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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/02 10:05  英语辅导报

  1. stimulate (正式) 促进,促使;激发,鼓励,激励。

  经典考题: John Dewey believed that education should be a preparation for life, that a person learns by doing, and that teaching must________the curiosity and creativity to children.

  A) seek B) stimulate C) shape D) secure (1998年6月四级考试第50题)

  答案为B) stimulate激发,鼓励。词义辨析题。A) seek寻找,探索;C) shape 塑造;D) secure保护。约翰杜威认为,教育应该为生活做准备;一个人应该通过做而学习;教育应该激发孩子们的好奇心和创造力。

  2. sting (stung, stung) (昆虫) 刺,叮;使感到刺痛。

  经典考题: Harry was ________ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.

  A) stung B) stuck

  C) bitten D) scratched


  答案为A) stung刺,叮。词义辨析题。 B) stuck 戳,刺死;C) bitten咬;D) scratched抓。哈里在采蜂蜜时被蜜蜂给蜇了。

  3. spot 点, 斑点; 地点。

  经典考题: The tomato juice left brown ________ on the front of my jacket.

  A) spot B) point

  C) track D) trace


  答案为A) spot斑点。词义辨析题。B) point 场所;C) track 行踪,轨道;D) trace 足迹,痕迹。番茄汁在我的夹克前面留下了褐色斑点。

  4. supply n. 补给,供给。in short supply 短缺,供应不足。

  经典考题: In previous times, when fresh meat was in short ________, pigeons were kept by many house-holds as a source of food.

  A) store B) reserve

  C) supply D) provision


  答案为C) supply补给,供给。词义辨析题。A) store贮藏;B) reserve 储备量; D) provision供应。以往,当鲜肉短缺时,许多家庭把鸽子作为食物来源。

  5. transmit 发射,播放,广播;传播,传染。

  经典考题: Some diseases are________by certain water animals.

  A) transplanted B) transformed

  C) transported D) transmitted


  答案为D) transmitted传播,传染。词义辨析题。A)transplanted 转移,移植; B) transformed 改变,改观;C) transported 运输,运输系统。有些疾病是特定的水生动物传播的。

  6. take 搬走;夺取;接受。

  经典考题: Our son doesn't know what to ________ at the university; he can't make up his mind about his future.

  A) take over B) take after

  C) take in D) take up


  答案为D) take up开始从事,学习。词组词义辨析题。A) take over 接管; B) take after效仿; C) take in 欺骗,理解。我们的儿子不知道在大学里学什么,对将来他不知如何是好。

  经典考题: I'd ________ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.

  A) take into account B) account for

  C) make up for D) make out


  答案为A) take into account重视,考虑。词组词义辨析题。B) account for 解决,占; C)make up for 补偿;D) make out书写,认出来。我要考虑他在其他农民和商人中的声誉,然后才能决定是否发放贷款。

  7. status 身份,状况;社会地位,专业资格;职位。

  经典考题: The clothes a person wears may express his ________ or social position.

  A) curiosity B) status

  C) determination D) significance


  答案为B) status社会地位。词义辨析题。A) curiosity好奇心;C)determination决心; D) significance意义,重要性。一个人的穿着可以显示其身份或社会地位。

  8. transmission n. 传播,传送;(电视,广播的) 播送节目。

  经典考题: American football and baseball are becoming known to the British public through televised ________ from the United States.

  A) transfer B) deliveries

  C) transportations D) transmissions


  答案为D) transmissions传播, 播送。词义辨析题。A) transfer 转变,调派; B) deliveries 传递,发射。 C) transportations 运输,运输系统。美国足球与棒球通过本国的电视转播而为英国公众所熟知。

  9. span 时距,期间;一段时间;跨度,墩距。

  经典考题: According to the American federal government, residents of Hawaii have the longest life ________: 77.2 years.

  A) rank B) span

  C) scale D) scope


  答案为B) span时期,life span寿命。词义辨析题。 A) rank职位;C) scale刻度; D) scope 范围;视野。根据美国联邦政府的调查,夏威夷居民平均寿命最长:77.2岁。

  10. transformation 转变,改观,转化。

  经典考题: The twentieth century has witnessed an enormous worldwide political,economic and cultural ________.

  A) transmission B) transformation

  C) tradition D) transportation


  答案为B) transformation转变,改观,转化。词义辨析题A) transmission播送,传播;C) tradition传统;D)transportation运输。二十世纪经历了深刻的政治、经济和文化的变革。

  11. sufficient (正式)足够的,充足的。

  经典考题: The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have ________ supplies of petroleum.

  A) proficient B) efficient

  C) potential D) sufficient


  答案为D) sufficient足够的,充足的。词义辨析题。A) proficient熟练的;B) efficient有效率的;C) potential有潜力的。欧盟国家曾一度担心无法获得足够的石油供给。

  12. skim撇去油脂,浏览,略读,泛读。

  经典考题: He didn't have time to read the report word for word, he just ________ it.

  A) skimmed B) observed

  C) overlooked D) glanced


  答案为A) skimmed浏览,略读。词义辨析题。B) observed 观察,遵守; C) overlooked 忽视,俯瞰;D) glanced扫视。 他没时间逐字逐句地读报告,只是大致浏览一下。

  13. symbol 与of搭配,意为象征;符号,记号,标记。

  经典考题: Many people like white color as it is a ________ of purity.

  A) symbol B) sign

  C) signal D) symptom


  答案为A) symbol象征;符号。词义辨析题。B) sign标记,征兆; C) signal信号;D) sym-ptom症状;许多人喜欢白色,因为它是纯洁的象征。

  14. shrink 缩小,缩水;退缩,畏缩。

  经典考题: The advertisement says this material doesn't ________ in the wash, but it has.

  A) dissolve B) contract

  C) slim D) shrink


  答案为D) shrink缩水。词义辨析题。A) dissolve溶解; B) contract 金属收缩;C) slim变细,减肥。广告上说这种衣料不缩水,但是缩了。

  15. turn与许多介词或副词搭配,构成许多意思各异的短语,在四级考试中属于高频词组。

  经典考题: I waited for him half an hour, but he never ________.

  A) turned in B) turned up

  C) turned down D) turned off


  答案为B) turned up露面。词组词义辨析题。A) turned in交上去;C) turned down拒绝别人;降低音量;D) turned off关掉。我等了半个小时,可他根本没露面。

  16. squeeze 压,挤,榨,捏;压出,挤出;挤入,挤过。

  经典考题: The opening between the rocks was very narrow, but the boys managed to ________ through.

  A) press B) squeeze C) stretch D) leap


  答案为B) squeeze挤,榨,捏。词义辨析题。A) press按,压;C) stretch 伸展;D) leap跳跃。岩石间的缝隙很窄,但男孩们设法挤过去了。

  17. set与许多介词或者副词搭配,构成许多意思各异的短语,在四级考试中属于高频词组。

  经典考题: The continuous rain ________ the harvesting of wheat crop by two weeks.

  A) set back B) set off

  C) set out D) set aside


  答案为A) set back阻碍,使受挫折。词组词义辨析题。 B) set off 出发;C) set out 出发,开始;D) set aside 不顾。连绵不断的雨使收割小麦推迟了两周。

  18. sensitive 与to 搭配;敏感的。

  经典考题: Some plants are very ________ to light; they prefer the shade.

  A) sensible B) flexible

  C) objective D) sensitive


  答案为D) sensitive敏感的。词义辨析题。A)sensible明智的,合情合理的;B) flexible易弯曲的;C) objective 客观的。一些植物对光很敏感,而喜爱阴暗。

  (文/胡素芬; 英语通大学英语四级考试版2004年第12期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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