) tips

  48. When carbon is added to iron in proper ________ the result is steel.

  A) rates B) densities

  C) proportions D) thicknesses

  49. There is a fully ________ health center on the ground floor of the main office building.

  A) equipped B) projected

  C) provided D) installed

  50. Nancy is only a sort of ________ of her husband's opinion and has no ideas of her own.

  A) shadow B) sample

  C) reproduction D) echo

  51. Mr. Smith says: “The media is very good at sensing a mood and then ________ it.”

  A) exaggerating B) overtaking

  C) widening D) enlarging

  52. The ________ at the military academy is so rigid that students can hardly bear it.

  A) confinement B) convention

  C) discipline D) principle

  53. Doctors warned against chewing tobacco as a ________ for smoking.

  A) succession B) substitute

  C) revival D) relief

  54. It was the first time that such a ________ had to be taken at a British nuclear power station.

  A) presentation B) preparation

  C) prediction D) precaution

  55. The board of the company has decided to ________ its operations to include all aspects of the clothing business.

  A) multiply B) stretch

  C) lengthen D) expand

  56. The test results are beyond ________;they have been repeated in labs all over the world.

  A) conflict B) dispute

  C) bargain D) negotiation

  57. The group of technicians are engaged in a study which ________ all aspects of urban planning.

  A) embraces B) performs

  C) inserts D) grips

  58. ________ that he wasn't happy with the arrangements, I tried to book a different hotel.

  A) Puzzling B) Penetrating

  C) Perceiving D) Preserving

  59. His business was very successful, but it was at the ________ of his family life.

  A) exhaustion B) consumption

  C) credit D) expense

  60. At yesterday's party, Elizabeth's boyfriend amused us by ________ Charlie Chaplin.

  A) modeling B) imitating

  C) following D) copying

  解析: 31. 本句意为:用这种方法获取更多的水不经济;________, 非常昂贵。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“相反地”之义的短语,所以选项C) on the contrary是正确答案。or else为“否则,要不然”;in short为“总之,简言之”,表示总结;on the other hand为“另一方面”,常与on the one hand(一方面)连用。

  32. 本句意为:这些首次发表于1927年的图表对于研究者来说仍是________的资料。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“必须的,必不可少的”之义的词,所以选项B) indispensable是正确答案。intelligent为“聪明的”;inevitable为“不可避免的,必然发生的”;identical为“相同的,相等的,完全相似的”,均不符合句意。

  33. 本句意为:你应该试着________你的野心,更加现实一些。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“抑制,克制”之义的词,所以选项A) restrain是正确答案。reserve 为“保留,保有”;retain 为“保存,保持”;replace “代替,取代……”,均不与ambition连用。

  34. 本句意为:他说话的语气有________不耐烦。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“点儿,些许”之义的词,hint意为“微量”,常用作a hint of...(有点儿……),所以选项B) hint是正确答案。dot为“点,圆点”;notion为“概念,想法”;phrase为“成语,惯用语”。

  35. 本句意为:沙漠和高山成了人们来回走动的________。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“障碍,阻碍”之义的词,barrier意为“障碍、阻碍”,常用作a barrier to...(对……是一个障碍),所以选项B) barrier是正确答案。jam为“混杂、阻塞”,常用作traffic jam(交通阻塞);fence为“围墙、栅栏、篱笆”;prevention为“防止、预防”。

  36. 本句意为:乔不擅长体育运动,但________数学,他是班上最好的。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“谈到、说到”之义的词,所以选项C) comes to是正确答案,因为when it comes to...是一个固定句型,为“当谈到……,当说到……”。comes up to为“走到……跟前,走进……”;comes around to为“随兴来访问”;comes on to 这个短语一般不这样用,只用作come on,为“跟随,来临,开始,发生”。

  37. 本句意为:如果对单词的拼写或意思拿不准,请________字典。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“查阅、参考”之义的词,所以选项D) consult是正确答案。search为“搜查、搜寻”;inquire为“询问、查询”;seek为“寻求、探求、追求”。

  38. 本句意为:批评家们认为,大量的广告充斥电视会________节目的质量。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“对……有影响”之义的词,所以选项A) affected是正确答案。lessened 为“使小、使少、减轻、降低”;effected 为“使产生,造成……”;declined 为“衰弱、减退、下跌”。

  39. 本句意为:她在屋子里储存了一些蜡烛,以防________。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“故障”之义的词,power failure为“停电”,所以选项C) failure是正确答案。drop 为“滴、一滴、微量、少量”;lack 为“欠缺、不足、没有”,如lack of water缺水,lack of money缺钱;absence 为“缺少、缺乏”,也用作“absence of...”,如:Absence of rain caused the plants to die. 因缺少雨水导致植物枯死。

  40. 本句意为:20多年来,我们一直在支持________幼儿园________ 大学的教育节目。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“在……之间变化,从……到……”之义的词,range常用作range from...to...,所以选项D) range是正确答案。spread为“伸展、延伸”;move 为“移动、迁移”;shift 为“改变、变换”。

  41. 本句意为:今天历史课上,我很________,什么都听不懂。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“困惑的”之义的词,所以选项A) confused是正确答案。 amused 为“愉快的,觉得好玩的”;neglected 为“轻视的、疏忽的”;amazed为“惊讶的、惊愕的”。

  42. 本句意为:你把这座新桥设计得如此完美,我得向你表示祝贺。根据题意和所给选项,只有on与congratulate连用,即congratulate somebody on something祝贺某人某事情,所以选项C) on是正确答案。

  43. 本句意为:既然春天来了,你可以把这些带毛的大衣________。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“把……收起来,处理”之义的词,所以选项D) put away是正确答案。 put over为 “越过(障碍),盖(被子)”;put down 为“放下,使……下车”;put off 为“延期、拖延”。

  44. 本句意为:我走在路上,什么也没想,只是________朝四周看。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“怀疑地、迷惑地”之义的词,所以选项B) in doubt是正确答案。 in brief 为“简言之、简单地说”;in harmony 为“和谐地、一致地”;in particular为“特别地”。

  45. 本句意为:为了给人民带来方便,那家商店计划着在居民区设立一些________商店。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“可移动的、能移动的”之义的词,所以选项B) mobile是正确答案。flowing为“流动的、流畅的、飘逸的”;drifting 为“漂动的、漂流的”;unstable为“不稳定的、不牢固的”。

  46. 本句意为:那个持续了3个小时的演讲如此________以至于听众们禁不住打起了哈欠。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“冗长乏味的、单调沉闷的”之义的词,所以选项A) tedious是正确答案。bored 为“无聊的、厌烦的”,用于修饰人;clumsy 为“笨拙的,粗俗的”;tired为“厌烦的、厌腻的”,也用于修饰人。

  47. 本句意为:如果镜架和镜框你都买,那么我们可以把其中的一种以正常价格的一半卖给你。credits 为“把……归于……”;presents 为“赠送、呈献”;tips为“给小费”;entitles为“把权利给……”,常用于entitle somebody to something(某人有权享受……),根据题意和所给选项,选项B) entitles是正确答案。

  48. 本句意为:往铁里面加入适当________的碳,就会生产出来钢。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“比例”之义的词,proportions为“比例”,in proper proportions为“按适当比例”,所以选项C) proportions 是正确答案。rates 为“速度,费用,比率”,the divorce rate离婚率;densities为“密集、浓度”;thicknesses为“厚度、浓度”。

  49. 本句意为:在主办公楼的一楼有一个________精良的医疗中心。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“装备、配备”之义的词,equip为“(将必用品)装备于……,配备于……”,常用作well/poorly/fully equipped(装备好/差/精良),所以选项A) equipped是正确答案。provided 为“提供、供应”;projected为“投射、计划、企划”;installed为“安装(机器、设备等),装置,装设”。

  50. 本句意为:南希只是________她丈夫的观点,根本没有自己的看法。shadow 为“影、影子”; reproduction 为“复写、复制、仿造品”;sample 为“样本、样品”;echo 为“重复,模仿”,根据题意,选项D) echo是正确答案。

  51. 本句意为:史密斯说:“媒体善于感觉气氛,并对其加以________”。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“夸张、夸大”之义的词,所以选项A) exaggerating是正确答案。widening 为“弄宽、变宽”;overtaking 为“赶上、超过”;enlarging 为“扩大、变大、增加”。

  52. 本句意为:军校的________ 太严,学生们几乎无法忍受。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“纪律、风纪”之义的词,所以选项C) discipline是正确答案。 confinement 为“监禁、幽禁”;convention为“惯例、规则、习俗”; principle 为“原理,原则,信条”。

  53. 本句意为:医生告诫人们,不要以咀嚼烟草________抽烟。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“替代”之义的词,所以选项B) substitute是正确答案。 succession为“(地位、财产等的)继承,继任”;revival为“复活、复苏、恢复”;relief为“缓和、减低、减轻”。

  54. 本句意为:这是英国核电站首次采取这种________。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“预防措施”之义的词,所以选项D) precaution是正确答案。presentation为“上映,赠送”;prediction为 “预言、预报”;preparation为“准备”。

  55. 本句意为:公司董事会决定把公司的经营业务________ 到服装生意的各个方面。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“扩大、扩展”之义的词,expand为“扩大(用于公司、商铺扩大规模)”,所以选项D) expand是正确答案。multiply为“增大”;lengthen 为“使加长,变长”;stretch为“扩张、伸展”。

  56. 本句意为:这些实验结果是________;在全世界的实验室里,人们屡次得出这些相同的结果。 conflict为“冲突、抵触、战斗”;bargain为“议价”;negotiation为“谈判、协商”;dispute为“争论、辩论、争执”,常用于beyond (past, without) dispute(没有争论余地的,无疑的),其他三个词均不与beyond连用,所以选项B) dispute是正确答案。

  57. 本句意为:这组技术人员正在从事一项________城市规划各方面的研究。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“包含、包括”之义的词,所以选项A) embraces是正确答案。inserts为“插入、嵌入”;performs为“履行、执行;演出、表演”;grips为 “握紧、支配、控制”。

  58. 本句意为:________他对安排不满意,我试图再预定一个房间。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“看出、察觉”之义的词,perceiving是perceive的现在分词形式,为“领悟、理解,看出、察觉”,所以选项C) Perceiving是正确答案。 其他三个词也均为现在分词,Puzzling为“使迷惑,使为难”;Penetrating为“穿透,渗入”; Preserving为 “保护,保存”。

  59. 本句意为:他在生意上的成功是________其家庭生活为代价的。exhaustion为“耗尽,枯竭”;credit为 “信任,声誉,声望”;consumption为“消费,消耗”;expense为“花费,消费,支出”,常用作at the expense of...,为“以……为代价,以……为牺牲”,根据题意,选项D) expense 是正确答案。

  60. 本句意为:在那天的晚会上,伊丽莎白的男友________卓别林,逗得大家哈哈大笑。根据题意和所给选项,应选能表示“模仿”之义的词,所以选项B) imitating是正确答案。这几个词均为动词的-ing形式,modeling为“做……的模型,按模型制作”;following为“跟随,接着,遵循”;copying为“抄写,誊写,抄袭”。

  (文/王 伟; 英语通大学英语四级考试版2004年第12期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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