画家蒙克失窃作品24小时内失而复得 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/09 12:07 国际在线 |
Three works by the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch, stolen from a hotel in southern Norway, were recovered yesterday less than 24 hours after they were taken. Two were lithographs (one of the Swedish playwright August Strindberg, the other of Munch himself), and the third a watercolour of a woman in a blue dress, estimated together to be worth hundreds of thousands of pounds. Iver Stensrud, of the Oslo police, declined to say what condition the works were in when they were recovered. He said that several arrests had been made. The works were taken from the dining room of the Refsnes Gods hotel-restaurant outside the city of Moss, 30 miles south of Oslo, on Sunday. The alarm system in the hotel was not turned on at the time. The police said the thieves were disturbed by a hotel worker leaving for home as they ripped the works from the wall with crowbars. "One of the men dropped the piece he was yanking out," an officer said. "It fell on the floor, smashing the glass. He then grabbed what was inside, and they left with all three works." The police are still investigating the theft of a version of Munch's masterpiece The Scream, and another famous work, The Madonna, from an Oslo museum in August. |
画家蒙克失窃作品24小时内失而复得 |
3月6日,西方表现主义绘画艺术先驱、挪威著名画家爱德华-蒙克的3幅作品在该国南部一家酒店被盗。然而,在此后不到24个小时的时间里,挪威警方顺利查获了失窃的名画。 据英国《卫报》3月8日报道,目前,负责侦破此案的挪威首都奥斯陆警方拒绝透露失而复得的名画是否受到损坏。但警方表示,已将数名嫌疑人抓获。 丢失的蒙克作品为两幅平板画和一幅名为《蓝裙子》的著名水彩画,3幅画的总价值达到数十万美元。这3幅作品于6日晚在距奥斯陆30英里(48公里)处的莫斯城中一家名为雷夫尼斯的豪华酒店里被盗。当时,酒店的警报系统处于关闭状态。 警方透露说,当窃贼正用铁撬在从墙上撬画时,酒店工作人员的突然闯进使他们乱了阵脚。他们中的一个人由于拽镜框力气过大,而将镜框摔在了地上,并打碎了镜框玻璃。接着,窃贼取出其中的画,并捎带了另两幅画,仓皇而逃。 研究“艺术盗窃犯罪”的专家亚历山得拉-史密斯指出,发生在6日的蒙克作品失窃案可能是一伙带有侥幸心理的蒙克作品业余爱好者所为。 报道说,去年8月,在奥斯陆博物馆失窃的蒙克名作《呐喊》至今尚未找到,警察仍在全力搜捕犯罪嫌疑人。(文/蒋黎黎) |